"Ren Ran, will you be my girlfriend?"

There was a buzzing sound in her ears, as if there were countless flies and mosquitoes flying around.

Suddenly, her shoulders sank, and the force was so great that it woke up the person who was wandering in the void.

Ren Ran opened her eyes, and the dazzling sunlight made her dizzy.

"Ran Ran, are you so happy that you're crazy?"

She squinted her eyes slightly and looked at the youthful and beautiful face in front of her, with a little immature.

"Xu Li?"

Xu Li smiled and said, "You're not really excited and crazy. Hurry up and agree, Pei Ming is still waiting."

Ren Ran looked at the door of the dormitory, where there were heart-shaped roses placed. In the middle stood a handsome boy, holding flowers in his hands, staring at her with a smile in his peach blossom eyes, with the confidence of determination in his eyes.

Looking around, there were familiar faces in the strangeness. After the immaturity on their faces faded, she could vaguely tell that they were all her high school classmates.

The once vague memories gradually became clear.

This vigorous confession ended in vain after the dean of teaching arrived.

Pei Ming and her, the heroine of this incident, were taken to the office by the dean of teaching for education, and were criticized by the whole school during the radio gymnastics on the second day.

The two read the self-criticism in front of all the teachers and students in the school to warn others.

She never expected that Pei Ming would claim in his self-criticism in front of all the teachers and students in the school that she seduced him and threatened to die. He did such a thing for her life safety, and deeply reflected on his improper handling of the matter, which caused a bad influence.

It was from this incident that she became a joke in the whole school and a bad example in the mouths of parents.

Amid the unbearable rumors, her grades plummeted and she suffered from depression.

It was her mother's careful care that pulled her out of the abyss little by little.

When she cheered up, her mother died.

Now she is back to this day again, and she will never let this happen again.

Pei Ming, Pei Ming, it's time to pay back the hatred of the previous life.

Ren Ran saw the dean wearing a wig coming towards this side, she opened her voice and said loudly: "Pei Ming, have you looked in the mirror?"

Pei Ming was stunned.

The students watching were also confused, but those who reacted quickly understood and covered their mouths and laughed.

"Be your girlfriend? You are not worthy!"

"She is not beautiful, but she thinks beautifully."

Pei Ming was completely stunned, as if he didn't expect her to say so.

Xu Li pulled her sleeve, "Ran Ran, what's wrong with you? Didn't you say that you like Pei Ming?"

"That's because you like him! You don't dare to confess yourself, but you look at men in my name. I didn't expose you before because we are friends. You should never disturb my study."

Pei Ming wanted to refute, but Ren Ran's little mouth chattered, not giving him a chance at all.

"My parents sent me to school to study, not to fall in love. You have romantic thoughts in your mind, but I only have math, physics and chemistry in my mind."

"Whoever asks me to fall in love is my enemy."

The dean of teaching standing outside the crowd was shocked and looked at Ren Ran with admiration.

Pei Ming felt the strange eyes from all around, and her face flushed. She didn't know whether she was scolded by her or embarrassed.

"What are you doing here!" The dean of teaching shouted, and the students made way.

He looked at Pei Ming with unkind eyes, "Pei Ming, it's you again! Come with me to the office, everyone else go away. It's not decent to be here."

As soon as the two left, the others followed.

Xu Li grabbed Ren Ran's hand, "Ran Ran, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't you like Pei Ming? I'm helping you, aren't you happy?" She said sarcastically.

Shake off her hand, she didn't have time to play sisterly love with her here.

When she was caught up in rumors, her good friend not only did not help her, but instead confirmed her guilt behind her back and completely nailed her to the pillar of shame.

She couldn't afford such a good friend!

She left the annoying Xu Li behind her and hurried home.

She pushed open the door of the villa and saw her mother alive in the living room. Her longing and grievances surged out at this moment, and she rushed forward to hug her tightly.

Ren Suya looked at her little firecracker in her arms and patted her back, "Ranran, what's wrong?"

Ren Ran didn't speak, but hugged her mother tightly, tears falling silently, and the low sobs gradually turned into wailing.

This abnormal behavior scared Ren's mother.

"Did someone bully you? Tell mom, mom will help you get justice."

"No one bullied me, I just, I just miss you. Mom, I miss you, I really miss you." Her voice choked.

Ren Suya reached out to wipe the tears from her face, gently and dotingly, "You silly child. I just saw you half a day ago, do you miss me so much? Tell me, did you encounter something, or are you short of money?"

"I had a terrible nightmare. In the dream, you left and I could never find you again."

Ren Suya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You girl, even nightmares can scare you, are you made of rabbits?"

After calming down, Ren Ran wiped away her tears and stuck to her mother.

It feels so good to regain what you have lost!

At this moment, the door of the villa opened, and her father Kong Liji came in with a bouquet of flowers.

Ren Ran looked up at her much younger father, without any joy, only hatred.

The love she once had for him disappeared when he brought his mistress and illegitimate daughter to the door and forced her mother to death.

She once thought that her father loved her mother and her.

But she saw with her own eyes that her kind father defended his mistress and his illegitimate daughter. No matter what they did, her father believed them unconditionally, vented all his faults and anger on them, and spoke ill of them.

Her mother could not accept her father's betrayal, and could not accept that his former love was all lies. On a stormy night, she took sleeping pills and committed suicide, abandoning her.

Kong Liji looked at the mother and daughter, gave the flowers in his hand to Ren Suya, and handed a box of cakes to Ren Ran.

"Ran Ran, Dad brought you your favorite durian thousand layers."

In the past, she would have happily hugged her father and acted like a spoiled child, but now she had no strength to do it.

Kong Liji looked at his daughter strangely, noticed that her eyes were red, as if she had cried, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Who bullied my baby daughter?"

"This girl had a nightmare."

Kong Liji smiled, "You girl, Dad thought something happened to you."

Looking at the father in front of him, he felt sick.

How did he do it, playing the role of a considerate husband and a kind father in front of them.

Doesn't he feel disgusted?

She wanted to expose his true face, to save her mother and prevent her from repeating the same mistakes.

Looking at his hypocritical consideration and hypocritical kindness, she clenched her hands into fists.

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