
Xu Zhaoyin was stunned, obviously not expecting this answer.

He looked her up and down, she was healthy and there was nothing wrong with her.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind, startling the two people to jump on the spot.

A slender figure slowly walked out of the darkness, the firelight faded the darkness around him, and in the weak light, the man's appearance could be vaguely seen, delicate and tender, with a calm face and a bun.

"You are Taoist Qingxuan." Ren Ran stood up.

Qingxuan looked at the two people. There were many adventurers in Taihe Mountain, but the two people in front of him did not seem to be that kind of people.

"Are you looking for me?"

Ren Ran nodded, "Yes."

"We have been waiting for you here for three days." Xu Zhaoyin said.

Qingxuan's eyes swept over the two people calmly, walked towards his house, opened the door, and lit a candle.

"Come in."

The two followed into the house.

The furnishings in the house were simple, and the lights were even more primitive. Living the same life for ten years was a practice for them.

Qingxuan's eyes fell on Ren Ran.

"I'm going out to smoke a cigarette." Xu Zhaoyin said, and turned to leave the house.

"I want you to help me tell my fortune."

Qingxuan's face was tense, and he looked at her face with a cold expression, "Birth date and eight characters."

Ren Ran reported her birth date and eight characters.

Qingxuan counted with his fingers, raised his eyes and stared at her face again, and muttered after a while, "Strange."

"Wait a moment, I'll calculate it again."

Qingxuan muttered to himself, and his brows frowned deeper and deeper.

How could this be?

The first time he told someone's fortune, the result was that the fate and the face were different. The fate was noble, but the face was faintly revealed with a fierce evil, although it was shallow, but it was enough to attract his attention.

The fierce evil was shallow, and it was difficult for ordinary practitioners to detect it, but he was the descendant of Zhengyi and had a special method to peek a little, so he found it incredible.

A person with such a fate would never have a fierce aura. Could it be that he had made a mistake?

Since he appeared, he had been stern-faced, pretending to be a hermit. I thought that with his practice, fortune-telling would be a piece of cake, but now he was panicking.

Not long after, fine sweat oozed from his forehead.

Ren Ran noticed that Qing Xuan's expression was a little wrong, and tentatively reminded, "Master Qing Xuan, is my fate based on my birth date and eight characters completely opposite to my fate based on my face?"

Qing Xuan's eyes widened, and his master's demeanor could no longer be suppressed, "Do you know?"

Sure enough, the other party had already taken action.

Ren Ran's heart sank, thinking of all the bad luck he had suffered in his previous life, a chill rose from the soles of his feet.

Who is this person? !

"Before coming here, I met a master who told me that my fate might be replaced by someone. He mentioned you and your master to me, and only you can help me."

This was nine-tenths true and one-tenth false.

Qingxuan tapped his forehead, wondering why he hadn't thought of this just now.

Changing fate is rare.

Even he didn't notice it at the first time.

After he had an idea, Qingxuan no longer doubted whether he was not good enough in his studies.

"Wait a minute."

He stood up and took out a tortoise shell and several ancient copper coins from the cabinet behind. He put the copper coins into the tortoise shell and poured them out again, repeating this three times.

"Your fate has indeed been changed, but fortunately it has not been long."

"Is there a way to crack it?"

"Wait a minute."

Qingxuan stood up again and walked to the next room. He searched on the bookshelf and finally found a tattered ancient book in a wooden box on the top. He patted the dust on it, put it under the oil lamp, and read it carefully.

He waited quietly.

After a while, Qingxuan finally found the record of changing fate in the book. After reading it carefully, he sighed in his heart.

It's difficult!

"Master Qingxuan, can you find a solution?"

This is what she cares about most at the moment.

This concerns the lives of their family, because the bad luck brought by the fate has led to the destruction of the Ren family.

For such invisible and intangible things, you can't avoid them just by being reborn.

You can stop your mother from taking sleeping pills and dying, but who knows if fate will do something else and let your mother go on another path of death.

Every profession has its own expertise, and the mysterious things must be handled by professionals. A prophet who relies solely on rebirth will most likely repeat the same mistakes.

If you can start your life again, it is already a blessing from God. How dare you let it down, and how dare you take it lightly.

Master Qingxuan looked apologetic, "The solution is not stated in the book. I have heard my master mention it before, and I think he can solve it."

"Please contact your master to help me get through the difficulties." Ren Ran asked sincerely.

"Hehe." Taoist Qingxuan smiled awkwardly, "Well, well, my master is traveling, I don't know where he is."


"Master doesn't like to use high-tech things. He thinks that stuff will corrupt people's minds and is not conducive to practice."

Ren Ran: "..."


Taoist Qingxuan saw her expression of heart attack and comforted her: "Don't panic, don't worry. Changing fate, such a sinister trick is not so easy to accomplish. Your fate is determined by heaven, and it is protected by destiny."

Ren Ran was confused, but did not speak, and listened to him continue.

"Unless your own luck declines. It can affect a person's luck through external factors, as well as magical weapons or talismans." [Note 1]

"External factor?"

Taoist Priest Qingxuan thought for a moment and explained it in layman's terms, "To give a simple example, people often say that appearance comes from the heart, but the appearance is not static. Some people look gentle when they are young, but due to the hardships of life, things change. When things don't go your way, your mentality will change accordingly. If you feel unhappy and angry, your appearance will also change. In the same way, if you have a bad appearance when you are young, your mentality will change and your appearance will change as a result of good people and things. It will change accordingly.”

Regarding this, I am still clear.

There are such examples around her. When I was a child, my neighbor's aunt was an elegant and gentle wife. More than ten years ago, her husband went bankrupt and committed suicide by jumping off a building, leaving her with two children and burdened with huge debts.

More than ten years later, when I saw that aunt again, her face was no longer as gentle as before, only sharp and strong.

Taoist Master Qingxuan continued: "It's not that easy to change your destiny. First, they need to weaken your luck. Create all kinds of trouble around you, make everything go wrong for you, and thus affect your mentality. When you are depressed or angry, your luck will be weakened. Secondly, you need to use Yin private magic weapons that affect your whole body to further weaken your luck, trapping you in them. Among the thorns arranged, wait until your luck has weakened to a certain extent, and then do this to completely change your destiny."

"If my guess is correct, the other party should start taking action."

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