Ren Suya looked puzzled, her eyes scanning back and forth between Ren Hongru and Ren Ran.

"Ran Ran, how do you know this?"

If his granddaughter hadn't reminded him, he would have been deceived by this evil wolf. A person's disguise for more than 20 years, little by little, let them down their guard, this process is not something that ordinary people can do.

He was impressed by his caution and patience. How could his granddaughter know about such a person?

Some words can deceive a simple mother, but it is not good enough to deceive a grandfather.

Of course, Ren Ran never thought of lying to them.

I didn't say it before because the matter of rebirth was incredible. Even if I said it, they might not believe it. When they began to doubt and start thinking, I would tell them everything, which would be more convincing.

Ren Ran looked at the three most important people in her life, and said softly word by word: "What I am going to say next will exceed your cognition, but every word is the truth."

The solemn expression of her daughter made Ren Suya sit up straight unconsciously and listen attentively.

"I was reborn."

Grandpa and grandma's pupils shrank slightly, and mother's eyes widened, almost thinking she was hallucinating.

"In my previous life, this year, I was framed by Pei Ming, which led to my reputation being ruined, and I suffered from depression. Next spring, grandpa and grandma will have a car accident. At that time, my father has already taken control of the group. Soon after, he brought his mistress and illegitimate daughter to the house. Mom couldn't accept it and argued with him. He beat my mother, and the next night, my mother swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills and left."

"I was so angry that I fought with them, but in the end... I was beaten up by him, and he directly drove me out of the villa. Yaxing Group also left from anyone. The family home directly became the property of Kong Liji. Ruan Fengru and her daughter relied on the Yaxing Group to become successful women in the financial circle. Their daughter Kong Lian entered the entertainment circle and became the daughter of the Yaxing Group that everyone envied. And I..."

"I was penniless and could only sleep under the bridge every day. When I was hungry, I could only beg or look for food in the trash can."

At this point, the faces of grandpa, grandma, and mother became extremely ugly, and tears in the mother's eyes fell.

They did not interrupt her and listened quietly.

"Until my grandfather's secretary Qin Quan found me, gave me a sum of money, and settled me in a rental house in the village in the city. He got my ID card and found a job for me. Later, I interviewed companies by myself, every time..."

Listening to her narration of her unfortunate life one by one, even if they did not experience it personally, they could not help but break out in a cold sweat.

"I came out of the hospital that day, holding a report of advanced gastric cancer, and met a Taoist priest. He told me that I was supposed to have a noble life, but someone stole my fate."

"They changed my noble life into a lonely and evil life. I thought it was a turnaround, but I didn't expect a car out of control to rush towards me and I died under the wheels."

As soon as the voice fell, Ren Suya couldn't help it anymore and hugged her.

"My Ranran, my daughter."

Grandpa's face was calm, but his clenched fists were trembling slightly, obviously angry.

From her narration, combined with her actions, how could he not understand what role those people played in this.

"Did your father exchange your fate with that illegitimate daughter?" Ren Suya asked.

Ren Ran nodded, "Yes. Only when I am more miserable and unhappy, their lives will be better, and their fate can be completely changed."

Even if she didn't say it in detail, this sentence can already peek into her life in the previous life, which is far more miserable than what they heard.


Ren Hongru threw the teacup in his hand heavily to vent his anger.

The grandmother hurried forward and patted the old man on the back, "Don't get excited, take care of yourself."

Although she said so, she hated Kong Liji in her heart.

Ren Suya choked, "You are also his daughter, how can he treat you like this. Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs, but he is even more cruel than a beast."

Ren Hongru snorted with contempt, "He has been calculating since he met you. The daughter you gave birth to is just the product of his calculations. Will a person like him have mercy on tools? He will only maximize the benefits of tools."

After seeing through Kong Liji's wolfish ambitions, he was not surprised at all about what he did to Ren Ran. Even if he felt that it was in line with his unfeeling character, he still couldn't calm down.

The daughter and granddaughter he had always loved and cherished were tortured and abused by him, and he wished he could cut them into pieces.

In the last life, their Ren family was too miserable. They were devoured by this evil wolf. They stepped on the flesh and blood of their Ren family to build their great cause and enjoy the fruits of victory with the blood of the Ren family.

Grandma asked, "Did your aunt's family unite with them?"

Grandma thought of the Buddha amulet and what her granddaughter said.

Ren Ran told Xu Ying about how she knew Pei Ming and what Pei Ming did to her in school. At the same time, she explained in detail how her uncle's family was doing well in the last life.

She had no evidence to prove that her aunt's family was in collusion with Kong Liji's family, but all signs had shown that her aunt's family would definitely not be innocent in defeating their family. As for what role they played in it, she had not found out yet.

"Your good niece's family is not a good thing either." Grandma snorted coldly.

The last time Ren Shuyun's family came to borrow money, they were messed up by Ren Ran.

Ren Hongru found an excuse and didn't lend the money.

The couple directly asked his sister-in-law to come and borrow money. Ren Hongru was prepared to move some of his personal money to lend them for the sake of his sister-in-law and his deceased brother.

Now it seems unnecessary.

"They are all a bunch of dog-hearted people." Grandma scolded angrily.

This time it was Grandma's turn to comfort Grandma and tell her not to be angry.

"Your fate..."

Ren Ran explained in detail the matter of Taoist Qingxuan and his master's wandering.

"This kind of thing should be handed over to professionals. You make an appointment another day. I want to meet the Taoist priest."


"Dad, kick him out of the company."

Ren Suya couldn't stand it when she thought of how he treated her daughter. When she thought of the suffering her daughter had suffered in her previous life, the reluctance before, and the pain of betrayal, all turned into hatred.

"Stupid!" Ren Hongru whispered.

Ren Suya was scolded by her father and felt a little wronged.

Ren Ran held his mother's hand and explained in a low voice: "Mom, you should have seen that they had a plan to approach you from the beginning. They have only one target, Asia Star Group."

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