"There are still people inside." Gao Ying grabbed the command center anxiously, "Song Yinan has not been rescued yet."

In the fire scene, Song Yinan walked towards the opposite position step by step. She seemed not to feel the burning flames and the burning coming towards her face. She walked towards Jiang Zhiyu step by step with firm steps.

At this time, Jiang Zhiyu was unconscious. Song Yinan grabbed her hair, took a sharp wooden splinter from the side, and stabbed it into her ear fiercely.


The severe pain woke Jiang Zhiyu up.

After waking up, Jiang Zhiyu immediately felt the burning around her and Song Yinan in front of her who seemed to have come from hell.

"What do you want to do?"

Jiang Zhiyu wanted to run, but she found that her legs were pressed by the fallen pillars, and she couldn't move at all, let alone move away.

The flames on the pillars had begun to wrap around her and were swallowing her bit by bit.

When Song Yinan was about to take action again, a voice came in.

"Is there anyone else?"

Jiang Zhiyu wanted to open her mouth, but Song Yinan covered her mouth.

"Woo woo woo..."

She struggled constantly, but it was useless.

Song Yinan tore off his clothes and stuffed them directly into her mouth, blocking her mouth tightly.

"Just wait for death here slowly."

"Woo woo woo." The strong desire to survive made her struggle constantly, with tears in her eyes, and her eyes seemed to say 'You don't want me to live'.

Song Yinan understood, and the corners of his lips rose, "Send you out and let you live safely in prison? Oh, that's too cheap for you. I want you to stay awake and watch yourself being swallowed by the flames bit by bit."

She wanted her to live, but this matter had alarmed the relevant departments. Jiang Zhiyu's affairs could not be concealed for a few days. At that time, she would be tried and imprisoned to continue living.

But how could that be possible!

She would never allow her to enter the prison to enjoy herself.

Between the two, she could only choose the latter.

Let her die in pain!

"Is there anyone?"

The calling voice seemed to be coming this way.

Song Yinan did not dare to delay and walked towards the direction of the voice.

"There are people here."

The rescuer immediately carried her on his back after seeing her miserable condition.

"Hold on, we'll be out soon."

Song Yinan saw the other rescuer was going to the direction where Jiang Zhiyu was, and said with difficulty: "There's no one there, I'm alone."

The rescuer retracted his feet and searched in other directions.

They were the last batch of searchers, and the next batch of people could not enter. The fire was too big, and the probability of a second landslide was very high.

Gao Ying, who had been anxiously waiting outside, relaxed a little when she saw that it was Song Yinan who was seriously injured, and then began to worry about her injuries again.

Gao Ying followed the ambulance.

When Ren Ran woke up, she was already in the hospital.

As soon as she opened her eyes, one, two, three, four heads appeared in front of her, and everyone's face was full of concern.

"Ran Ran, how do you feel?"

"Sister, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"God of Wealth, you are finally awake."


Ren Ran smiled at everyone, and found that her throat was very hoarse as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Drink some water to moisten your throat."

Luo Li fed it to her mouth.

The water passed through her throat, and the discomfort was slightly relieved.

"Has Xu Changming been caught?"

This is the question she cares about most.

"Don't worry, he has been caught. When the rescuers found him, he had fainted, and they took him down without any effort." Gao Ying said.

"Where is Jiang Bingrong?"

"Jiang Bingrong escaped, but a wanted order has been issued, and I believe he will be caught soon."

At the same time, at the scene where Jiang Bingrong was arrested, an ordinary courtyard was surrounded by armed police with live ammunition.

"Jiang Bingrong, come out, we know you are inside."

There was no movement inside, and no one responded.

After a period of stalemate, the command center had a countermeasure.

With a trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, they successfully broke into the house, and soon gunshots were heard from inside.

After a few gunshots, Jiang Bingrong was escorted out by the armed police with a look of embarrassment. His clothes were wrinkled, his beard was untidy, and he was no longer as dignified as before. He was as embarrassed as a dog that had lost its home.

Shen Jingzhi walked forward, "Isn't the Jiang family big enough? Can't it satisfy your appetite?"

Jiang Bingrong sneered, "What do you think?"

Shen Jingzhi had nothing to say about this, "I don't think I have done anything wrong to you. Why did you want to hurt me back then?"

Jiang Bingrong's pupils slightly opened, and then he was relieved. He looked at his wife behind the crowd, his eyes full of anger.

"It's you!"

"Yes, it's me." Mrs. Jiang admitted generously.

"Why did you do this? Am I not good enough to you? Why did you betray me and the Jiang family? Don't you hate the Shen family?"

Mrs. Jiang smiled, but the smile was filled with sadness and anger. "You are good to me? Do you think I don't know? How did I get together with you back then? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have separated from him. He was forced to live in a foreign land because of you. Even if he left and went abroad, why didn't you let him go?"

"You, you know everything?" Jiang Bingrong looked at her in shock.

"Yes, I know, I knew it a long time ago. I knew it not long after you brought Jiang Zhiyu back."

"You broke up with the Shen family because of this." Jiang Bingrong quickly thought of the key.

"Yes. You chose me because I am the only woman of the right age in the Shen family, a child raised by my aunt, and have a good relationship with Brother Jingzhi and others."

"You just want to rely on the Shen family to consolidate your position and let the Shen family become your helper."

"I only regret that I didn't know the truth earlier."

If I had known the truth earlier, he would not have gotten his wish. It's a pity that when she knew it, Jiang Bingrong, the insidious villain, had already secured his position as the head of the family by relying on the relationship with the Shen family.

"You hurt me so much, have you ever thought about Xingzhou and Xufeng?" Jiang Bingrong didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, but blamed her instead.

When her son was mentioned, Mrs. Jiang shouted angrily: "Shut up! You are not qualified to mention them. Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs. You are worse than an animal. What qualifications do you have to mention them!"

Shen Jingzhi stepped forward and patted her shoulder gently, "There is no need to get angry over such a person. It's not worth it."

"Brother, you are right." Mrs. Jiang retracted her gaze and ignored him.

Jiang Bingrong was taken into the car. Just before the door closed, he suddenly yelled at Shen Jingzhi, "Shen Jingzhi, do you know that you are really disgusting and annoying? We are all children from the compound. Why can you easily get everyone's love and praise?"

"Do you know how hypocritical and ridiculous it is to protect me?"

The car door closed, isolating the wolfish and dog-hearted words.

Shen Jingzhi didn't care about him, after all, he was a dying man.

As soon as the arrest was successful, the hospital immediately received the news.

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