"He has been in the company for so many years, and he must have cultivated many confidants. We can't act rashly before we pull all his people out of the company. Once he is forced into a desperate situation, no one knows what crazy actions he will take. We must take this matter slowly."

Speaking of this, Ren Ran sighed and said with some emotion: "For so many years, he has created the image of a good husband, a good son-in-law, and a good father in front of us, in front of his grandparents, and in front of outsiders. Even if we tell others that he cheated, it is difficult for others to believe it. Not to mention that cheating is too common for people in this circle."

"Keeping the company is one thing, but I am not willing to just keep the company. I want them to taste the suffering I suffered in my previous life. I want to make his twenty years of scheming come to nothing in one day."

When saying the last sentence, Ren Suya was shocked by her daughter's cruelty, and she felt distressed after she came to her senses.

She knew her daughter's character best.

Such a kind and innocent child was forced to this point by them.

Ren Hongru nodded in agreement and looked at his daughter with dissatisfaction, "You really should learn from Ranran. You are not qualified as a mother at all, and you are not as good as Ranran."

Ren Suya lowered her head and listened obediently.

Grandma looked at the mother and daughter. She was very confident in her granddaughter, but not in her daughter.

It is said that a mother knows her daughter, and she naturally knows what kind of character she is.

In front of an old fox like Kong Liji, a daughter who can't hide her thoughts can easily reveal her feet.

"You move back home during this period."

With them watching, they can cover for her.

Ren Hongru nodded, "The branch needs manpower, I will transfer him away. You'd better meet less."

Ren Suya has no "human rights" at all. In short, she does whatever her parents say. She listens to whatever her daughter says.

She also knows her own temperament. It's okay to act for a while, but she is afraid of being exposed after a long time. Once exposed, it will be detrimental to the plans of her parents and daughter.

"Call him now and tell him that your leg is injured. I'll let you stay here." Grandma said.

Ren Suya was about to call, but was stopped by Ren Ran.

"Let me do it."

On the other side, Kong Liji and his family of three happily finished their meal and went on a boat trip together. It was eleven o'clock in the evening when they got off the boat.

"Dad, let's stay here today?" Kong Lian said coquettishly.

Ruan Fengru also had expectations in her eyes.

He was about to agree when the phone in his pocket vibrated.

"Ranran, what's wrong?"

"Mom is injured."

"Injured? What's going on?" Kong Liji's tone was anxious, but his face was calm.

"I was accidentally hit on the way to dinner, and my mother sprained her leg. We are now at grandma's place. Dad, when will you be back?"

"I'll be back soon." After Kong Liji hung up the phone, he said to Ruan Fengru and her daughter: "Not today, something happened over there. Lianlian, Dad will accompany you next time."

Kong Lian was still a little unhappy, but her mother's eyes made her dare not say a word more.

Ruan Fengru walked up to him, tidied his clothes, and said gently: "Go and do your work, don't let her wait anxiously."

"Okay." Kong Liji leaned over and kissed her forehead, then hurried away.

The mother and daughter looked at his back as he left, with different expressions on their faces.

Ruan Fengru tilted her head and saw that her daughter looked unhappy, "Why, you are not convinced?"

"Mom, are you willing?"

Why should they be like rats in the ditch and hide from the light.

Why should the father go there as soon as the mother and daughter call.

She just can't accept it!

Ruan Fengru was not angry, her voice was still calm, "If you are not convinced, you have to hold it in. When you destroy her reputation and make her live in unrest, that will be our day to come out. Before you achieve it, no matter how unconvinced you are, you have to bear it. Don't ruin your father's good deeds, understand? Girl."

"I know." Hearing the threat in her mother's words, Kong Lian shrank her neck and responded obediently.

It was early morning when Kong Liji arrived at the villa halfway up the mountain.

Grandpa and grandma had gone to rest, and Ren Ran had been waiting for him.

"Ran Ran, how is your mom?" Kong Liji asked with concern.

"The doctor has seen her. She has a sprained ligament. It's not a big problem. She just needs to take good care of herself. Dad, don't worry too much."

Seeing that he was going to stay, Ren Ran hurriedly added, "Mom has gone to bed now. You can go to the guest room to sleep."

"You kid." Kong Liji tapped her forehead with his finger.

"Mom is most afraid of pain. If you wake her up now, she will be in so much pain that she can't sleep. Won't you feel bad then?"

"Okay, okay, okay, I know." Kong Liji said with a doting look on his face.

In the end, Ren Ran pushed Kong Liji away. She was worried about leaving them alone at this time.

Give her mother some time. She believes that she will get used to acting with the man in front of her.

With her grandmother watching her during the day and her grandfather around, Ren Ran doesn't need to worry about it.

The next day, Ren Ran went to school in her grandfather's Rolls-Royce Phantom. When she got out of the car, many people looked at her sideways.

Among them were Kong Lian and his group.

"Is that a Rolls-Royce Phantom?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Wow, that's a luxury car worth tens of millions."

Kong Lian listened to the discussions of the people around him and felt irritated.

Watching Ren Ran walk into the school like a little princess under the attention of everyone, his eyes narrowed slightly.

You won't be so proud for long, soon all this will be mine.

Kong Lian entered the classroom with her companions with a smile.

As soon as Ren Ran sat down, Zhao Yi came to her side, took out his mobile phone and showed her the campus network.

"Look at this post, it's really rampant."

The post was posted anonymously last night. The main content is that the first place in the grade for next week's monthly exam will most likely be the new transfer student Kong Lian.

"The content above is implicit, just short of directly writing that Kong Lian is the first in the grade. Do you think this post was posted by her?"

"Not sure."

"Tsk tsk, you want to take the first place in the grade as soon as you come, you are really crazy."

I don't know why Zhao Yi doesn't like Kong Lian, always feels that person is fake.

"She is an external aid invited by the principal. It's not normal for her to be the first in the school." Ren Ran smiled indifferently.

While the two were talking, they heard a quarrel from the back.

Guo Tongwen and Tan Jia quarreled, and the sound was so loud that it directly attracted the attention of the whole class.

"Guo Tongwen, don't defend Ren Ran just because she spoke up for you last time."

"How did I defend her? I was just telling the truth."

Tan Jia was so angry that she didn't want to talk to her anymore, "Okay, let's not talk about the previous things for now, let's talk about the topic we just talked about. I said Kong Lian can be the first in the class and the first in the grade, why are you being so sarcastic? Could it be that she can't do it, but Ren Ran can?"

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