"As long as the madam is not aware of the money and has not obtained her permission, it can be recovered." Gao Ying added.

"That's good!"

The Kong family can't get it for nothing.

The disgusting things they did in their previous lives are comparable to those of Kong Lian.

Getting the sixth place in the National Mathematical Olympiad made Ren Ran a big hit in the school again.

The more she stood out, the more uncomfortable Kong Lian felt.

She should have been standing there.

Now she has a bad reputation, and it's all because of her.

She stole her life and her script.

Ren Ran, you little thief, I will never forgive you!

Ren Ran felt the burning gaze behind him, and he knew who it came from without looking.

The final exam is very important for students in the first and second grades, but for students in the third grade, although it is important, it is not the most important.

The most important thing for them is the college entrance examination.

Frequent exams have made many people immune to final exams and have become accustomed to them.

"My mom said that if I can get into the top ten in my grade in the final exam this time, she will take me to Sanya for a vacation during the winter vacation. We will spend the whole vacation in Sanya." Zhao Yi said happily while holding the doll.

"Then you will spend the New Year in Sanya?"

"Yes! My family basically goes out for the New Year every year."

Lin Xiaoyi looked envious, "That's great! My family goes back to our hometown for the New Year every year. My hometown is in the countryside, but it's boring. There is no place to go shopping, and most importantly, there are no friends."

"My family stays here honestly and doesn't go anywhere. I am even worse off." Guo Tongwen said.

Zhao Yi looked at Ren Ran, "Ran Ran, where are you going for the New Year?"

"It must be a vacation abroad." Guo Tongwen guessed.

Ren Ran smiled and said, "You guessed half right. Sometimes we are in China, sometimes we go abroad, but it's not just our family, but my father's brothers and sisters will come."

The whole family came, eating their food and drinking their drinks, just because they are rich and not short of money, making it seem like their family's money fell from the sky.

Everyone was chatting, and class monitor Mao Zhen walked into the classroom and stood on the podium.

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet."

The noisy classroom quieted down.

Ding Chong asked: "Class monitor, what tasks are assigned?"

The final exam is coming soon, and there will be basically no other things besides this.

"It's not a task, just a notice."

Mao Zhen saw that everyone was curious and deliberately kept it a secret.

"What notice?"

"Don't we have to return to school early on the fifth day of the first lunar month?" Someone speculated.

After all, this rumor has been circulating for a long time, and there are precedents in previous classes.

"Ah, ah, please don't."

"I want to rest for a few more days."

The classmates wailed.

Guo Tongwen didn't care, "I'm studying at home, and I'm freer when I go back to school."

"No! I don't want it." Zhao Yi was full of resistance.

Among everyone, she was the calmest because she knew what it was.

Mao Zhen had kept everyone in suspense for a long time, and said leisurely: "Hehe, I guessed wrong. Tomorrow afternoon, an important person will come to our school to inspect and give us a speech. The higher-ups have notified us that all senior high school students must be present."

As soon as he finished speaking, greetings broke out in the classroom.

"Fuck! Mao Zhen, you are crazy."

"Oh my god, I was scared to death! I thought it was about the holiday, but it turned out to be this."

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