The man was wearing a mask, tall and slender, wearing a long gown, and had an elegant temperament, but this skin still couldn't cover up his ambition and cruelty.

Ren Ran's eyes were fixed on the man wearing a mask.

This figure was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

Jiang Xufeng was shocked and angry when he saw his father, "Dad, what are you doing? Let me go quickly."

"Don't struggle, your dad will never let you go." Ren Ran said.

Jiang Xufeng ignored Ren Ran's words, "Dad! What are you doing?"

Although he didn't know what his father was going to do, it was definitely not a simple matter to see the scene in front of him.

Jiang Bingrong ignored him and his eyes fell on Ren Ran, "How did you guess it was me?"

"Because I am Shen Jingzhi's daughter."

Jiang Bingrong was stunned and laughed, "It's true that you are very similar to your father, just as arrogant and crazy."

"You're flattering!"

"What are you going to do by tying all of us to the formation?" The unlucky boy asked loudly.

Jiang Bingrong didn't even look at the other person, but smiled at Ren Ran, "You're not very smart, you might as well talk to them."

"Since Uncle Jiang said so, then I'll show my ugliness. What people pursue in this life is nothing more than fame, wealth, money, power and beauty. You already have power and money, so what you want is to take the family foundation to the next level."

The Jiang family is one of the eight major families, but the eight major families also have rankings and contempt chains.

The Jiang family is a family at the bottom, and has always been suppressed by the previous families.

Once a person reaches a certain position, he will want to go further.

Desires are infinitely magnified little by little.

"You tied us here, just to use evil magic to extract our luck, to consolidate your Jiang family's money and power, and satisfy your selfish desires. Am I right?"

"Pa, pa, pa"...

Jiang Bingrong raised his hands and applauded, which was considered to agree with her words.

"I really didn't expect that you would sacrifice your son for money and power. Are you sure that this kind of evil magic that requires the lives of your loved ones can really consolidate your money and power?"

"Dad, is she telling the truth?"

With Jiang Xufeng's intelligence, how could he not guess, but he still didn't want to believe it.

He wanted to hear his father's words in person.

Jiang Bingrong walked in front of him, squatted down, and gently stroked his face, "Son, this is all for the family. Your sacrifice will always be remembered by the family."

Jiang Zhiyu looked at this scene and suddenly laughed, "So you are just like this in his heart. Jiang Bingrong, you are a selfish and hypocritical person."

Jiang Bingrong frowned and winked at the people below.

She can't die now, but it doesn't mean that she can't be touched.

The people below walked in front of Jiang Zhiyu, opened their bows left and right, and loud slaps fell one after another.

After ten slaps, Jiang Zhiyu's cheeks were red and slightly swollen.

The other people who were tied up were so scared that they dared not speak.

Jiang Xufeng ignored him, staring at his father with red eyes, and shouted angrily: "Dad, you are crazy, you believe this kind of thing!"

"Why don't you believe it?" Jiang Bingrong glanced at the people present, "I have seen that kind of power in these experimental products."

Everyone was angry when they heard this.

"You ruined our lives for your experiment, aren't you afraid of retribution?" Song Yinan's voice was cold, and he was full of anger with nowhere to go.

Jiang Bingrong sneered, "Retribution? Don't worry, they will bear it."

He looked at where Jiang Zhiyu was.

The five people heard this and widened their eyes.

"You have all been deceived and become their pawns. You think you can take someone else's good life, but don't think about how there is such a cheap good thing in the world." Ren Ran said to the five people, and at the same time reminded Jiang Bingrong.

Jiang Bingrong didn't care about the hatred of everyone towards him.

He turned to look at the master who had been silent, "Master, it's time to start."

There was no movement yet, and Ren Ran didn't know whether his father and the others had arrived. In the uncertain situation, he could only try to delay for a while.

Before the master opened his mouth, Ren Ran said first: "Jiang Bingrong, do you think you are the winner? You are just someone's pawn."

A low and hoarse voice spoke faintly, "Too noisy, shut their mouths."

Ren Ran continued to speak anxiously, "You dare not let me continue, because I said what you are thinking, right? Jiang Bingrong, you are the head of the family, don't you even have this little judgment?"

At this time, someone came over to shut Ren Ran's mouth.

Jiang Xufeng followed and said: "Dad, don't be fooled. This person is hiding his head and tail, and he must have bad intentions. Ren Ran is right. If he is not guilty, what is he afraid of."

Jiang Bingrong was silent for a second, waved his hand, and the man stepped aside.

The master looked at Jiang Bingrong, "Do you believe them?"

Jiang Bingrong smiled and said, "No, but I want to hear what kind of flower Shen Jingzhi's daughter can say."

He smiled and stared at the master without blinking.

This time the master said nothing and stood quietly aside.

Ren Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go ahead." Jiang Bingrong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Since I knew that my fate was replaced by someone, I have been very interested in metaphysics and numerology. I have read many books on this subject and have studied and collected many formations and runes."

"Coincidentally, I saw the formation under our feet in an ancient book."

"The formation under our feet is called the Ten Absolute Formation. This Ten Absolute Formation is different from the one you know. This Ten Absolute Formation is improved, and it can also be said to be a branch of the Ten Absolute Formation. The purpose of this formation is to absorb luck and add to the body of the caster to achieve the effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life."

Ren Ran was talking nonsense in a serious manner, but there was some truth in this nonsense.

Only by mixing truth and falsehood can you confuse your opponent.

"This is not a formation that will make your family prosperous and move to a higher level. You have been deceived."

"You have been used by him. He uses your hand and your power to do his own things. You are a chess piece in his hand."

"Pa, pa, pa"...

Applause rang out, and the master laughed strangely, "You are very eloquent and your ability to talk nonsense is also first-class."

"You know best whether it is true or false."

Jiang Xufeng said, "Ren Ran's words are reasonable. Dad, you must not be used by others. If he is really so honest, would he dare to take off the mask? Hiding behind the mask, I am afraid there are secrets that cannot be told."

Jiang Bingrong also wanted to see the face behind the mask, but thinking of the agreement between him and the other party, "Master, look?"

The master did not defend himself, but only said one sentence, "You won't believe the words of a yellow-mouthed child?!"

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