Noticing Tan Jia's slightly changed expression, Guo Tongwen became more and more convinced of her suspicions. Thinking back carefully about what Ren Ran said, she admired her even more.

Fortunately, she was smart enough to calmly think about everything between her and Tan Jia after returning; fortunately, she clearly understood what Ren Ran had said before. Although Ren Ran didn't say it explicitly, it had already hinted to her that there was someone behind the incident.

Now he deceived Tan Jia, and his true colors were revealed.

These years of fighting in the palace and at home are not for nothing.

"You don't want to offend that person, so why do you dare to offend us?"

"Since you have already guessed it, why do you still ask?" Tan Jia frowned.

"I want you to admit it yourself."

Tan Jia lost her temper and said, "Since you know she was the one who instigated it, do you think you can defeat her? Look at how smart Ren Ran is. If she doesn't take the initiative, let you do it. She If you are afraid of three-pointers, what confidence do you have to confront them?"

Guo Tongwen was stunned!

She thought the instigator was Pei Ming or Xu Li, but judging by her tone and the content of her words, it was clear that the instigator was not them, but someone else, and this person was probably the only person in the class who could rival Ren Ran. , there is only one person - Kong Lian.

"It turns out to be her." Guo Tongwen suddenly realized.

"You lied to me!" Tan Jia reacted, anxious and angry.

She thought they all knew that's why she dared to say so. Even if Kong Lian knew it, he couldn't blame her.

But now I realized that I had been fooled and foolishly revealed it.

"Oh, it's not that I deceived you, but that you feel guilty."

If you are not a professional criminal, how can there be so many people with high psychological quality.

"Guo Tongwen, can you please not tell this matter? You and I are both knives in their hands. There is no need to hurt each other for them."

Although she didn't know the specific reason why Kong Lian targeted Ren Ran, it was pretty much the same thing.

Two people belong to the same class, so it is normal for them to compare with each other, not to mention what Renran said last time. It is easy to offend others and it is natural for them to be resented by each other.

"She gave me 100,000 yuan, and I can give you half of it. This incident has not caused any loss to you, and you can still get 50,000 yuan, so why not." Tan Jiaxiao was moved by reason. Persuasion.

One hundred thousand yuan is a huge amount of money for a high school student. Even adults who have worked for many years may not have that much money in their pockets.

Her silence seemed to Tan Jia as acquiescence.

No one can escape the temptation of money.

"where you go?"

Seeing that she was leaving, Tan Jia was dumbfounded and shouted hurriedly.

Guo Tongwen turned to look at Tan Jia, "I won't tell her, but I don't need your money either."

Tan Jia stood there, staring blankly at her leaving figure.

Back in the classroom, Guo Tongwen subconsciously glanced at Ren Ran, who lowered his head and studied the questions carefully.

Does she know?

Still don’t know?

After struggling all afternoon, Guo Tongwen finally couldn't help it and approached Ren Ran and Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi glanced at her and said nothing.

After the three of them had dinner, they walked towards the lake. Zhao Yi walked in front of them very wisely, keeping some distance between them.

"Do you know who is hiding behind?"

"Yes." Ren Ran nodded honestly without hiding anything.

"You want to use me against Kong Lian, right?"

"Use or cooperate, it all depends on what you think."

"what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing illegal. You just need to compare my parents with her parents in front of Kong Lian."

"Is it that simple?" Guo Tongwen was surprised.

"Of course, do you want to do something else?" Ren Ran looked at her funny.


"Aren't you afraid of being used as a knife by me?" Ren Ran asked.

Guo Tongwen shook her head, "I am willing to be used by you. At least you are more honest than her."

One is passive and the other is active. There is still a big difference between the two, not to mention that the moment Kong Lian dragged her into the water, they had already become enemies.

Now it's just a matter of working with someone who can confront her and teach her a lesson. It's not about using her, it can only be said that everyone gets what they need.

It has to be said that Guo Tongwen is a master of innuendo. When she compares her with Kong Lian from time to time, her insinuation skills of intentionally or unintentionally flattering others are definitely full of skills.

Kong Lian's face became worse and worse day by day, and when he finally saw Guo Tongwen's small mouth, he turned around and left.

Her fighting ability is still absolutely perfect.

Kong Lian shouldn't be able to hold on for long before he takes action.

Ren Ran assigned Gao Ying the third task.

"Investigate this woman, all the information. The assets in her name, the large expenditures in the past ten years, etc., the more detailed the better. Remember, be careful and don't let the other party notice."

Ren Ran sent Ruan Fengru's message to Gao Ying's mobile phone.

Gao Ying briefly glanced at the information about the mission target. Although she didn't know the purpose of the little lady this time, she was sure of one thing. The little lady definitely had a follow-up plan.

This is like the last two missions.

During the first mission, she hadn't seen it through yet. By the time of the second mission, she understood the little lady's true intention.

She calmly dug her father's private money into her own pocket without spending a penny.

Every move she makes is calculated.

What she did was the last step. She completed all the previous steps by herself without letting Mr. Kong notice. Just for this reason, Gao Ying did not dare to underestimate this high school student.

On Sunday afternoon, Ren Ran was doing homework, and the mobile phone on the table vibrated slightly.

Xu Zhaoyin sent a message.

[Kong Liji and a mother and daughter were shopping in Hangzhou Mall. ]

Xu Zhaoyin on the other end of the phone sent this message very complicatedly, feeling a little guilty and guilty.

He almost missed a big thing.

Before, I always thought Kong Liji was a good father and a good husband. Now I see him hugging other women and the girl next to him calling him dad.

The family of three is so happy that Xu Zhaoyin can't help but want to slap himself a few times.

Within a minute, Xu Zhaoyin received a reply from his employer.

[Keep an eye on it, location sharing. ]

After Ren Ran sent the message to Xu Zhaoyin, he found his mother arranging flowers in the courtyard.

"Mom, where is Dad?"

"There is an emergency meeting today, so he went back to the company." Ren Suya didn't look up, arranging flowers quietly and elegantly. This quiet and peaceful situation will no longer exist in a few hours.

For a moment, Ren Ran felt that he was very cruel, breaking this peace with his own hands.

The reluctance flashed through his heart, and was quickly occupied by reason and reality.

"Mom, I found a restaurant, let's go there to eat tonight. I'll treat you!"

Ren Suya raised her head, "I'll call your dad to see if he's free?"

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