Instantly, Ruan Fengru also realized the key point.

"Perhaps this incident would not have happened originally, because of the talisman she was wearing, she was pushed down the stairs and almost died."

She nodded, "It seems that the talisman has begun to slowly affect the luck and magnetic field around them. Ren Ran has a lot of luck, so it will not be affected in a short time. The same is true for Ren Hongru, and Mrs. Ren is second."

"Li Ji, this is our chance. When the talisman has a deeper impact on them, we can take action. With our careful plan and the influence of the talisman, they will definitely die. At that time, we can be together openly, and you can become a real superior person and no longer have to look at people's faces."

Ruan Fengru's soft tone slowly painted a picture of a vast country for him.

Kong Li Ji was worried and afraid of failure.

If this matter failed, with the vigilance of Ren Hongru, the old fox, they would have no chance, and his decades of endurance would become a bubble and fail.

Under her little bit of persuasion, he gradually wavered, and finally made up his mind.

"I'll listen to you." Kong Liji agreed, "This matter must be handled carefully, whether it will succeed depends on this time."

Ruan Fengru nodded.

"We must not let them suspect us now, so we still have to prepare the money. The lower our attitude is now, the greater our chances of success."

Ruan Fengru naturally understood this truth, and she had a headache when she thought of the money she had invested in the investment.

If she had known that this would happen, she would not have invested some time ago.

Just put it in, and it's not time yet. Once all the money is taken out, not only will it not make money, but it will lose a lot of money.

In the end, it's all the shits of the Kong family who dragged them down.

Kong Liji finally had time to turn his attention to her face, and then he noticed that her cheeks were flushed, "You want it?"

Ruan Fengru was stunned, glared at him coquettishly, and her mind was full of things that were not suitable for children.

She didn't say anything, and directly put his hand on her forehead.

The hot touch made him understand the reason.

"Why is it so hot?" He asked with concern.

"It's probably because the temperature has dropped during this period, and I didn't keep warm well."

I started to have a low fever last week, and I took medicine and recovered just a few days ago. This week I started to have a high fever again, and it kept coming back, which was very annoying.

I think it was because I was running around to help the Kong family the day before yesterday, and I was caught in the wind.

After staying here for a whole day, Kong Liji returned to the villa halfway up the mountain before four o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as he left, Ruan Fengru contacted the investment manager she had found before.

Ruan Fengru repeated her request.

The investment manager expressed understanding, "Sister Ruan, if you are sure, I can help you sell it, but I think it's a pity. The project I chose for you has a very good prospect, and you should have seen it. It has been rising all the time. It's difficult for people behind to enter. Sister, if you sell it now, it will be difficult to buy it again later."

She naturally saw that she could make a lot of money if she waited until the highest point to sell it.

The other party seemed to see that she didn't want to, "Sister, are you temporarily short of funds?"


If they follow their plan, they can start after the Chinese New Year, probably within these few months.

When Kong Liji officially takes over the Asia Star Group, he will no longer be short of money.

"I know someone who specializes in loans, especially short-term loans, but the interest rate is relatively higher than that of the bank." The investment manager leaned on the sofa and slowly threw the bait.

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