"You might as well think carefully, has anything happened around you recently? It can change your mentality, or it can make you fall into the quagmire and unable to break free." Qingxuan reminded.

Ren Ran's heart trembled slightly.

Even without Taoist Qingxuan's reminder, she already understood.

Since when did her family get into trouble and start to move towards misfortune. It started from Pei Ming's bold confession and from Pei Ming's slandering her in front of all the teachers and students in the school.

Depression, grandparents died in a car accident, father cheated, mistress came to the house, mother took sleeping pills to commit suicide, and was kicked out of the house by Kong Liji. All these things started from that time.

The misfortune of the previous life started from that day.

The first step was to ruin her reputation and make her depressed.

The second step was that grandparents suddenly left, and the mother and daughter were sad and sorrowful. The double blow to them, mother and daughter, made people exhausted.

In the third step, her father's derailment and betrayal revealed the illusion of happiness, causing the two people who were already immersed in grief to suffer a double blow.

In the fourth step, her mother's death left her alone and helpless, trapped in hatred and pain.

In the fifth step, her father ruthlessly abandoned her and robbed all the wealth of the Ren family, turning her from a proud daughter of heaven into an orphan who could be bullied by everyone. From heaven to hell, the gap in the middle is not something that ordinary people can bear, not to mention that her friends and relatives have never let go of ridicule and oppression.

Looking at the trajectory of her previous life, Ren Ran felt cold all over. The hands hidden in the darkness accurately laid out every step, destroying her spirit step by step, and making her fall into endless pain, fatigue, and embarrassment.

Before, I thought Pei Ming just wanted to remove himself, but now it seems that things are far from as simple as I imagined.

Pei Ming and Xu Li are one of the links, and also the key link.

She was reborn and came back, inadvertently destroying their first step.

The person behind the scenes will certainly continue to act.

Ren Ran recounted what happened in school, but did not say what happened afterwards, after all, it did not happen. He could not tell outsiders about his rebirth.

Qing Xuan nodded, "Since you have destroyed it, the designer will definitely not give up."

"Master Qing Xuan, I want to ask you to come out of the mountain."

"This..." Qing Xuan hesitated.

"Master, the person who can design a scheme to steal the sky and change the day must have many means. Even if I escape the calculation once, I can't guarantee that I can escape the second and third time. I also ask the master to help find the person behind the scenes. As for the reward, as long as I can pay it, I will definitely not say a word."

Qing Xuan pondered for a moment, "You and I are destined. Since you can meet me, I will take care of this matter."

"Thank you." Ren Ran was delighted.

In his last life, Master Qing Xuan had a kind heart, and in this life, it is still the same. It is right to find him.

The next day, Master Qing Xuan packed a package and followed the two people down Taihe Mountain and returned to Haishi.

Ren Ran arranged Qing Xuan in a 500-square-meter flat in the city center, which was a gift from her grandfather for her 18th birthday.

Before returning, Ren Ran asked the housekeeper to clean the house and asked the property to prepare daily necessities, so that Taoist Qing Xuan could move in directly.

After settling Qing Xuan, Ren Ran returned home.

When he got home, Ren Ran did not see his mother. He asked his aunt and knew that she was upstairs, so he went upstairs directly.


Pushing open the door, his mother hurriedly put something in the drawer.

"What is it?"


Ren Ran had sharp eyes and saw at a glance that the thing was a lipstick. If he was not mistaken, it was she who put it under the co-pilot seat of her father.

Since his mother did not say anything, Ren Ran pretended to know nothing.

His mother would figure it out one day.

As soon as Kong Liji returned home, he felt that the aura around his daughter-in-law was wrong, and he looked up at his daughter.

"Ran Ran, did you upset your mother?"

"I didn't." Ren Ran glared, looking dissatisfied, "Dad, don't wrong me."

Suddenly, Kong Liji felt a pain in his shoulder, and saw his wife punch him hard.

"Wife, what's wrong with you?"

"Come with me."

Ren Suya got up and walked towards the study.

Kong Liji was confused and followed her upstairs. After closing the door, Ren Suya stared at him.

"Wife, what's wrong?"

Ren Suya said in a deep voice: "Liji, how have I treated you over the years?"

"Very good."

"If one day, you don't love me anymore, please tell me directly, don't make me a fool, okay?"

Kong Liji saw Ren Suya so serious and indifferent for the first time, and he panicked inexplicably. He took two steps forward and wanted to grab her hand, but she avoided him lightly.

"Wife, how could I not love you. Did you hear any bad voices?" Kong Liji's heart tightened and he asked tentatively.

Ren Suya looked at him, a hint of disappointment flashed through her eyes, "No, I just felt sad when I saw Mrs. Lin's appearance."

Mrs. Lin and Ren Suya were friends. Some time ago, her husband cheated on her and the mistress forced him to abdicate. Instead of defending his wife, her husband beat her up, making her a complete joke in the circle.

Now the two are getting divorced, and the scene is quite ugly.

When Kong Liji heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Lin is Mr. Lin, and I am me. I am different from them."

"Liji, you really won't let me down?"

"I swear to God, if I betray you, I will not die well." Kong Liji raised his hand and swore to show his determination and loyalty.

He reached out and hugged her. Ren Suya smelled the scent on his body. It was a familiar scent, but for some reason she always felt that there was another woman's perfume on his shirt.

When she thought about the fact that he had hugged other women, she felt sick.

Ren Suya pushed him away, "You sleep outside today."

"Wife, what's wrong with you?" Kong Liji wanted to hug her, but she pushed him away.

"Annoying! I don't want to see male creatures now."

"Okay, okay, I'll go out, I'll go out, don't be angry, I'll feel bad if you get angry and hurt yourself." Kong Liji looked doting and tolerated his wife's unreasonable troubles.

The next day, Ren Ran saw his father coming out of the guest room next door, and he understood.

It seems that the traces he left on him have worked.

In the past, his mother would never drive his father out to sleep, but now there is such a good sign, which means that his mother's trust in him is gradually collapsing. When it is broken into slag, it will be the time for his mother to be reborn.

During the morning break, Qingxuan came to the door.

The two of them sat under a tree on the back hill of the campus, and she took out the Buddha amulet that her aunt had given her before.

"Master, take a look at this Buddha amulet to see if there is anything wrong with it."

Since those people had interfered with her life, the magic weapon that affected her luck must be with her. How could she feel at ease if she didn't find this thing?

Qingxuan took a closer look and broke the amulet. The inside of the amulet was actually hollow, and a yellow talisman was placed inside.

He picked up the yellow talisman and looked at it carefully, and from time to time he put it to his nose and smelled it. There was a faint smell of blood on it.

This yellow talisman was drawn with the blood of a person who died unjustly, so it was naturally stained with resentment.

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