Since the private detective she hired gave the result, Ren Suya's attitude towards her husband has improved again.

Ren Ran did not stop it.

The phone was quickly answered.

"Wife, what's wrong?"

"My daughter wants to treat us to dinner. Can you come back tonight to eat together?"

In the Hangzhou shopping mall, after Kong Liji called her wife, Kong Lian pricked up her ears to eavesdrop. After hearing what the other party said, her mouth shrank and she looked at her father with pitiful eyes.

Kong Liji looked at his daughter's aggrieved look and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Things are a bit tricky. I can't get back for a while. Next time, I will go with you next time."

Ren Suya nodded sympathetically, "Okay. You should pay attention to rest and don't work too hard."

"Well, I will."

The call ended, and Ren Ran was not surprised at all.

It was really unexpected that he agreed.

"Your father can't come back, let's go next time." Ren Suya didn't want her husband to be absent.

Ren Ran walked up to her and hugged her arm affectionately, "Mom, if Dad doesn't come back, can't we be alone? You love Dad, not me."

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you."

Ren Ran called Gao Ying and she drove the car herself. It only takes more than two hours to get from Hai City to Hangzhou City. Gao Ying was a little surprised when she saw the location sent by the young lady.

After the car left the city and got on the highway, Ren Suya was a little surprised.

"Ran Ran, where is this restaurant you are looking for?"

"Hangzhou City."

"What restaurant makes you run so far to have a dinner? You still have to go to school tomorrow." Ren Suya thought for her.

"Mom, this meal is more meaningful than going to school."

"What medicine are you selling in this gourd?"

She smiled but said nothing.

After passing the toll gate and entering Hangzhou City, it was already around five o'clock in the afternoon. According to the location sent by Xu Zhaoyin, it was a private restaurant.

Ren Suya looked at the private restaurant with a stylish decoration in front of her, and didn't see anything special.

Xu Zhaoyin saw the employer coming and was about to step forward, but when he saw the person following her, he stopped silently and sent her a message.

[Your father and his friends just went in for more than ten minutes. They need to make an appointment, so I can't go in. I don't know which box they are in. ]

Ren Suya subconsciously raised her legs to walk in, but Ren Ran didn't move, and looked sideways at Gao Ying.

"Sister Yingying, please pack a meal for us, a combination of meat and vegetables, clean and hygienic."

Ren Ran looked around and took her mother to the door of a store opposite, and pulled her mother to sit on a lounge chair beside. This position is just right to see the private restaurant clearly.

On the lounge chair behind them, Xu Zhaoyin was in the line.

They looked at each other and understood each other.

Ren Suya really didn't understand what her daughter was going to do.

Gao Ying brought the food, and the three of them ate cheap fast food in plastic boxes.

It was the first time for Ms. Ren Suya to eat this kind of fast food.

"Ran Ran, is this the delicious food you want to take me to eat?" Ren Suya was a little bit unbelieving.

"Yeah." Ren Ran nodded, "Mom, these dishes are delicious, with a hint of fireworks."

Ren Suya watched her daughter eat the food in big mouthfuls, and at that moment she felt that she was not as good as a child.

She tasted it twice, and the taste was a bit strong, with too much seasoning, but seeing her daughter eating it happily, she was uncomfortable for a few seconds, and slowly got used to it.

The three of them ate the box lunch quietly.

After finishing the box lunch, Ren Suya saw that she was still not leaving, and followed her gaze to the private restaurant across the street.

"Ran Ran, are you hiding something from me?"

"Mom, how many emotions will a person experience in his life?"

Ren Suya looked at her deeply for a few times, and spoke after a long while, "Family, love, friendship, master-disciple relationship, etc."

"Among these emotions, which one do you think is the most indispensable?"

She did not answer, but asked in confusion: "Ran Ran, what's wrong?"

"Mom, just answer my question."

Ren Suya suppressed the doubts in her heart and thought for a moment, "Family."

Then, Ren Ran told some metaphorical stories, even the most dull people understood what was coming.

"Is he in there?"

This him, it goes without saying.

Ren Ran nodded.

At this time, a family of three walked out of the private restaurant, the middle-aged man and woman were arm in arm, and the girl beside them was chattering. Outsiders who saw this scene would definitely think they were a happy family.

Only the parties involved knew that they were a hidden existence.

Ren Suya looked at the intimate scene of her husband and Ruan Fengru, and her heart, which had just healed, was torn apart.

Kong Liji thoughtfully opened the car door for Ruan Fengru and kissed her face before getting in the car. Who wouldn't envy their love in the sweet atmosphere?

The three of them got in the car and drove away quickly.

They didn't know that a group of spectators witnessed their daily life as a loving family of three.

Gao Ying was not surprised at all when she saw Mr. Kong coming out with other women. Instead, she had a mentality of expecting it to be so. Not to mention that after seeing Ruan Fengru, she knew it all.

She knew that the person the young lady asked her to investigate was definitely not simple, not to mention that during the investigation, she also smelled unusual business secrets and had a close relationship with the group headquarters.

Ren Ran noticed her mother's trembling body, hugged her with both hands, rested her head on her shoulder, and whispered: "Mom, did you see the girl next to him?"

Ren Suya naturally noticed it.

"She is a transfer student who transferred to our class this year. Her name is Kong Lian. She said her father's name is Kong Mingcheng. She has 500,000 pocket money every month. Her father often buys her jewelry and bags. She is picked up by a luxury car every day..."

As she narrated, the words her daughter once said in her ear passed by clearly.

Ren Suya raised her eyes and looked at her with tearful scarlet eyes.

Illegitimate daughter, picked up by a luxury car.

Her daughter, who took the bus every day.

Illegitimate daughter, 500,000 pocket money every month.

Her daughter, only 50,000 yuan every month.

Illegitimate daughter, often received jewelry and bags.

Thinking back to the gifts he gave to his daughter, Ren Suya felt like a knife in her heart.

What bullshit can't make her become arrogant and extravagant, what to cultivate her view of money, all of these are excuses.

Why is an illegitimate daughter treated better than her daughter.

Why is a thing that can't be put on the table, but surpassed her daughter.

She is the daughter of the Ren family, not the illegitimate daughter.

She thought she loved her husband, but he treated their daughter so harshly behind her back, and even wrapped them in gorgeous candy paper, making them eat poison wrapped in highly toxic drugs.


Ren Suya suddenly pushed Ren Ran away, got up hurriedly, walked to the sidewalk tree, held the tree trunk, and retched.

Seeing his mother so uncomfortable, Ren Ran felt distressed.

Was she too cruel?

But when he thought of his mother's future fate, he suppressed that trace of reluctance.

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