"It's just a small matter. Mao Zhen made it into a big news. I was almost scared to death."

"Who is the monitor?" Ding Chong shouted from below.

"I don't know. The teacher didn't say."

"Don't keep me in suspense." Some people didn't believe it.

"I really don't know." Mao Zhen raised his hand and swore.

"It must be another outstanding alumnus, or a certain leader of this city, or a general manager or something like that." Guo Tongwen said firmly.

Not to mention Guo Tongwen, other students in the class think so, even Kong Lian thinks so.

After a few discussions, everyone lost interest in this matter. Those who should do the questions do the questions, and those who should chat chat, each doing their own job.

Saturday afternoon was supposed to be a self-study class, but now all the senior students gathered in the school auditorium.

The first class of senior three was arranged at the front, that is, behind the chairman's position. This position has the clearest view of the stage, but it is the position that all students dislike the most, no one else.

The main reason is that they are close to the leaders and teachers, and they cannot be absent or make small movements.

The three-piece set in the auditorium was staged again. The host gave an opening speech, then the principal spoke, and finally invited today's protagonist.

The principal's encouraging words were almost finished, and he began to bring out the "jade" behind, "This time, we specially invited the famous entrepreneur Kong Mingcheng. Mr. Kong will..."

As soon as the name Kong Mingcheng came out, all the students showed surprise, and their eyes subconsciously looked at the position of Class 1 of Senior 3.

The students in Class 1 of Senior 3 all looked at Kong Lian.

Kong Lian's brain exploded with a "boom", and the whole person was stunned.

Why did he appear here? !

Ren Ran looked at her from the corner of his eyes, admiring her wonderful expression.

"Why do I think Kong Lian's expression is a little wrong." Zhao Yi wondered.

Guo Tongwen nodded in agreement, "It's really strange, it feels like she's not happy, but..."

She couldn't think of a suitable word to describe it for a while.

"Her reaction is so strange. Shouldn't she be happy to see her father coming? Or does she have a bad relationship with her father?" Lin Xiaoyi guessed.

Not only they felt strange, but anyone who could see Kong Lian clearly felt strange.

On her side, the stupid Hu Xiyue said excitedly: "Lianlian, it's your father! Your father is here. Oh my God! You hid it so well that you didn't even let anyone know."

This excitement was even happier than the person involved.

Ji Qing noticed that Kong Lian's expression was not right, and was puzzled.

Why did she seem to not know that her father would come?

That expression didn't look happy at all.

Tan Jia's eyes rolled around, looking at the stage, then at Kong Lian, and then at Ren Ran on the other side.

Coincidentally, her eyes met Ren Ran's.

The two looked at each other for two seconds, and then calmly moved away.

Hu Xiyue looked at the empty seat in front of them. Needless to say, it was definitely reserved for Kong Lian's father.

"Kong Lian, look at the arrangement of this seat, it is for the convenience of you two father and daughter to chat."

After Hu Xiyue's reminder, Kong Lian realized that the empty seat in front of her must be reserved for Kong Mingcheng.

It's over!

Once Kong Mingcheng finished his speech, when he came down, she would be easily exposed.

No, she had to find a way, she had to find a way.

The more anxious she was, the more blank her mind became, and she had no clue at all.

Hu Xiyue finally realized that her expression was wrong, "Lianlian, what's wrong with you?"

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