The young Taoist priest Qingxuan didn't understand this joke, but he knew it was not a good thing, and said angrily: "It can't be Uncle Zhengyang."

Ren Ran smiled and didn't say anything. Looking at the childish young Taoist priest Qingxuan, when he thought of him with a stern face and a charlatan look many years later, he felt that time can really change people a lot.

After sending the person to the Taoist temple, Ren Ran arranged a time for the foreigner to meet, but was rejected by Taoist priest Taixu.

Hai City First People's Hospital

Ruan Fengru has been running between the hospital and the hotel every day these days. She has lost a lot of weight, her face has become much paler, and the whole person is weak and powerless.

Her daughter is out of danger. If the knife goes in a little bit more, she will die. Fortunately, her luck has not run out.

As soon as she came out of the hospital, she received a call from Taoist priest Yao.

"I calculated that tomorrow is a good day for the ritual. We must set off tonight and act tomorrow night." Taoist priest Yao gave a direct order instead of discussing.


This matter concerns the rest of her life, so Ruan Fengru naturally dare not say "no".

In the evening, Ruan Fengru drove herself and took Taoist Master Yao out of Haishi and headed towards the destination.

When they were on the move, the person who had been watching them immediately sent a letter to Gao Ying.

That night, the two arrived in Xichang Town and stayed in a local homestay.

Gao Ying immediately passed the news to Ren Ran.

"Miss, they have arrived in Xichang Town now."

"Xichang Town?!!"

Xichang Town is an unknown place in Z Province, but it is the location of the Ren family's ancestral home, and their ancestors are all from Xichang Town.

"You continue to keep an eye on them and don't let them find out."

"Miss, don't worry, the people following them are famous reconnaissance ace soldiers in the former special operations force."

"That's good. After this incident, remember to give more bonuses."

"Okay, I'll write it down."

After ending the call with Gao Ying, Ren Ran called Taoist Qingxuan and told him the situation.

Within ten minutes, Taoist Qingxuan called back.

"Ren Ran, my master said that we will leave for Xichang Town tomorrow."

The next day, Ren Ran took Gao Ying and Taixu to Xichang Town. They were very low-key this time, and even chose an ordinary van to drive, which was not easy to attract attention.

It was already noon when they arrived in Xichang Town. Ren Ran did not stay at the ancestral house, but lived in a homestay with others, which happened to be diagonally opposite the homestay where Ruan Fengru lived, making it convenient for them to follow.

At night, the people in the town rested very early. After 8:30, few people came and went in the town.

At 11 o'clock, Gao Ying called everyone.

"They are moving."

The group followed them from a distance.

Half an hour later, Ruan Fengru arrived at a cemetery with Taoist Yao.

Before coming, Ruan Fengru had found out which grave was the ancestral grave of the Ren family.

"It's right here. This grave is the ancestral grave of the Ren family."


Master Yao looked at the grave and turned around again, saying, "What a good place. What a pity, it will soon be gone."

He found the right position and started digging.

Ten minutes later, a hole was dug.

He carefully took out a box from his backpack, which was covered with yellow talismans.

When the box appeared, a cool breeze blew in the night, giving people goose bumps.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but I always felt that the yin energy around her was heavier than before.

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