What should I do if someone takes away my fate? I will just kill her.

Chapter 354 The mastermind behind the scenes appears

Five pairs, ten people, tied to the cylinders.

Ren Ran looked at them one by one. The pair of Shi Ying and Kong Lian, who were supposed to be on the left, had been replaced by people who were not on the list.

The people on his side woke up one after another, and everyone was shocked when they found themselves tied up.

"Why am I here?"


"What are you doing?"

The girl on the left looked confused, and when she saw Ren Ran, it was like seeing a relative.

"Ren Ran!"

"Who are you?"

"I'm your brother's fan, my name is Cheng Xiangtong."


The boy opposite Cheng Xiangtong reminded: "Beauty, this is not a fan meeting, you should pay attention to your situation."

Cheng Xiangtong sighed, "Isn't it obvious? We have been kidnapped, and the other party wants to do something illegal to us. There is plenty of time to worry and be afraid."

A boy on their side heard Cheng Xiangtong's words and couldn't help but complain, "Why did you kidnap me? I have no money, and my whole life is unlucky. What do the kidnappers want?"

Another boy was much calmer and still had the mind to tease, "It's because you are unlucky that you are kidnapped. If you are not unlucky, you may not have anything to do with you."

Boy: "..."

The boy wanted to raise a thumbs up to the other party, but his hands were tied, "Brother, what do you think!"

The calm boy observed carefully and said to everyone: "The carving under our feet seems to be a Taoist formation."

Everyone bowed their heads when they heard it.

"It really is!"

"Although I can't understand it, it doesn't look like Buddhist Sanskrit, but Taoist runes."

"What is this for?"

The unlucky boy reacted quickly, "Are you going to sacrifice us to the gods?"

Everyone was silent after this.

This answer seems unreliable, but it sounds the most reliable and most in line with the current situation.

Cheng Xiangtong's face turned pale with fear, "No way! My luck is so bad, am I not qualified to sacrifice me to the gods?"

"Yes, yes, I'm so unlucky, aren't you afraid that God will dislike me if I'm sacrificed to the gods?" The unlucky boy had a bitter face.

Ren Ran said, "Wrong, you are very qualified."

Everyone looked at her in unison.

"Don't be surprised, our fates are all very good." Ren Ran's eyes swept over the four people to tell them who she was referring to.

"Impossible!" The unlucky boy was the first to jump out and refute.

He is so unlucky, it is considered a good fate, then there is no good fate in the world.

Cheng Xiangtong also shook her head, "Sister Ren Ran, you must have made a mistake."

Except for Ren Ran who seemed to be living well, everyone else seemed to be living an ordinary life, and some even looked miserable.

"If we talk about good fate, I think the five people opposite have good fate..." When she saw the pale, bruised and swollen Jiang Zhiyu, she paused, "Four people seem to have good fate."

The four people whose names were called had a guilty look on their faces.

"Let me ask you a question, was your life good before?"

"Yes, but it wasn't good two years ago."

"My family was five years ago."

Cheng Xiangtong thought for a while, "My family's industry plummeted six years ago, and finally went bankrupt and was heavily in debt. Before the bankruptcy, our family was one of the largest families in the local area."

After the three of them finished speaking, they all realized that something was wrong.

Seeing that they all realized something was wrong, Ren Ran spoke calmly, "The reason you became like this is because someone stole your fate and took away your luck, which led to your current situation."

The unlucky boy was furious, "Fuck! Which bastard stole my luck! I told you, I was so lucky before, why did I suddenly become unlucky and everything went wrong? Someone is behind this."

"Sister Ren Ran, is the person who tied us here?"

The three of them looked at her, eager to learn.

Ren Ran shook her head and nodded.

"Yes, but no. Your luck has been changed. The person who did it is the one who tied us here, but now your fate is with the person opposite you."

Song Yinan and the other four raised their eyes and looked at the person opposite them.

The person opposite immediately refuted.

"Nonsense, nonsense."

"You don't really believe what this woman said, do you?"

"Change fate, there is no such thing in the world."

The calm boy stared coldly at the boy opposite him, "She is right. Sheng Gu, since my family fell into decline, your family has been thriving. Even our fortunes have been reversed."

"Bullshit! It was your family who made a mistake and stepped into a pit. Don't put the shit pot on my head."

Jiang Zhiyu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly raised his head and stared at Ren Ran.

"You already knew that I was targeting you, not because of the rumors outside, but because I was jealous of you."


"When did you know?"

"When you made your first move, I was 70% sure. When you made your second move, I was sure it was you."

The four people who originally wanted to deny it flatly stopped directly after hearing the conversation between the two of them.

"You thieves!"

"You will be punished for doing this."

Faced with their curses, the people on the opposite side ignored them.

Ren Ran stopped them from cursing, "Now we should think about the purpose of the people who tied us here."

"Do you know something?" Cheng Xiangtong asked.

Ren Ran raised her eyes and looked around. The person behind the scenes must be hiding behind and watching everything here.

When she was about to speak, the door opened.

Several burly men dragged a person into the house.

Ren Ran and Jiang Zhiyu were dumbfounded when they saw the man.

"Second brother!" Jiang Zhiyu was surprised.

"Jiang Xufeng!"

Ren Ran was no less surprised than her.

Jiang Xufeng was firmly fixed by the burly man, and he lay in the center of the formation.

After doing all this, the man woke Jiang Xufeng up.

Jiang Xufeng opened his eyes, and the confusion in his eyes gradually became clearer although his mind returned.

He looked at the people tied to the pillars around him in surprise, especially when he saw Ren Ran and Jiang Zhiyu, they were stunned.

"Why are you here?"

He wanted to get up, but found that he was firmly fixed to the ground.

"Don't struggle, you can't get away."

"What's going on?"

Ren Ran raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the monitor, "Uncle Jiang, I really didn't expect you to be so cruel and kill your own son."

As his voice fell, the hidden secret door slowly opened.

Two people walked out, one of whom was Jiang Bingrong.

Ren Ran looked past Jiang Bingrong and looked at the other person.


Small Theater

Mo Ye: "My dear ladies, how do you watch it? If you think it's okay, give me a reward!"

Mo Ye: "It's about to end, give me a reward before leaving. (*^▽^*)!"

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