If you wear this kind of thing all year round, you will be plagued with bad luck. People with light horoscopes are prone to illness.

"it is this."

Ren Ran already had a suspicion in his mind, and now that it was confirmed, he was not too surprised, only chilled.

"Who gave this to you?"

"My aunt. They went to Thailand before and asked my family's birthdays and horoscopes. They specially requested amulets for protection."

"For other amulets, you'd better give me a pass."

Ren Ran nodded, that was exactly what she meant.

After class in the evening, Ren Ran did not stay for evening self-study, but took the car directly to the mountainside villa where my grandparents lived.

The old couple were very happy about her arrival, and asked Aunt Wang to cook some delicious food. They chatted with the grandparents for a long time before mentioning the peace amulet.

She made an excuse to take away their peace amulets.

The first thing he did when he got home was to give everyone's peace amulets to Qingxuan.

Qingxuan took apart these peace amulets one by one, and placed a piece of talisman inside.

In Ren Ran's eyes, these spells looked similar, and he didn't know if they were the same.


"These symbols are drawn with the blood of those who died unjustly."

Ren Ran's face darkened.

In my previous life, my grandparents died in an accident in a car accident. I don't know if it was because of this thing or with its blessing.

No matter what it is, this kind of thing is harmful to people.

"Where's your father's?" Qingxuan looked at the three Buddha cards in front of him.

"He kept it in the company, so it's not convenient to take it now."

She hasn't had a chance to get it yet.

If this matter has nothing to do with him, then of course he can take it. If it was related, she was afraid of disturbing the situation.

"Who gave you these things?"


Ren Ran explained the origin of these amulets in detail.

The current situation, coupled with the trajectory of the previous life, is completely consistent.

"What to do with these things?"

"I redraw some peace symbols to replace this one. Ordinary people can't see any difference, unless they are the people behind the scenes." Qingxuan said confidently.


Qingxuan took out the talisman paper and cinnabar from his bag and began to draw the peace talisman.

From the moment he started writing, Ren Ran could clearly feel an invisible pressure around him. When I was drawing the second talisman, a thin stream of sweat broke out on my forehead. It was clear that my writing was as smooth as clouds and water, and it was extremely easy.

When I drew the third picture, the color on my face faded and gradually turned pale.

When the last stroke was made, Qingxuan felt as if he had run a twenty-kilometer marathon, and his whole body was dripping with sweat.

"Huh." Qingxuan put down the pen, exhaled the turbid air in his mouth, and handed four peace charms into her hands.

"Place it again."

"Thank you, Taoist priest."

Qingxuan waved his hand indifferently, "It's a trivial matter."

After school, Ren Ran went to the mountainside villa where his grandparents lived.

Grandpa and grandma were very happy to come here for two days in a row.

"Knowing that you were coming, Aunt Wang specially made black chicken soup for you to replenish your health." Grandma looked at her granddaughter with distress.

"How's your study going?" Grandpa asked.


"You old man, why are you asking about studying? You are not putting pressure on the child." Grandma glared at him dissatisfied.

Grandpa quickly surrendered and did not dare to refute.

Ren Ran watched the little old man and the little old lady argue with each other, and his heart felt sweet and warm.

After she finished drinking, her grandma prepared to serve her a second bowl, but she refused.

"Grandma, I'm full."

She took out the Buddhist amulet from her pocket and said, "Grandpa and grandma, this is for you."

Grandpa took over and said, "Of course, is there something wrong with this?"

Just as Ren Ran was about to speak, the doorbell rang, and then Aunt Wang's voice came from the entrance.

"Sir, Madam, Miss Shuyun is here."

Ren Shuyun's eyes darkened slightly when she heard the name.

After a while, the cousin's family of three entered the house. They delivered the gift to Aunt Wang and greeted her with a smile.

"Uncle, auntie."

When Ren Shuyun saw Ren Ran, she looked surprised, "Oh, Ran Ran is here too."

She turned her head and glanced around, "Aren't sister and brother-in-law here?"

"They didn't come." Old Mrs. Ren asked the three of them to sit down.

Aunt Wang brought the tea, and Ren Shuyun turned to look at her daughter Xu Ying, "Xiao Ying, haven't you been shouting that you don't understand something? It just so happens that your sister Ranran is here, let her teach you."

Xu Ying's slightly drooped eyes flashed with impatience. When she raised her eyes, there was a smile in her eyes, "Sister, let's go out and talk."

As he spoke, he put his arm around her.

Ren Ran looked at his sister who was one year younger than him in front of him, his smile not reaching his eyes.

I still remember that the last time they met was outside a coffee shop. She only did one thing, poured a cup of scalding coffee over her head, threw down a few hundred dollars, and walked away.

The look of disdain and disgust was still fresh in her memory.

Ren Ran opened her hand bit by bit and said in a calm voice, "No, I'm just here to accompany my grandparents today. My stool isn't even hot yet, so my aunt doesn't want to see me."

This is almost like saying, "As soon as you come, I have to leave. Are you qualified?"

Ren Shuyun was taken aback and apologized with a smile, "Oh, my aunt didn't think carefully."

The hands on his knees clenched unconsciously.

The grandfather said, "Shuyun, are you okay with coming over today?"

Ren Shuyun sat up straight immediately, "Uncle, Zhengyang made an investment some time ago. The money was put in not long ago, and it's not due yet, but something happened at home. His useless brother was cheated in a business outside and owed some debts. His brother came to him for help, and he, as an elder brother, couldn't just sit back and watch, but he was really a little tight on money and couldn't take out so much money at once. So I shamelessly went to ask uncle to share some of it and buffer it."

"Uncle, don't worry, as long as the profit of that investment arrives, we will pay it back immediately. During this period, we will also calculate the interest."

At first, Ren Ran didn't feel anything, but gradually some fragments of the dusty memory emerged.

This happened in her previous life, but she was not here at that time. Afterwards, she heard the information revealed by her mother and father in occasional conversations, and then she knew about it.

What brother-in-law owes debts? It's obvious that the couple failed in investment and owed debts. If they don't pay back the money, the bank will take away their current chain restaurant.

As for the interest, it's all good talk.

In the last life, not to mention paying interest, not even a penny of the 50 million yuan that was lent out was returned.

Grandpa and grandma took good care of the couple for the sake of their deceased brother and cleaned their butts countless times.

But how did they do it?

They actually put something harmful in the amulet they gave.

It is true that a small amount of kindness will bring about a big amount of hatred.

Such a heartless family is not worth the efforts of grandpa and grandma.

Before grandpa spoke, Ren Ran said first: "Aunt, which temple did you get the amulet from when you went to Thailand last time? My friend is going to Thailand to play and also wants to get a amulet."

The rhythm was disrupted, and Ren Shuyun felt uncomfortable, but she still said patiently: "I forgot which temple it was. Those names are too difficult to remember. I will ask the tour guide who received me and tell you later."

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