Ruan Fengru couldn't help rubbing her arms and looking around. The shadows of the trees were swaying, and there was an occasional rustling sound. The gloomy atmosphere made people feel uncomfortable.

She took a look at the wooden box in Taoist Master Yao's hand, "Master, what is that?"

Taoist Master Yao smiled, "This is a good thing, a good thing that can help you realize your dream quickly."

After staring at the thing for a while, Ruan Fengru felt uncomfortable and immediately looked away.

Taoist Master Yao placed the box covered with yellow talismans in front of the grave. He took out a handful of copper coins from his pocket and buried the copper coins in the four directions of the grave.

After all this was done, Taoist Master Yao carefully picked up the box covered with yellow talismans, put it in the dug pit, and then covered it with soil again. After filling the pit, he took out a bottle from his pocket, poured out the blood prepared in advance and sprinkled it around, muttering something.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and Ruan Fengru's hair stood up all over her body. She looked at Taoist Master Yao nervously.

Under the moonlight, Taoist Master Yao's face gradually turned pale, and he looked like a dead person crawling out of a grave, full of gloom.

If it weren't for the bright future, Ruan Fengru would have wanted to run away.

After a while, Taoist Master Yao finally stopped chanting.

Seeing him weak, Ruan Fengru asked with concern: "Taoist Master Yao, are you okay?"

Taoist Master Yao was too tired to talk, and waved at her.

He leaned against the stone pier, took a few breaths, and then said, "Pack up your things and leave."

Ruan Fengru nodded, put away his bag, and helped him leave the Ren family's ancestral tomb.

The group of people hiding in the dark walked out of the darkness after they left.

The group of four walked to the front of the ancestral tomb.

Taoist Master Taixu looked around the ancestral tomb, turned his head and looked at the young Taoist Qingxuan, "Qingxuan, dig those things out."

Qingxuan stepped on the position and accurately dug out the copper coins that Taoist Master Yao had buried before.

He did not move the last hole.

Taoist Taixu dug up the soil himself and took out the black wooden box covered with yellow talismans.

The moonlight fell on the black wooden box, and a cold breath lingered over the grave, blocking the moonlight.

The young Taoist Qingxuan took a look at the talismans on the black wooden box, his face solemn, and cursed directly, "Too vicious."

"Master, what is this?" Gao Ying asked.

There was fear and curiosity in her eyes staring at the wooden box.

Without Taoist Taixu speaking, Qingxuan said angrily, "This is called a baby ghost, which is extremely vicious."

Then the two learned from Qingxuan what a baby ghost is.

The baby ghost is made from a newborn baby. The baby's blood is released, its skin and bones are separated, and sealed in an altar. The blood talisman is drawn and the seven evil soul-locking formation is used to seal its soul. The dead souls in this formation will be tormented by the heart every night, giving rise to their resentment.

The greater the resentment of the baby ghost, the greater its ability.

"The other party put this thing here to use the resentment of the baby ghost to affect the fortune of your Ren family, disrupt your Ren family, and make you restless. In the least, some members of the Ren family will die or go crazy. In the worst case, there will be no descendants."

"The reason why the person behind the scenes dared to do this must be that the other party has no time to continue to waste time, and must fight quickly."

It is not so easy to make a baby ghost. The child must be born in a yin year, yin month, yin day, and yin time. It is best to be a girl. It is not easy to find a baby that meets the above conditions.

The other party has invested a lot of money.

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