Each class has about 40 students, and there are five classes in the whole grade. If we calculate the lowest per capita cost of 5,000 yuan, this trip will cost nearly one million yuan.

Ren Ran smiled, "No problem for me."

Students from other classes outside the corridor were all happy.

They looked at Kong Lian with expectant eyes.

Kong Lian felt the pressure, shrugged indifferently, and said with a relaxed attitude, "No problem for me."

Fu Yan's followers raised their thumbs to him, "Boss, you can do it."

"Boss is awesome."

Many people looked at Fu Yan with more favorable eyes, because this was for the benefit of the whole grade.

The news quickly spread throughout the grade and even the whole school.

After this competition, both Ren Ran and Kong Lian became famous in the school. Whoever lost would be really embarrassed.

Zhao Yi poked Ren Ran with his elbow, "Are you serious?"

If he agreed to this, millions would be gone.

"Of course."

Zhao Yi wanted to chat, but then she thought of something. "I won't disturb you from reviewing. You study hard. I don't ask you to be the first in the grade, as long as you beat Kong Lian."

She patted Ren Ran on the shoulder, "Come on!"

In the previous life, Kong Lian's grades were very good, basically ranking in the top three in the grade, and occasionally occupying the first place in the grade. She dared to mobilize so many people now, so she was sure to be the first in the grade.

You want to ask Ren Ran if she has the confidence to defeat Kong Lian, of course she does.

Her biggest reliance is rebirth.

It stands to reason that a monthly exam would have been blurred after more than ten years, but this time the monthly exam questions were different from usual. They were the college entrance examination papers of Province Z five years ago, which were very difficult, so she was impressed.

After rebirth, Ren Ran consolidated her previous knowledge while doing the college entrance examination questions of various provinces in previous years, and practiced a lot of questions every day.

In the past, her academic performance was very good in the eyes of outsiders, and she felt that it was enough to get into the university she wanted, so she didn't use all her strength, and the whole person was in a very relaxed learning state.

After returning once, she was no longer careless and used all her strength to study.

She had been waiting for Kong Lian's arrival, and had long wanted to destroy her proud academic performance.

In her previous life, even though she had the ability to surpass her, every time she saw her care about grades and rankings, she never dared to show that she was better than her. At that time, she was probably afraid of losing this friend.

She wanted to gain a foothold in the school and win people's hearts through the persona of a white, rich, beautiful, and academic master, but she was not as good as she wanted.

She wanted to destroy everything she was proud of one by one.

Just after coming out of the bathroom, she saw that the bell for class was about to ring, but someone blocked her in front of her.

"What's the matter?" Ren Ran looked at Tan Jia.

Tan Jia said, "You have to be careful of Kong Lian."

Leaving this sentence, she hurried away.

Looking at Tan Jia's back as she left, Ren Ran smiled.

Be careful of Kong Lian!

She naturally had to be careful of her. In the previous life, she stole her fate and enjoyed the life that originally belonged to her. How could she take it lightly?

This Tan Jia is very interesting.

On the weekend, she was studying at the villa in the middle of the mountain. Aunt Wang came upstairs and knocked on her door.

"Miss, there is a teacher named Lin who wants to see you. He said he is your English teacher."

"Teacher Lin." Ren Ran was a little surprised and hesitated for a moment, "Let him in."


Standing at the foot of the villa area in the middle of the mountain, Lin Wenshan's eyes were full of envy.

This place may not be available even if you have money.

After receiving the notice, the security department sent a car to take Lin Wenshan up. Along the way, Lin Wenshan looked around and couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful environment here.

After arriving at the villa, there was a special person waiting to take Lin Wenshan to the reception room.

"Teacher Lin, sit down."

Ren Ran held a teacup in his hand and motioned him to sit down.

After seeing the familiar people, Lin Wenshan's previous restraint disappeared for the most part.

After Aunt Wang served the tea, Ren Ran asked, "What does Teacher Lin want to talk to me about?"

Lin Wenshan looked around and made sure no one was paying attention, then he said, "I know everything about the bet you made with Kong Lian."

Ren Ran listened quietly, waiting for the next words.

"Do you want to win?"

This bet is not just about losing that little money, but about their face.

The whole school is watching, whoever loses will be embarrassed.

"Who wants to lose in a bet?" Ren Ran said with a smile.

"I have a way to make you win."

"Teacher Lin, what do you mean?" Ren Ran widened his eyes in surprise.

Lin Wenshan smiled, "I can tell you the questions for this monthly exam, you just need to give me a certain amount of compensation."

"How much do you want?" Ren Ran asked.

Lin Wenshan was secretly happy to hear her so straightforward.

"Three million!"

Ren Ran shook his head, "Too high, not worth it."

He gritted his teeth, "Two million."

Ren Ran still shook his head, "One million and five hundred thousand. This is the lowest price. Compared with Kong Lian, you have little chance of winning her. Instead of losing the game, since you lose face and money, you might as well give me the money. At least you can save face and make you famous. This one million and five hundred thousand is very worthwhile."


The smile on Lin Wenshan's face became brighter at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"However, I will give you a limited check first, and the check can only be cashed after the result of the game comes out. Teacher Lin, how about it?"

Lin Wenshan thought for a while, "Okay. I still trust classmate Ren Ran."

"I'm going upstairs to get the check."


Ten minutes later, Ren Ran came down from upstairs and handed a brand new check to him.

Lin Wenshan took a closer look, and after making sure it was correct, he handed a note to the other party, "It lists the questions of the monthly exam in detail. Ren Ran, prepare well and strive to get the first place in the exam."

"Thank you, Teacher Lin, for your blessing."

When Lin Wenshan saw her serving tea, he stood up sensibly, and Aunt Wang personally saw him off.

As soon as the man left, Ren Ran took out his cell phone and dialed the principal's number, "Principal Li, this is Ren Ran. I have something to report to you."

Principal Li felt strange, "What's the matter?"

"Teacher Lin Wenshan just came to my home and took advantage of my bet with Kong Lian and the questions of this monthly exam to take away 1,500,000 from me. I am afraid that he will follow the same pattern, so I suggest that this time monthly exam questions.”

Principal Li was stunned, "Are you telling the truth?"

"It's absolutely true. I will give you the information Teacher Lin gave me on Monday."

After ending the call with Principal Li, Ren Ran leaned on the sofa and turned off the camera.

Regardless of whether Lin Wenshan is the person arranged by Kong Lian or not, at this juncture, one must be careful. What's more, she never thought that Kong Lian would play the game calmly and quietly.

At the same time, on the top floor of the Yaxing Group Building, there was the chairman's office.

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