Such a good mood did not last long before it was disrupted by a phone call.

"Hey, who's there?"

"Miss Jiang? I am your godmother who was ordered by Lin to take care of you at the police station."

"Hello, what's the matter with me?" Jiang Zhiyu's attitude was gentle and his voice was gentle.

"It's like this. There is a man named Zhu Ziqiang who wants to meet you."

Jiang Zhiyu refused without thinking, "I'm sorry, the family has been strict recently and I'm not allowed to go out. Just tell him that I will go over there as soon as my place is stable, and tell them not to panic inside. There is me."

But the person opposite said: "By the way, that person asked me to give you a word."



Jiang Zhiyu's pupils suddenly shrank, his mind went blank, he was stunned, and the hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

"D-did he say anything else?" Jiang Zhiyu's voice was tight and a little uneasy.

"there is none left."

Jiang Zhiyu let out a long sigh of relief.

"Miss Jiang, do you want to see her? If not, I will help you refuse."

"See you! I will go there tomorrow afternoon. Please help me make arrangements. I need to talk to him alone."

In the afternoon, Jiang Zhiyu finally came out of Jiang's house after a lot of effort.

When we arrived at the police station, it was already 3:15 pm.

A police officer was waiting at the door early. Jiang Zhiyu appeared at the police station in a low-key manner wearing a hat, mask, and sunglasses.

"Ms. Jiang, I am Xiao Li who spoke to you before."

"Hello, Officer Li." Jiang Zhiyu greeted politely.

"The one who has been waiting for you. Please come with me."

Officer Li took her into the police station and then opened a door.

Jiang Zhiyu looked at the room in front of him, which was an interrogation room.

"Is there no other place?"

"Zhu Ziqiang has been sued by the prosecutor. It is not convenient to go to the rest room. There are surveillance cameras in the corridor, so it is easy to fall into trouble." Officer Li explained patiently.

Seemingly sensing her scruples, he showed the other party the machines in the room.

"These monitoring devices are all turned off."

Jiang Zhiyu took a look and confirmed that it was closed, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Wait here for a moment, I'll ask Zhu Ziqiang to come over."

Five minutes later, Zhu Ziqiang arrived at the interrogation room.

Officer Li took the initiative to leave, "I'll stand guard at the outer door and you guys can chat slowly. Okay, just call me."

"Thank you, Officer Li." Jiang Zhiyu thanked her politely. There was no hint of the temper of a young lady in her body at this moment.

After he left, the smile on Jiang Zhiyu's face faded, his eyes were unkind and vaguely angry.

"What do you mean?" she said preemptively.

Zhu Ziqiang smiled and said, "Miss Jiang, what do you mean by asking me? I haven't asked you what you mean yet. You said you would help us, but now? What have you done? Do you want to wait until after our trial? Did you just come to help? Or did you never think of helping me from the beginning to the end?”

"No! After the incident happened, I immediately found connections to bail you out. But now the situation is tight and there is a lot of public opinion outside, so it is not easy to operate."

"These are all excuses, right? Your mother's incident was such a big deal in the past that the woman wanted to jump off a building and even found a TV station to expose it. In the end, nothing happened. Why can't you handle it now that I'm here?"

Once the seeds of doubt are planted in a person's heart, no matter what he does, he will be doubtful and lose his original judgment.

In Jiang Zhiyu's eyes, his behavior was purely unreasonable.

"The past was before, and the present is now. I promise you that I will definitely resolve your matter."

Her promise was a failure in his eyes.

Once he enters prison and is even sentenced to death, there is really no way to save him.

He didn't know whether she was stabilizing herself, or whether she wanted to use this incident to completely eliminate her, so she could sit back and relax.

Various conjectures appeared in his mind, and the eyes he looked at her were a bit fierce unconsciously.

"Don't forget 501, I..."

"Shut up!" Jiang Zhiyu interrupted him directly.

Her expression turned gloomy, "I said, this matter will never be mentioned again in the future."

"If you don't want me to mention it, it's very simple, just keep me safe."

Jiang Zhiyu suppressed his unhappiness and said in a gentle tone, "It's not that I won't take you out now, it's that the higher-ups have already paid attention to this matter. No one dares to move. Once they do, the dust on their heads will not be protected."

"Even if I ask my dad to take action, he can't do it. If you don't believe it, just expose it. The worst is, we will die together."

She leaned back and collapsed.

Zhu Ziqiang squinted his eyes and examined it. After a while, he said, "What are you going to do?"

Knowing that he had compromised, Jiang Zhiyu sat up straight and expressed his thoughts, "Before coming, I asked Lin Suo, and he told me that it would be best for the two of you to stay in prison for a while. When the heat passes, After the sentence is over, if you stay there for a few months, you can get a little reduction in your sentence."

"How long are we going to be in jail?"

"It will come out in about a year. If my matter is successful, I guarantee that you will be able to come out safely in half a year. This is already an excellent solution."

"Okay, I hope you didn't lie to me. If I don't come out after one year, then..."

What follows is self-evident.

"Don't worry, I, Jiang Zhiyu, will do what I say."

Zhu Ziqiang was taken away.

Jiang Zhiyu's face instantly darkened.

After a while, Wang Jinghua appeared.

"Xiaoyu." Seeing her ugly face, he asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"He threatened me with that incident."

Wang Jinghua immediately thought of that incident, and her face darkened.

"How dare he!"

"What is there for him not to dare to do? This time the threat was successful, and next time he will definitely use this incident to continue to threaten me to do other things." Jiang Zhiyu's face was gloomy, "It's all your fault! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have anything to do with such a person. He is an ungrateful person who can't be fed."

Wang Jinghua wanted to say a few words to help him, but when she got to her lips, she couldn't say it.

"My dear daughter, I will restrain him."

Jiang Zhiyu sneered. Don't say that she can't look down on her mother. What kind of character is Zhu Ziqiang? Isn't she clear?

"Help me keep an eye on him inside, don't let him say anything he shouldn't say. Once there is something wrong with him, you must tell me as soon as possible."

Before leaving, Jiang Zhiyu gave another reminder.

"I am your daughter, your future support. If I fall, you will have nothing."

Jiang Zhiyu left.

Ren Ran and Song Lian, who had been staying in the monitoring room, looked regretful.

They were really cautious and didn't say a word about 501.

The more so, the more complicated the things behind 501 are.

Ren Ran turned his head to look at Song Lian, "Do you have any clues about 501?"

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