Asia Star Group

The assistant opened the door to the general manager's office.

"Mr. Kong, I have something to report to you. The two sets of jewelry you took at Wanbaode this afternoon have become popular on the Internet."

The assistant handed him the hot news page for review.

After Kong Liji read it, a surge of anger surged into his heart.

"Who stabbed him out?"

The assistant was stunned. He didn't expect the general manager to react so strongly.

This incident is not negative news, but is beneficial to the group.

"Find a way to remove it."

Kong Liji was very angry.

This report undoubtedly disrupted all his plans.

He originally wanted to give the set of rubies worth more than 20 million yuan to Ren Suya, and another set of jewelry worth more than 90 million yuan to Ruan Fengru in the name of opening up foreign relations, so as to transfer the money reasonably.

Once this report came out, it would be very risky to implement his plan again.

As soon as Kong Liji, who was unhappy, returned home, he was greeted with a hug.

Ren Ran said with a smile: "Thank you, Dad."

Kong Liji was stunned for a moment and pulled his daughter down, "Why do you want to thank me?"

"Dad, please don't hide it from me. I already know it. You bought two sets of jewelry at the auction. One is for my mother and the other is for me, right? My classmates all know it. "

Ren Ran noticed the slight change in his father's expression, as if he hadn't seen him before, and continued to chatter: "Dad, you have never given me such an expensive gift."

This last sentence was like a slap in the face, instantly waking him up from his anger.

Kong Liji endured the pain in his body and said with a smile: "I'll give you the ruby ​​set."

"Thanks Dad, I knew you were the best."

Ren Suya's urging voice came from inside the house.

"Why are you two standing at the door chattering? Come in quickly."

The two walked happily into the house, and Ren Ran whispered: "Mom saw the news and is in a good mood today. Shouldn't you praise me?"

"Little clever devil!" Kong Liji tapped her forehead with his finger, looking doting on her face.

Ren Ran chuckled.

In the past few days, Ren Ran was very proud of herself in the class. Everyone knew that her father spent a lot of money to buy jewelry worth hundreds of millions for the mother and daughter.

This situation is the result of letting things go unchecked.

She would pay attention to Kong Lian's changes every day, watching her expression become uglier day by day, thinking in her mind that it was time to give the final blow.

And this opportunity lies with Guo Tongwen.

Ren Ran came out of Teacher Zhao's office and saw Guo Tongwen waiting at the door as soon as he came out.

"Have the investigation results come out?" Guo Tongwen has been thinking about this matter.

Ren Ran nodded.

She looked around and said, "This is not the place to talk."

"Yeah." Guo Tongwen nodded.

The two arrived at the small woods behind the teaching building one after another.

"who is it?"

Ren Ran thought about it for a while and said, "If I tell you this result, you may not believe it."

"I believe it." Guo Tongwen said firmly.

"We extracted complete fingerprints from only two people. Except for the two banknotes that Teacher Zhao encountered, only Tan Jia's complete fingerprints were extracted from the other banknotes."

"What, what does this mean?" Guo Tongwen didn't react for a moment.

"Perhaps the person who framed you was wearing gloves, so only Tan Jia's fingerprints were left." Ren Ran explained.

Guo Tongwen was stunned for several seconds before coming back to her senses.

"Do you think it's possible?" Guo Tongwen smiled sarcastically.

She thought about what Tan Jia said that day when she mentioned calling the police, and she sneered in her heart.

Ren Ran shrugged, "It's... hard to say."

Except for Teacher Zhao, Tan Jia was the only one whose fingerprints were extracted. Still, he didn't lie. He told the truth. Whether it was with the teacher or Guo Tongwen, she told the truth. Kong Lian was not mentioned in the whole process.

If Kong Lian is dragged into the water now, she will see Kong Lian get into trouble in the short term, but in the long-term plan, this small profit is not enough for her to do so.

"Have you ever offended Tan Jia?" Ren Ran asked curiously.

"No!" Guo Tongwen wanted to deny it directly.

"That's weird."

Not to mention that Ren Ran was strange, she herself felt strange. The relationship between Tan Jia and her could not be said to be very good, but it was not to the point of framing her.

Ren Ran continued: "A person will not do this for no reason, there must be some purpose. Just like in the TV series, for example, she wants to achieve a certain purpose by framing you. Or she is being instigated by others, etc. possible."

Guo Tongwen couldn't help but nodded and listened to these words.

"I'll go find Tan Jia and ask for details."

Ren Ran grabbed her and said, "Don't be impulsive! If you want to ask, it's better to ask in private. Teacher Zhao doesn't want to expand the matter. He wants to give the other party a chance to change his ways. However, I don't think anything can come out of asking." After all, just extracting her fingerprints is not enough to convict her. If you want to know who it is, you have to..."

Guo Tongwen understood what she meant, "Don't worry, I will find a way to trick you out."

During lunch break, Ren Ran saw Guo Tongwen calling Tan Jia away.

It was the same grove in the morning, the same two people, but the atmosphere was not as harmonious as before, full of tension and oppression.

"What do you want from me?" Tan Jia asked pretending to be calm.

Guo Tongwen looked at her with a smile, "Tan Jia, I haven't offended you, have I?"


"I didn't offend you, but why did you want to kill me?" Her face turned cold.

Tan Jia's heart tightened, "What do you mean?"

"You are still stubborn at this time? Is it interesting?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Tan Jia turned around and wanted to leave, but Guo Tongwen would never give her a chance. She grabbed her arm with such force that she almost pulled her down.

"You want to leave before things are clear?"

"Let go." Tan Jia couldn't break free, stopped, and looked at her angrily, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to ask you, what do you want to do? The results of the extraction are out, don't you have anything to tell me? I just want to know why you want to frame me?"

"I didn't."

She still wanted to leave, but this time Guo Tongwen didn't stop her, but said quietly behind her: "If you dare to leave, I will turn around and tell everyone about this. I will make you unable to stay in this school. Even if you transfer to another school, I will visit the school you transfer to and promote you. Spread your glorious deeds. "

Tan Jia turned around suddenly, staring at him, as if looking at a madman, "Do you think others will believe you if you say it? Do you have evidence?"

"Evidence? You don't have to worry about that. What you do, can't I do it?" Guo Tongwen crossed her arms and was confident, "If you do it on the first day, don't blame me for doing it on the fifteenth. I, Guo Tongwen, do what I say. If you don't believe it, let's wait and see."


Guo Tongwen continued, "Are you doing things for others? You have to think clearly before answering."

"I'm not, I just don't like you."

This is undoubtedly telling her that there is someone behind her.

Guo Tongwen smiled, "Tan Jia, don't treat everyone as fools! What I can guess, do you think she can't guess?"

"You, what do you mean?" Tan Jia finally panicked.

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