The shopping guide was ready to hand over the card reader as usual.

"Then pay quickly."

The shopping guide just stretched out half of her hand and took it back awkwardly.

Xu Ying was dumbfounded again, "Sister, I have used up my pocket money this month. You help me to pay for it first."

"Xiaoying, my pocket money is even less than yours."

Xu Ying gritted her teeth. She could clearly feel the strange eyes cast by the people around her. She felt ashamed and angry, but she didn't dare to get angry at her.

He took small steps forward and hugged her arm affectionately, "Sister, didn't the great grandfather give you a card? You can use that card."

Grandpa knew that her pocket money was so little, and he felt sorry for her granddaughter, so he specially prepared a secondary card for her.

Ren Ran rarely used that card. She had no desire for these luxury goods. Low consumption desire is probably the kind of people like her.

Once she went shopping with Xu Ying, she didn't have enough money.

Ren Ran paid for her with the secondary card. Since then, Xu Ying would take her shopping every once in a while, and every time she didn't have enough money, she would ask her to borrow money. After a while, it became natural for her to use the card.

She didn't care in her last life, because they were relatives and good sisters. She was always generous to her relatives.

But in this life, don't even think about using her money again.

She had to sort out the money she had swiped for her before and let her return it all.

"I don't need that card, I've already returned it to grandpa."

"You've returned it!!!" Xu Ying's voice rose unconsciously.

With that expression and tone, people who didn't know would think that she had taken her card.

She realized that she had lost her composure and hurriedly made amends: "I'm so surprised."

Ren Ran urged impatiently: "Pay quickly, and go to the next store after paying."

"I, I..."

"Don't you bring money when you go out? You buy so much without money?" Ren Ran asked with a puzzled look.

This question expressed the sales assistants' thoughts, and also made Xu Ying blush and embarrassed.

At this moment, Xu Ying wanted to kill Ren Ran.

The sales assistant asked in a low voice, "Miss Xu, do you still want these?"

This was like a loud slap in the face, which made her face hurt and embarrassed.


She picked up the phone and walked to the corner, "Mom, Ren Ran bought a bag worth more than 1.2 million, but she didn't have enough money, so she asked me to borrow. Look at this..."

Ren Shuyun cursed and said with pain, "The money has been transferred to you."

For the sake of 50 million, she had to pay the 1 million first with pain.

You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing your child.

At the same time as she hung up the phone, the bank's account information arrived.

Xu Ying held her head high, came back arrogantly, and handed the card to the sales assistant arrogantly, "Just swipe the card."

The sales assistant took the card with a smile on his face.

Looking at her, Ren Ran thought that she had cheated the money from her aunt. With her understanding of Ren Shuyun, she couldn't bear to spend so much money on her daughter.

"Xiaoying, you have money in your card, but you're still crying poor. We'll go to Louis D'Or later and you'll pay."

Hearing this, Xu Ying's face turned pale and the arrogance on her face disappeared.

How could she have money? She had just spent all the money she had cheated.

Xu Ying didn't dare to refuse and agreed, "Okay."

The two left LB under the watchful eyes of the shopping guide. Xu Ying saw her walking towards Louis D'Or, her eyes kept turning, and finally she thought of a reasonable reason.

"Sister, where is the fortune teller you just mentioned?"

Look, this fish has taken the bait automatically!

Ren Ran pretended to think, "It seems to be over there at the Olympic Sports Center."

"Then let's go there."

"No hurry, let's go shopping first, then go there."

Xu Ying was anxious, but she couldn't show it, "Sister, this kind of fortune-telling stall has a high turnover rate. I'm afraid if we go too late, they will leave. You are so interested that you gave up for me, how can I continue to drag you around. It just so happens that I also want to see if the fortune-teller is accurate."

After her soft and hard persuasion, Ren Ran reluctantly agreed.

"Okay then."

Xu Ying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Ren Ran took Xu Ying around the small square outside the mall, and finally found the fortune-telling stall after some effort.

Qing Xuan was wearing a Taoist robe, wearing a pair of sunglasses, with a fake beard on the corners of his lips, and his hair was bleached and dyed white.

When Xu Ying saw the man's outfit, her first reaction was that he was a liar.

Seeing the two people coming, Qing Xuan pretended to be mysterious, "I counted with my fingers, the two girls are here to tell fortunes."

"The Taoist priest is really smart." Ren Ran responded with a smile.

Xu Ying was speechless.

If he didn't come to tell fortunes, would he come to see you?

Ren Ran, this idiot, actually believed in such a liar, and she was a top student. Humph, she has learned so much.

Ren Ran tilted her head, "Xiaoying, the Taoist priest is really capable. You are the younger sister, you go first."

Xu Ying was about to say no, but when she thought that she was the one who dragged her here, she nodded.

"Miss, are you here to tell your marriage, study, or life fortune?"


"Miss, please tell me your birth date." Qing Xuan stroked his beard calmly.

Xu Ying reported her own birth date.

Qing Xuan raised his hand and began to calculate. After a while, he said, "The lady's horoscope is very good. She will be rich and prosperous..."

Xu Ying's expression changed from indifferent at the beginning to a smile on her face, and she was very proud.

People like to hear nice things, even if they know it is false.

An hour later, Ren Ran separated from Xu Ying.

As soon as she left, Qing Xuan walked to Ren Ran's side.

"It's not her."

Before coming here, Ren Ran had this feeling.

"Her fate is not as good as yours, but it's okay. The fate that is exchanged with yours must be extremely bad. So, that person is not her."

If it's not her, who else could it be?

A face unconsciously emerged in Ren Ran's mind.

She will never forget that face in her life.

"I'll go to the group, you go back first."

She has to verify it.

Yaxing Group

Ren Ran often came to play when she was a child, and the number of times she came became less as she grew up, but it did not prevent the staff inside from recognizing her.

She entered the general manager's office unimpeded. Today is the weekend, Kong Liji is at home with Ren Suya, and there is no one in the office.

She took out the key she had prepared in advance from her pocket, and after entering the office, she began to search. Small items like Buddha amulets would definitely not be placed on the shelf, but could only be placed in a drawer.

Sure enough, it was easy for her to find it.

I found the amulet in the bottom drawer on the left. I looked at it carefully for a moment and squeezed it. It was solid, exactly the same as the one my cousin's family had.

This meant that only theirs had a problem.

She put the things back, walked out of the office, walked outside the company, took out her cell phone, and called Ren Suya, who answered the phone quickly.

"Ran Ran."

"Mom, where is Dad now?"

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