Did he notice his mother's abnormality during this period? Today's words can provide a cover for his mother and at the same time peel off a layer of skin from his father.

Based on her understanding of Kong Lian, she absolutely couldn't help it.

A hole was dug for his father, but the bait was not enough to cause him pain.

In the previous life, Wanbaode did auction a set of rubies, and that set of rubies was auctioned for 18 million. Compared with the value of the set of rubies, it is already a five percent premium.

She wanted to empty her father's pockets, and the set of gems wasn't worth enough.

So she arrived at the mountainside villa at night.

"Grandpa, grandma, can you lend me a set of jewelry?"

Ren Hongru was a little surprised, "Of course, why do you want this all of a sudden?"

"I'm useful."

"Tell me more specifically."

Looking into grandpa's wise eyes, he hesitated again and again before speaking out his plan.

After hearing this, the couple was greatly shocked. The shock on grandma's face could not be taken back for a long time.

"Of course, you..."

Ren Hongru held his wife's hand and stopped what she was about to say, "Okay, come and get it after school tomorrow."


The old couple did not keep her here today, and when she left, the expressions on their faces were heavy.

"Old man, do you feel that Ranran has changed and become very mature?"

It felt like she was an innocent little princess one moment, but in the blink of an eye, she became mature after ups and downs in society.

"She's grown up."

Grow up overnight!

This kind of thing has happened to many people, and those who have this kind of situation often encounter the biggest obstacle in life. After crossing this hurdle, I grew up overnight.

Her father's cheating and having an illegitimate daughter who is a few months older than her are undoubtedly a hurdle in her life.

"That's a good thing."

Actually, there was one thing that grandma didn't say clearly.

Just now, she felt her granddaughter's indifference and hatred toward her father.

This was what surprised her the most.

She knows best what kind of temper her granddaughter has. Simply cheating will not make her like this. It will only happen if he has done more excessive things.

The next day, Ren Ran came to the Mid-Levels Villa as promised.

Grandma personally handed her a set of jewelry worth 80 million.

"This set of jewelry is for Ranran. There is no need to return it to grandma." Grandma gently patted her hand, her eyes filled with distress.

"Grandpa also prepared a gift for you."

There was a knock on the study door.

"Come in."

A professional woman wearing a suit and her hair tied up walked into the study.

"Dr. Ren, madam, young lady." Gao Ying greeted them one by one.


Gao Ying sat down on the sofa opposite.

Ren Hongru said to Ren Ran: "Her name is Gao Ying. She will be your assistant from now on and will help you handle everything."

Ren Ran's eyes opened slightly.

Ren Hongru looked at Gao Ying, "In the future, when taking care of everything, remember that it is everything."

Gao Ying was surprised, but had no objection.

In the car leaving the mountainside villa, there was another person beside her.

Gao Ying looked at the young lady beside her.

If she remembered correctly, the person in front of her was only a senior in high school. Judging from the personnel structure of Yaxing Group, when the chairman retires, his uncle Kong Li will succeed him, and it will not be the turn of the half-year-old child in front of him.

However, the chairman sent her to the young lady's side, which was a bit intriguing.

Ren Ran noticed the confusion in the new assistant's eyes. She had no explanation and no need to explain. She would understand after time.

"Now I give you a task. Did you see the bag beside you? There is a set of jewelry worth 80 million in it. I want you to put this set of jewelry into the auction before the Wanbaode auction."

A little difficult, but not a big problem.

Gao Ying responded without any pressure, "Okay."

"You have to ensure that this lot falls into the hands of Kong Liji, and it must be higher than the market price."

This is difficult.

However, what surprised her the most was the way the little lady called Mr. Kong, not dad, but the cold name directly.

Combining the actions of the old chairman and the attitude of the young lady, Gao Ying smelled something unusual.

The group is about to change.

Seeing that she didn't respond for a long time, Ren Ran said again, "Is there a problem?"

"no problem."

Once Miss Ren Ran takes over the position of chairman, her status will also rise, which is a good thing for her.

As the first thing Miss Ren Ran ordered, Gao Ying worked very hard and did everything very properly. It can even be said that she overfulfilled the task.

Ren Ran had just finished class and took out his phone to check the messages, and saw the latest message sent by Gao Ying five minutes ago.

Kong Li then took a photo of the set of jewelry given to her by her grandmother for 98 million, and also took a photo of the set of rubies worth 18 million in her previous life.

It's just that in his previous life, the transaction was for 18 million. This time, under Ren Ran's intentional control, he paid an extra 5 million to get the set of jewelry.

Ren Ran gave Gao Ying instructions again.

Gao Ying couldn't help but frowned after seeing the information above.

[Publish this matter, publicize it in a high profile. 】

Gao Ying didn't think about it for a while, but it didn't hinder her movements.

In the evening, Ren Ran was eating in the cafeteria with Zhao Yi and others when he heard bursts of exclamations, accompanied by constant glances directed at her.

A classmate walked up to her and said, "Ren Ran, your dad bought a set of jewelry worth hundreds of millions this afternoon, and a set of rubies worth 23 million."

Ninety-eight million, rounded up to hundreds of millions.

The media's headlines are so plain and simple.

Zhao Yi heard this and took out his mobile phone to check it. He was amazed when he saw it.

"Ran Ran, your dad spends a lot of money, so generous!"

Ren Ran smiled and revealed the information, "My parents are about to have their wedding anniversary, this should be the wedding anniversary gift he prepared for my mother."

This answer once again made the onlookers exclaim.

"So romantic!"

"What kind of fairy love is this."

"It feels like a domineering president and a sweet wife."

"I envy Ren Ran's mother so much."

"That set of jewelry worth hundreds of millions must be for Ren Ran's mother, so the other set of rubies can't be for you?" Someone asked.

"That's for sure!" Zhao Yi said with a smile.

The classmates were talking about it, but Ren Ran kept a smile on her face and did not respond.

Kong Lian, who was sitting not far away, was in a very bad mood listening to the discussions of the people around her.

Kong Liji was her father!

She wanted to tell everyone loudly, but she couldn't and didn't dare.

What a bullshit fairy love.

Dad didn't love the mother and daughter at all, everything was fake.

How could that set of jewelry be given to that vicious woman? It must be given to her mother.

That vicious woman doesn't deserve such jewelry.

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