"About how many points?"

Hearing her question, the investment manager knew that she was interested, "Sister, when are you free? I'll ask my friend to come and tell you in detail. If you think it's feasible, then sign the contract. If you think it's not feasible, let's forget it. At that time, I will clear the position as quickly as possible and give you the money. However, you still have to pay a penalty."

"Tonight. At 8 pm, can your friend come?"

"Yes, no problem."

After hanging up the phone, the investment manager put down his legs and dialed a number.

A refreshing and pleasant female voice sounded from the phone.

"Any progress?"

"Sister Gao is very smart. As you expected, she wants to take the money. I have introduced her to a lender as you said."

It's not that she is smart, she just does what the young lady tells her.

The old man's connections, the trap set by the young lady, the really powerful person is the young lady.

"You did a great job. You can't take it lightly before she takes out the loan."

"Of course."

"If you do a good job, you will get some benefits."

"Just say a few good words for me in front of the old man."

"I have handed your business card to the director in charge of this business, and he will contact you when the time comes."

"Hahaha, thank you, Sister Gao. When are you free, let's have a meal together?"

"I am not free recently, let's do it another day."


It is close to the Chinese New Year, so I didn't go out this year and spent the New Year directly in Hai City.

On the Laba Day, the three brothers and sisters of the Kong family came.

Ren Suya didn't go downstairs. Ren Hongru and his wife were guests outside, and she was the only one who received them.

Kong Liren turned around, "Ranran, how is your mother's health?"

"That's it." Ren Ran looked indifferent.

Kong Liren was soft-hearted, and he was disgusted with her disrespect for elders, but he didn't dare to show it.

Before coming, the third brother repeatedly told them to make sure they swallowed their anger and not to have conflicts.

Kong Liyu asked with a smile: "Where are your grandparents?"

"They are out visiting."

"Oh, oh, oh." She smiled awkwardly.

Ren Ran looked at the three couples in front of her. This time they didn't dare to bring the younger one with them. They only brought Kong Lin and Kong Yu.

These two were about the same age as her. The three of them used to play together.

Kong Liren and the others had planned to say something nice to the old man and apologize to Ren Suya, and the two younger ones would coax Ren Ran. If they could get them to not give it, that would be the best.

In the end, the three families were still reluctant and wanted to make a final struggle.

"What's the matter, just say it." Ren Ran crossed her legs and swept her indifferent eyes over the three families.

It must be said that the brains of the Kong family seemed to have grown on the scumbag father, and even his acting skills.

The anger in the eyes of these people in front of them was almost uncontrollable, but they had to endure it. Their awkward expressions were a bit funny.

"That..." Kong Liren reluctantly handed over the things, "These are the things I took from you over the years, and now they are returned to the original owner. The lost ones are all discounted and put on this card."

The other two families also reluctantly returned the things.

Ren Ran looked at Gao Ying on the side, "Count them."

Gao Ying and several maids took out the things one by one in front of them.

Every time they took out an item, they felt a pain in their hearts, and it felt like cutting their flesh bit by bit.

Another maid took the bank card, checked the amount in the card, and transferred all the money out.

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