
She must endure!

She was not going to alarm the enemy, she had to tear open her father's hypocritical true face little by little.

She wanted her mother to find out little by little and slowly accept the process. It was not like in the previous life, when she suddenly knew about this matter and could not bear the blow, so she was unable to recover and let the mistress ride on their heads and bully them.

Kong Liji saw that his daughter did not rush over as usual, and was wondering in his heart, and then he saw her hugging his daughter-in-law's hand and said coquettishly: "Dad, I don't eat. I want to lose weight."

Kong Liji's doubts dissipated instantly, and he smiled and responded, "Okay, okay, if you don't eat, your mother and I will eat, and see how long you can endure."

The mother patted her hand lovingly, "You little greedy cat, don't cry and regret it later."

Ren Ran imitated her former self and stuck out her tongue playfully.

At night, she acted coquettishly and asked to sleep with her mother. The couple couldn't resist her and had to agree.

Close the door, so that they can whisper.

"Mom, what kind of person do you think Dad is?"

Ren Suya thought for a moment, "Your dad is a responsible, family-oriented man, and a very good father."

"Mom, can you tell me how you and Dad met? Did you chase Dad, or did Dad chase you?" Ren Ran seriously played the role of a curious child gossiping about his parents' past.

Ren's mother was pestered so much that she smiled and said while recalling, "Once I met a group of hooligans on my way back to school. At that time, your dad suddenly appeared and beat the hooligans away for me. After meeting on campus several times, the relationship between the two gradually became familiar..."

Ren Ran looked at the happy look on her mother's face, and her heart was filled with sourness.

Because she knew all this was fake.

There was no hero saving the beauty, but there was a deliberate approach.

She really wanted to tell her mother that her father didn't like her at all, he had someone in his heart, but he didn't want to struggle, so he found you.

"Mom." Ren Ran couldn't listen any longer, so he interrupted her and hugged her mother with both hands, "Mom, Dad won't betray us, right?"

Ren Suya was surprised. She always felt that her daughter was weird today, and what she said now was even more ambiguous.

"Ran Ran, have you heard any rumors?"

"I'm just asking casually." Ren Ran said this, but her face showed 'I'm so worried'.

How could Ren Suya not see, "You're hiding it from mom now?"

"I, I..." Ren Ran was entangled. After a long while, he seemed to have made up his mind and looked at her worriedly, "I saw Dad being intimate with a woman. Mom, don't think too much, maybe I saw it wrong."

Ren Suya felt her daughter's worry.

"Mom, don't tell Dad about this. I'm afraid Dad will be sad and think I don't trust him."

"Silly child." Looking at her daughter's worried and cautious eyes, she reached out and touched her cheek, "Mom won't tell. I believe in your dad's character."

"Yeah." Ren Ran buried his head in his mother's arms, feeling uncomfortable.

She knew that one or two words could not shake her father's position in her mother's heart, but she was not afraid. She believed that water dripping through the stone would wear away the stone, and one day her mother would see the true face of the person beside her.

Today, I will plant a seed in my mother's heart, let her explore it little by little, and slowly grow it. The process may be painful, but she will be with her, and together we will cut out the cancer in her heart little by little.

"Mom, do many people know my birth date?"

Although Ren Suya felt strange, she still replied: "Everyone in the family knows. Dad, mom, grandparents, and grandparents all know. Others should not be so clear."

"Speaking of this, I remember that some time ago, your aunt (cousin) asked about your birth date."


My mother is the only daughter of my grandparents, and this aunt is my mother's cousin. The two families have a good relationship.

"Why did my aunt suddenly ask about my birth date?"

"Girl, have you forgotten? Last month, my aunt gave you a Buddha amulet."

It had been so long since we last met that Ren Ran had forgotten about it.

After her mother reminded her, she remembered that there was such a thing.

At the beginning of last month, my aunt and her family went to Thailand for a trip and asked for a Buddha amulet for everyone in the family. They said that they got it from a very famous and effective temple in Thailand.

Everyone in the family has this peace amulet.

"Ran Ran, why did you suddenly ask about this?"

"I just want to see if you care about me."

Ren Ran didn't know that at this moment, in Ren Suya's eyes, she looked like a frightened child, who seemed to be eager to prove herself through something.

Ren Suya caressed her daughter lovingly, "Ran Ran, whether it's mom or dad, we all love you."


The mother and daughter fell asleep in each other's arms.

Listening to the even breathing beside her ears, Ren Ran opened her eyes, without any sleepiness, staring at the ceiling, her thoughts had already wandered into the void.

If what the Taoist priest said was true, the tragedy of her previous life was caused by the change of her fate.

The only people who knew her birth date and time were her close family members.

Did her family members leak it intentionally, or did they know it accidentally?

She couldn't blind herself because of the hatred in her previous life and bite whoever she caught. She had to analyze calmly and figure out who was behind it.

Suppose they leaked it intentionally.

Combining the past life and the young Taoist priest's statement, there are two parties who benefited, and both are related to her. The two suspects are not others, but her close relatives.

The first one is Kong Liji, her biological father.

His lover Ruan Fengru, who was raised outside, was very successful in the previous life and was a well-known strong woman in the business world. Their daughter Kong Lian even entered the entertainment industry. In just two years, she squeezed into the ranks of top-tier young actresses. She is a famous national goddess and her career is booming; emotionally, she is also enviable. It is said that the princes of the entertainment industry are all her pursuers.

Although Kong Liji's help is indispensable here, and the assets of their Ren family are still used, it must be said that they were smooth and prosperous in the previous life.

The second one is Ren Shuyun, her cousin.

My aunt's family has always had a good relationship with them, often having dinner together and giving gifts during festivals. Since their family began to go downhill, my aunt's family has been thriving. She used to be the child of other families in the mouths of adults and a role model that relatives would pull out.

But I don't know when this person became my cousin's daughter Xu Ying.

All the glory and praise she once had was transferred to Xu Ying.

At that time, my cousin's husband's supermarket was so prosperous that he opened more than a dozen stores in one go.

After her mother was killed by Kong Liji and Ruan Fengru, she asked them for help, but they not only did not help, but also ridiculed her.

Ren Ran knew that people would be forgotten when they left, but their behavior did not make people forget about them, but instead added insult to injury.

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