"Miss, I just got the news that Jiang Bingrong has been arrested and brought to justice. What awaits him next is trial."

Ren Ran nodded and felt relieved.

It's good that they didn't escape.

If they were allowed to escape abroad, they would continue to be at large, which is absolutely intolerable.

"Where is Song Yinan?"

"Miss Song is still alive, but she is severely burned, and even half of her face is destroyed."

When Song Yinan was mentioned, everyone felt sorry for this ill-fated girl.

"Medical care is so advanced now, she can be cured." Luo Li comforted her, fearing that she would be sad.

Ren Ran sighed slightly in her heart, it's good to be alive.

"Where is Jiang Zhiyu?"

"She was burned to death. When she was found, she was burnt dry."

"She deserved her punishment for her many evil deeds." Xu Zhaoyin said.

No one would sympathize with her.

"Where are Taoist Taixu and the others?"

"Taoist Taixu has contacted many fellow Taoists and is preparing to choose an auspicious day to perform rituals for the other people whose fates are still implicated, and cut off their fate lines."

In this accident, except for Jiang Zhiyu who had died and the thugs who died in the fight, everyone else survived successfully, but was more or less injured.

Their fates are still being absorbed by others. If they are not cut off, they will be a disaster in the future.

Seeing her sister worrying about this and that, Luo Li felt very distressed, "Sister, don't worry, the people below will take care of these things. You just rest assured and recover from your injuries, and leave the other things to us."

Others agreed.

Ren Ran surrendered directly, "Okay, okay, I won't ask and won't worry."

"That's good." Luo Li said with a smile.

"You are disrespectful." Ren Ran smiled and knocked the boy on the chestnut.

Luo Li covered her head and dared not speak.

Others laughed at this.

Intensive Care Unit

Ren Ran looked at Xu Changming in the ICU, with tubes inserted all over his body. She had no pity for him, but only felt hateful. It was too easy for him to lie here like this.

The nurse was unaware of the situation and said sympathetically: "This person is also pitiful. He has burns all over his body, his skin is beginning to ulcerate, and he has a terminal illness. He is old and has poor resistance. Living like this is also a living torture."

"If you visit, you can't stay too long. If you want to say something, say it quickly."


Ren Ran walked in front of Xu Changming wearing a special visiting suit.

At this time, his eyes were open, and when he heard the movement, his eyes turned to her.

"Is it painful?"

"The people you killed are more painful than this."

"You are so easy now."

"Don't worry, I will let the doctor keep you alive and won't let you die so easily. You have to live well and enjoy the pain of being tortured by illness."

Xu Changming opened his eyes wide and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it because there was a tube in his mouth.

The sound from the machine alarmed the medical staff.

"Call Dr. Lin, the patient is dying."

Ren Ran stood outside the door and watched the doctor rescue him.

A few hours later, the patient was pulled back from the gates of hell.

Before leaving, Ren Ran specifically told the doctor that no matter what medicine he used, as long as he could keep him alive, even if it was just one breath, he didn't care about the rest.

Sanqing Temple

In the dense forest with lush branches and leaves stood a Taoist temple with red walls and green tiles. The moss in the corners of the wall and occasionally some grass struggling to grow, the Taoist temple was quiet and simple.

The Taoist temple, which was rarely visited by people, was particularly lively today, and this liveliness was tense and solemn.

Ren Ran stood with Cheng Xiangtong and other victims.

Several respected Taoist priests in the field had incense tables, Taoist instruments, talismans, and bronze swords in front of them. The birth date of each of them was pressed under the bronze sword.

When the talisman burned in the air, the clear sky suddenly darkened.

The four Taoist priests did not stop chanting, and suddenly there was a sound.


Cheng Xiangtong and the others were shocked, as if thunder drums were echoing in their ears.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the Taoist temple, brushing everyone present.

Ren Ran felt her body lighten, and the whole person became relaxed and comfortable. Not only her, but Cheng Xiangtong and others also felt this way.

When the sun set, the red glow in the sky was reflected on everyone's face. Some people were relieved, and some were ecstatic.

"Master, are we all safe now?"

Taoist Taixu looked pale and nodded to the man.

"Thank you, Master."

"Thank you, Master."

Everyone thanked him.

"Sister, you don't have to worry anymore." Luo Li happily held her hand.

Ren Ran smiled and nodded.

The knife that had been hanging on her neck was finally removed, and she could live a normal life.

"Master, thank you for your hard work for us during this period."

"It's my duty." Master Taixu did not take credit for himself, his expression was calm.

Qingxuan said to everyone: "Master and uncles have exhausted their minds today and need to meditate. Your business has been completed, please go down the mountain and go home."

"Thank you."

Everyone said goodbye to the masters one by one.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, they got into their own cars and left.

Cheng Xiangtong looked at Ren Ran, "Ren Ran, thank you."

Another car stopped beside her, and the window rolled down, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ren Ran waved goodbye to everyone one by one.

After saying goodbye to them, she looked at Song Yinan.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Ren Ran tried not to look at her face, but the hideous scars from the burns on her face were so glaring that people could not ignore their existence.

Song Yinan didn't care about the scars on his face at all, and said calmly, "My parents have sold their assets in China, and we are going to immigrate to live abroad. We may come back in the future, or we may never come back."

Ren Ran could understand.

It is inevitable that all the unpleasant things in the past will be brought up here. It is also good to leave here and start a new life.

"Ren Ran, thank you."

"You're welcome! If you need anything in the future, you can tell me."


Under the setting sun, the two girls hugged each other and said goodbye to each other.

This farewell may be forever.

Capital Airport

Ren Ran sent Song Yinan away, sent off Taoist Taixu, Taoist Qingxuan, and also sent off Gao Ying and Xu Zhaoyin. She silently watched the planes soaring into the sky until they disappeared from her sight.

"Sister, go home."


She turned her head to look at her brother, and a relieved smile spread across her face.

Grandpa, grandma, mother, and brother are all still alive. They didn't die because of her.

The relatives and friends around her are all fine. They didn't suffer from her bad luck.

Everything is fine.

Rebirth is to make up for it!

Rebirth is also a new life!

Walking out of the airport, the bright sunshine sprinkled on her body, warm temperature, warm new life.

Ren Ran and Luo Li walked side by side to the temporary parking lot. A low-key black Maybach stopped at the intersection. A tall and handsome figure stood beside the car.

"Dad!" Ren Ran walked quickly towards the man.

Shen Jingzhi looked at them with smiling eyes and said in a low voice, "Daughter, go home!"

"Yes, go home!"

The car drove away slowly.

The plane that was flying away was shining with golden light in the sun. It was the road to take the wanderers home.


"For Family Members"

Recalling the time when we first met and parted, now it is finally the day of separation.

I know that the spectators are invincible, let alone the wonders of my life.

I have seen you twice after three years of separation, and I cannot bear to leave you when we meet again.

How can we only meet in the mountains? Let's wait for the autumn wind to see the osmanthus.

As I grow old, my mood is like water and clouds, and everything has been complicated in recent years.

Let's drink a cup of Yangtze River water and read Mr. Mo's writings thousands of miles away.

——Mo Ye·Written

(The full text is finished)


Small theater

Mo Ye: "The main plot has been completed. Writing more is a burden, a watery article that will ruin the whole book. It is normal for you to feel reluctant to part with it and feel that you are not satisfied with it! When you dislike it, it will be ruined. Therefore, it is responsible to stop at the right time."

Mo Ye: "My dears, if you think it is okay after reading it, remember to give it a five-star praise! Mumu (๑′ᴗ‵๑)!"

Mo Ye: "It's not too late to leave the footprints of a five-star praise. o(∩_∩)o"

Mo Ye: "Preview! On August 26, the new book will set sail."

Mo Ye: "Finally, thank you for your reward! Love you~"

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