"In the final analysis, the mother can't stand it. Otherwise, why would she have a child to worry about such a thing." Old Mrs. Ren felt sorry for her daughter's mistreatment of people, but she felt even more sorry for Ran Ran's child.

"Don't make it public about Li Ji's cheating. I'll let someone find out first."

Although I have already believed everything, there are some things that need to be clarified before I can make subsequent plans.

They couldn't sleep, and Ren Shuyun and his wife couldn't sleep either.

"Uncle is a little reluctant this time." Xu Zhengyang was worried, "If it doesn't work out, go talk to mom. Uncle will definitely give her face."

Ren Shuyun nodded, "Yes."

"Let your daughter walk more with that child Xiaoran."

"Okay, got it." Ren Shuyun was annoyed.

She hated in her heart why she was not her uncle's daughter. If she is an uncle's daughter, why should she keep a low profile? But when she thinks of Ren Suya's husband, and then looks back at her own husband, she feels satisfied.

Ren Shuyun couldn't sleep so she went to her daughter's bedroom.

"Xiaoying, why haven't you played with Ren Ran recently?"

"Mom, I don't like her. What I hate the most is her condescending look. You are also the daughter of the Ren family, why can't I be like Ren Ran?"

For as long as she can remember, people have surrounded Ren Ran and fawned over her.

She was also born to a daughter of the Ren family, but because she did not take her mother's surname, she was ignored by everyone, and even compared to Ren Ran.

She is not as good as her in studying.

She is not as talented as her.

In appearance, she is not as good as her.

Her family background is even worse than hers.

In the eyes of others, she is Ren Ran's negative example, an incompetent and stupid child. The young princess of Yaxing Group, Li Ran, is an excellent role model in the eyes of others.

She really, really, really hates Ren Ran.

"Xiaoying, why are you becoming more and more ignorant as you grow up? Now that there are difficulties at home, you and Ren Ran have a good relationship. She will also be able to help our family in the future. Sooner or later, Yaxing will be handed over to her."

Seeing that her mother was going to make a long speech, Xu Ying agreed without hesitation, "Okay, I understand. I'll ask her out for shopping tomorrow."

"That's right." Ren Shuyun stroked her head lovingly, "It's very late, don't play with your phone and go to bed early."

At noon, Ren Ran received an invitation from Xu Ying to go shopping on the weekend. He didn't plan to go, but he remembered that Taoist Priest Qingxuan had said that to confirm whether it was the other person, you had to look at the birth date.

Although there are various signs that the cousin's family is the most suspicious, for the sake of caution, we still need to get the other party's birth date. If we want to completely solve the fate issue, we also need the other party's birth date.

She agreed to Xu Ying's invitation.

On Saturday, Ren Ran deliberately set aside time in the afternoon.

She usually arrives fifteen minutes early, but Xu Ying is often late, with various reasons for being late. I didn't think there was anything wrong before, but after doing it again, I realized she did it on purpose.

This time, I still didn't make an appointment in advance, and I didn't keep the appointment on time.

Renran was eating ice cream and walking carelessly on the street, ignoring the third vibration on his phone.

You didn't need to look to know that it was Xu Ying's urging call.

After finishing the last bite of ice cream, she walked slowly to the agreed place.

Suddenly, her steps stopped and her eyes locked on a back figure.

Pei Ming!

A person who even turned to ashes knows.

His gaze crossed Pei Ming and landed on Xu Ying.

The two of them looked very familiar.

She quietly approached the two of them. Xu Ying and Pei Ming seemed to have an argument. They were focused on each other and did not notice her approach at all.

We were close enough to hear their conversation.

"I have done so much for you, and now you tell me that I want to break up?" Pei Ming stared at her with red eyes.

Xu Ying crossed her arms and said, "I asked you to seduce Ren Ran, did you do it?"

"Xu Ying, you can't be so shameless." Pei Ming spoke harshly to her for the first time.

"Am I shameless? You didn't volunteer to help me, but now you messed up the matter and blame me?" Xu Ying was angry and aggrieved.

Pei Ming didn't want to argue with her anymore, so he took a deep breath and said calmly, "Are you sure you don't want to go abroad with me?"

Because of that incident, he was abandoned by his family and exiled abroad. He was abandoned by his family, his parents, and now his girlfriend.

He felt that he was a fool for ending up like this because of such a woman.

It's because he doesn't know people well and he deserves to end up like this.

He admits defeat!

He admits his failure because of his youth and ignorance!

"I won't go." Xu Ying refused.

"Okay!" Pei Ming stared hard, "Xu Ying, the friendship between you and me is over. The kindness of the past has been paid off today. We will never contact you again."

Seeing him so determined, Xu Ying felt a little panicked for no reason. She opened her mouth to stop him, but heard a crisp sound.


Xu Ying raised her eyes, past Pei Ming, and landed on Ren Ran.

A flash of panic flashed in Xu Ying's eyes, and she signaled Pei Ming to leave quickly with her eyes.

Pei Ming also recognized the owner of the voice. When he saw her face suddenly turning pale, even though he was disappointed with her, he still retained the last trace of dignity between them and walked forward.

Ren Ran walked forward and looked at Pei Ming's leaving figure, "Why does that person look familiar? He seems to be Pei Ming from our class."

"Did you admit it wrong? He is just a person asking for directions." Xu Ying hurriedly explained.

"Really?" Ren Ran smiled slightly, admiring Xu Ying's poor acting skills, "But it's really similar."

"Many people look alike, and it's normal to have similar backs. I've seen Pei Ming before, how could I not recognize him?" Xu Ying wanted to end the topic quickly, and immediately changed the subject, "Sister Ranran, you're late, did you encounter something on the way?"

"I really encountered something."


Xu Ying pulled her to the LB luxury store.

"On the way here, I met a Taoist fortune teller. He was quite accurate when he told people's fortunes. I wanted to tell it, but when I thought about the time I agreed with you, I rushed here without stopping." Ren Ran looked regretful.

Xu Ying smiled and said, "We'll go over later."


LB luxury goods are often visited, and the salespersons all know the two. Xu Ying was still beside her, but was soon attracted by the new products and followed the clerk.

The shopping guide saw that she was not interested, and after serving tea and snacks, she quietly stepped aside and did not disturb her.

Half an hour later, the shopping guide behind Xu Ying was already holding several bags in her hands.

"Sister, is it beautiful?"

"It's beautiful."

Xu Ying smiled and said, "I think it's beautiful too."

"What about this one?"

Ren Ran looked up and glanced at it, nodding perfunctorily, "My sister has a good taste, and all the bags she picked are beautiful."

Xu Ying was in a good mood, and said to the shopping guide, "Pack these up."

The shopping guide was very quick and packed all five bags.

"Miss Xu, the total consumption this time is 1.09 million."


She turned her head to look at Ren Ran who was browsing her phone on the lounge chair, and seeing that she didn't notice this, she reminded her, "Sister."

Hearing this, Ren Ran looked up and stood up.

Seeing her stand up, Xu Ying naturally made way and waited for her to pay.

However, Ren Ran walked straight out.

Xu Ying was stunned and hurriedly shouted, "Sister, you haven't paid yet."

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