The secretary knocked on the door of the chairman's office. After a moment, he turned to Kong Liji and said, "Mr. Kong."

Kong Liji followed his secretary into the office. Ren Hongru was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window talking on the phone with someone. When he saw Kong Liji, he motioned with his eyes to take a seat.

Kong Liji did not sit down, but stood to one side, waiting.

A minute later, Ren Hongru's call ended.

"sit down."

At this time, the secretary brought tea, and after everyone left, Ren Hongru spoke.

"Retsuji, what do you think of the Beicheng branch?"

After Kong Liji thought about it for a while, he said: "The country provides great support to that place and it has great development prospects."

He carefully observed his father-in-law's expression and saw that he did not stop him, so he continued to talk, analyzing the market situation and national conditions, combined with the current development momentum of the international market, one by one.

Seeing the satisfied look on his father-in-law's face, Kong Liji became more and more comfortable in explaining.

"Have a drink of tea."

Unconsciously, half an hour had passed. Kong Liji also felt his mouth was dry and he took a sip of tea.

"Liji, you and Su Ya have been married for nineteen years, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Ren."

"Don't be so raw in private."

"Okay, Dad." Kong Liji shouted.

"Liji, I'm getting old, and I'm not as energetic as you young people." Ren Hongru sighed quietly, saying that time makes people grow old.

"Dad, what are you talking about? You are still young."

Ren Hongru smiled and waved his hand, "From now on, you have to pay more attention to the various matters of this group."

Kong Liji knew best what these words meant. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and kept a calm expression on his face.

"I still have to learn more under Dad."

Ren Hongru nodded with satisfaction, "I have seen your performance in the company over the years and have never forgotten it. The branch needs someone to take charge."

Kong Liji's heart skipped a beat. He was going to be sent abroad. Once he was far away from the headquarters, some things would be beyond his reach.

Before he could retort, he heard Ren Hongru continue: "The branch is related to the development direction of the company in the next ten years. I don't trust others to go there. You go and guard there for dad."

"Dad, Beicheng is so far away from Haishi. When I go, Suya and the others..."

Ren Hongru waved his hand and interrupted him, "I told several directors last week about your appointment to the board of directors."

Upon hearing this, Kong Liji immediately cheered up.

Regarding this matter, he had already received news from his confidants.

"The board of directors thinks you are still young. Dad is getting older, and sooner or later this company will be handed over to you. But whether it can be handed over to you smoothly depends on your ability. Go to the branch, work hard, and achieve results. , so that everyone on the board of directors can be convinced and your mother and I can enjoy our retirement years."

What this sentence means is self-evident.

As soon as the branch office performs well, Ren Hongru will retire and Yaxing Group will be handed over to Kong Liji.

The branch's performance is a springboard for him to join the board of directors.

For this reason, there was nothing Kong Liji could not agree to. Although I don’t really like going to the branch, it is a test.

As long as the test is passed, Yaxing Group is his. His years of planning will also succeed.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and responded, "Dad, I will work hard."

Ren Hongru stood up and patted his shoulder, "Work hard and don't let me down."

"I will work hard to achieve results so that I can live up to your cultivation."

Ren Hongru nodded with satisfaction, "Go and do your work."

Kong Liji left the chairman's office in an excited mood.

Kong Liji returned to the office and couldn't wait to share the good news.

He took out a spare mobile phone from the depth of the drawer and dialed a number. A gentle female voice came from the receiver.


"Feng Ru, the old guy finally let go. Our plan will be successful soon, and we can be together forever." Kong Liji tried his best to speak in a calm tone, but there was still excitement in his tone.

Ruan Fengru on the other end of the phone was equally delighted, "Really?"

They will finally be able to keep the clouds clear and see the bright moon.

"I'll come find you tonight."


These days, his wife and daughter have been living in a mountainside villa, which is very uncomfortable for Kong Liji. Every time I go to Mid-Levels Villa, I feel uncomfortable all over.

I just took the excuse of a business trip to go to Sioux City to take a breather.

"I'll send you an address later and come over tonight."

Ruan Fengru responded shyly, "Okay, I'll go over first."

In a five-star hotel in Suzhou City, Ruan Fengru was wearing sexy lingerie. When the doorbell rang, she opened the door barefoot.

When Kong Liji saw her clothes under her bathrobe, his eyes dimmed, he threw away the luggage in his hands, closed the door, and kissed her impatiently.

That night, the two of them seemed to have returned to their youth. However, what they didn't know was that someone had clearly captured it all.


The monthly exams came as scheduled, and the senior high school students were not nervous at all about this exam. All their attention was on Ren Ran and Kong Lian.

"Of course, come on." Zhao Yi cheered.

Guo Tongwen encouraged her, "We must beat that little green tea."

Ren Ran smiled and nodded slightly.

By coincidence, Ren Ran and Kong Lian were assigned to the same examination room.

The pattern of this exam is based on the college entrance examination pattern. The whole grade is disrupted and the seats are interspersed.

Ren Ran was in the third position in the second row on the left.

Kong Lian was in the second to last position in the first row on the right.

As soon as the bell rang, everyone buried their heads in the questions.

Kong Lian glanced at the person in front of her, watching her brush brushing non-stop, and the corners of her lips slightly raised.

Coming out of the examination room, Zhao Yi and Guo Tongwen came forward.

"How did you do in the exam?"

This topic immediately attracted the attention of the students around them, and many people listened attentively.

"Normal performance."

"Ah, not extraordinary performance?" Guo Tongwen was very worried. If Kong Lian, the little bitch, won, wouldn't it be what she wanted? But when she thought about the difficulty of the questions in this monthly exam, "This time the questions are more difficult, Kong Lian should not be very good."

After two consecutive days of exams, it happened to be the weekend after the exams, so Ren Ran gave herself some time to relax.

As for the test results, they will be announced next week.

Before the announcement, everyone was guessing who would win and who would lose between the two of them.

In the second English class on Monday, everyone was stunned when they saw the new faces walking into the classroom.

"Hey, where is Lao Lin?"

"Is Teacher Lin sick?"

The head teacher Lao Zhao coughed lightly and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"Your teacher Lin has something going on at home, so Teacher Gao will take over for the time being."

The students below suddenly realized.

Teacher Gao is also responsible for teaching English to senior high school students. Everyone has no objection to this, and even if they have an opinion, it is useless.

Kong Lian, who was in the audience, heard the concern of the people around him for Lin Wenshan and felt disdainful in his heart.

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