Throughout the afternoon, Kong Lian had been enduring the pointing and talking of her classmates, trying to stay calm and ignore the contemptuous gazes of the people around her.

Even though she kept telling herself in her heart that there was no need to care about the comments of these insignificant people, she still felt depressed and uncomfortable.

She endured until school was over, and left in a hurry without waiting for Hu Xiyue and the others.

Zhao Yi and the other two looked at her leaving back and smacked their lips twice.

"She probably doesn't know how ugly her face is."

Guo Tongwen smiled and said, "She definitely doesn't know. She tried to keep smiling for an afternoon, but that smile was funny to look at."

When she reached the school gate, Ren Ran got into the car and waved goodbye to the two.

Seeing that she was in a good mood, the driver, Uncle Wang, couldn't help asking, "Miss, you are very happy today, but what happy thing happened?"

"I was praised by the teacher." Ren Ran said with a smile.

"Miss is so outstanding, she deserves to be praised."

Some people are happy, some are worried.

As soon as Kong Lian returned home, her face was droopy and her eyes were gloomy.

"What's wrong?"

Ruan Fengru walked up and handed her a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Kong Lian threw herself into her mother's arms and cried loudly.

She waited quietly until she cried enough, and no one comforted her the whole time.

After venting her resentment and grievances, Kong Lian raised her head and wiped away her tears.

"Can you tell me what happened now?"

She was so happy two days ago, but she is like this today.

Kong Lian explained the cause and effect of the matter in detail, "I really didn't expect that she would tell the principal in advance. I didn't expect that there was a surveillance camera installed in their home. Why didn't Dad tell me? If I knew, I wouldn't have lost so thoroughly."

In fact, this is not the point, the point is the following sentence.

"Mom, I lost."

"I dug a hole for her, and I have to fill it myself. What should I do now?"

When Kong Lian thought of the cost of renting Mingshan Island for the weekend, she panicked.

The cost of renting Mingshan Island for two days alone is nearly 10 million, not to mention renting a cruise ship and all the expenses on the island. In order to set a trap for Ren Ran, they used the highest standards, did not even return the price, and even hinted that the other party had quoted a higher price.

Now he has to swallow this bitter fruit himself.


Kong Lian lowered his head and did not dare to refute.

They could not afford tens of millions, so they had to ask their father to pay.

Ruan Fengru stood up, "You should reflect on yourself."

She walked into the study and dialed Kong Liji's private number.

She rarely called this number on weekdays, and he always contacted her.

On the way home, Kong Liji felt the phone vibrate and picked up the call.

"What's the matter?"

Ruan Fengru's gentle voice sounded, "Liji, my daughter made a bet with Ren Ran and lost. It will cost 30 million."

If it was before, he would have no problem taking out 30 million.

But since the last auction, he has spent a lot of private money, not to mention that Ren Suya used his secondary card to buy a lot of things for those two old guys and Ren Ran in the past few days.

The money in the card is almost used up.

"I don't have that much money on hand now." Kong Liji refused.

Ruan Fengru frowned. She knew that he spent a lot of money on gifts for the mother and daughter last time, but she was sure that he still had a lot of investment money in funds, securities, etc.

Even though she knew that he could give it, he didn't. Ruan Fengru was not angry, but said sympathetically: "I'll find a way myself."

Her words made Kong Liji feel guilty.

But when he thought that his liquid funds were almost used up and the rest of the funds could not be moved, he could only suppress that guilt.

"Wait until I get stable here, and pick you up to play for a few days."

Ruan Fengru was very happy about the sweet dates he threw, "Okay!"

Hearing her joy, Kong Liji was satisfied. If he stood in front of Ruan Fengru now, he would see that her excitement was superficial and not deep in her heart.

"Liji, I really feel sorry for you. You are under surveillance every day over there, and you can't be yourself for a moment." Ruan Fengru said distressedly.

"Surveillance? What surveillance?" Kong Liji grasped the key point.

Ruan Fengru was surprised, "You don't know, they installed surveillance at home."

"What!" Kong Liji's calm expression collapsed.

"Liji, don't you know? There is surveillance over there?" Ruan Fengru was surprised.

"Tell me what's going on?"

Ruan Fengru softly told the story between her daughter and Ren Ran, focusing on the surveillance, and finally sighed, "Liji, do you think that the mother and daughter know something?"

Kong Liji narrowed his eyes, "Tell Lianlian not to do anything yet, wait for my news."


Kong Liji thought of the money that was cheated, "I will transfer you 10 million, this is the money I can take out at present. The rest of the money is in investment and can't be taken out for a while."

"Liji, don't do this, I will find a way myself."

"Be good, I'll give it to you, you just keep it."

After hanging up the phone, he narrowed his eyes, calmed down and carefully recalled the recent period of time, whether there was anything abnormal, everything was normal.

After thinking for a while, he finally decided to go back and take a look to feel at ease.

When he returned to Haishi, he did not inform anyone, and he was ready to attack by surprise.

When he returned to Xishan Villa, Ren Suya and Ren Ran were not there, only Aunt Li and several servants were at home.

"The master is back."

"Has the madam not come back yet?"

"No, it's still with Director Ren."

Kong Liji nodded slightly, strode towards the living room, and scanned the room, but didn't find any surveillance in the living room.

Aunt Li felt strange, "Sir, what are you looking for?"

"Where is the surveillance that was placed here before?"

"Surveillance? There is no surveillance here." Aunt Li was confused, "Sir, where did you put it before? I'll ask other people if they saw it."

"No, I guess I made a mistake."

Kong Liji returned to the study and checked it immediately, but didn't find any surveillance.

Could it be a pinhole camera?

Kong Liji called Ruan Fengru, "Then send me a copy of the video."

"Okay, I'll let Lianlian send it to you."

Within five minutes, Kong Liji received the video.

At first glance, he recognized that the video took place in the villa on the hillside, not the Xishan villa where they were living now.

What a mistake!

Kong Liji was somewhat glad that he didn't ask Ren Suya.

It's not surprising that the old man installed surveillance.

The progress on their side was not smooth, which affected his judgment and almost ruined his good deeds.

I used to think that Lianlian was smart and could more than deal with Ren Ran, but now it seems that the child is no match for Ren Ran.

He was calculating intentionally but still couldn't outsmart the other party, so stupid.

He is not stupid, so he must have inherited her mother's genes.

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