"I got Jiang Zhiyu's previous information. There are two places related to 501. When she was in junior high school, she was in the Capital Noble School. Her class was 501, Class 1, Grade 5. In high school, her swimming locker number was 501. As for other people who were related to 501, there was no one."

"Zhu Ziqiang was with Wang Jinghua when Jiang Zhiyu was in the first year of high school, so the first one can be temporarily ruled out."

"I focused on asking people to investigate her high school life, and I really found some things."

With Song Lian's words, Ren Ran's curiosity was aroused.

She didn't say anything, and motioned her to continue.

"A female classmate who was one grade lower than them drowned in the swimming pool. When she was rescued, she was damaged due to lack of oxygen in her brain and is now a vegetable. The police accident report that year said it was an accident."

"I have asked people to investigate the whole story of the incident that year."

Could it be this incident?

With Jiang Zhiyu's personality, she dared to commit murder and arson at the time. Would she be afraid of such a thing?


Ren Ran had some guesses in her mind, but she couldn't guarantee that it was not this, so she had to continue the investigation.

"Do you have any clues about the fire at Sanqing Temple? Can you find the arsonist?"

Song Lian shook his head, "There is no clue about this matter. The fire burned a lot of things, but one thing is certain, this matter was man-made. I have asked people to investigate the personnel under Zhu Ziqiang's company and check their situation. Due to the large number of people and the large amount of work, the results will not come out so quickly."

"Yeah." Ren Ran nodded to show her understanding.

If evidence can be found in this matter, Zhu Ziqiang and Jiang Zhiyu will definitely not escape.

That's a living life.

Before I have the ability, I can only take it slowly.

Now that she has help, she vows to make the murderer pay with blood.

"Regarding the matter of 501, I have a way, maybe it won't be so troublesome to track it down." Ren Ran pondered for a while and spoke.

Song Lian's eyes lit up, "You want..."

The two looked at each other and understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

In the detention center, Wang Jinghua and Zhu Ziqiang were detained separately.

"Go in."

Zhu Ziqiang walked into the room, which had six beds, five of which were occupied, leaving only the last bed.

He observed the five people in the room, two of whom were stout, one was gentle, one was thin, and one had a sly look.

He was looking at them, and they were also looking at him.

Zhu Ziqiang's eyes swept over these people, and his eyebrows were slightly twisted.

As a person who has been in the underworld for many years, Zhu Ziqiang is very sensitive to some people.

The people in this room are not easy to mess with, even the seemingly gentle person is not a good person.

Zhu Ziqiang walked to his bunk.

As soon as he sat down, the sly person asked, "Hey, what did you do?"

"I helped someone do something."


"A crime." Zhu Ziqiang replied lightly, clearly unwilling to talk to him.

"What's your attitude?" The man with shifty eyes stood up immediately and looked at him unkindly.

Zhu Ziqiang understood one thing. If he was timid at this time, everyone would think he was easy to bully.

In such a place, you have to be ruthless and make everyone afraid of you, so that you can have a good life.

Zhu Ziqiang looked at him with contempt, "Whatever your attitude is, I will have the same attitude. What? Do you have any objections?"

"Damn it!" The man with shifty eyes threw the things in his hand to the ground and strode towards him. "You dare to be so arrogant just after you come here. Today I will teach you what the rules are."

As he spoke, the man with shifty eyes attacked Zhu Ziqiang with a hook punch.

Zhu Ziqiang was prepared and dodged sideways, while swinging his fist.

The two began to wrestle with each other.

Zhu Ziqiang was kicked in the abdomen, and he stepped back a few steps to the side and accidentally stepped on the instep of the sturdy man.

When he met the sturdy man's unfriendly gaze, he hurriedly apologized, but before he could say anything, a strong and evil wind came towards him.

"Bang"... A fist hit his abdomen, and Zhu Ziqiang felt pain.

Zhu Ziqiang just wanted to use the sly eyes to establish his authority, but he didn't want to make any more enemies.

He endured the pain, "I'm sorry."

"I don't want you to be sorry, I'm going to break your legs."

The sturdy man and the sly eyes attacked together.

Zhu Ziqiang vaguely realized that something was wrong, and before he could react, two more people stood up and walked towards him.

"What are you going to do?"

The four people showed a cruel smile.

Facing the attack of the four people, Zhu Ziqiang had no chance of winning at all. If it were before, he could still fight, but the pampered life in recent years made his body worse than before.

"Help! Help!"

"Someone come! Killing!"

Zhu Ziqiang shouted loudly.

However, no matter how he shouted, the guards outside did not move.

"Stop his mouth."

Stop his mouth with a towel, and several people take turns to beat him.

Two minutes later, Zhu Ziqiang was dying.

The gentle man glanced at the clock and reminded him in a faint voice, "There is still half a minute."

Zhu Ziqiang's pupils widened, his heart was determined, and he held his breath directly.

"He doesn't move, is it done?" The man with a sly look asked.

Everyone else stopped.

"It should be done."

"You can go big or small..."

Before the sinister-looking man could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the gentle man.

"If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will cut out your tongue."

After a while, there was movement outside and several police officers came over.

"he died."

The police officer immediately opened the door and called for medical personnel.

Zhu Ziqiang finally recovered his breathing, but he didn't dare to make it too obvious.

It's not safe yet.

Only after the medical staff arrived did he dare to take a deep breath.

Lying in the hospital bed, Zhu Ziqiang felt lucky to survive the disaster.

Who would take his life?

The answer is self-evident.

"I want to turn myself in. I have something important to tell the police."

The medical staff looked at the agitated and angry man and comforted him.

"Sir, don't get excited, we have already gone to call someone."

Another nurse patted his hand and reminded: "Hand the bottle first. Stretch out your hand."

Zhu Ziqiang stretched out his hand, and his sore body made him highly concentrated.

The needle was inserted into the skin, and the liquid in the bottle slowly flowed into his body through the infusion tube.

Zhu Ziqiang looked around vigilantly and anxiously, glancing at the door from time to time.

Several police officers who were specifically responsible for the case entered. After seeing the familiar police officers, Zhu Ziqiang's tense nerves relaxed.

"I want to surrender. I still have a few things I haven't confessed."

"What's up."

Suddenly, Zhu Ziqiang's body kept twitching.

"What's going on?" The police officer was surprised.

"Call the doctor quickly."

Zhu Ziqiang opened his mouth, his Adam's apple rolled, and he spat out a few words intermittently.

"Song, Song...steal..."

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