Confirming that all this was a false alarm, Kong Liji pretended to take a document and left the villa.

In the villa halfway up the mountain, Ren Ran received a message from Aunt Li and knew that Kong Liji had gone home.

"Aunt Li, you should go to bed early. I have asked someone to arrange for your grandson's transfer to another school."

Aunt Li thanked him repeatedly, "Thank you, Miss. You should go to bed early too."

What happened to Ruan Fengru really made him uneasy.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Qingxuan called in.

"Master Qingxuan, is there any news about your master?"


During this period, Qingxuan stayed in the city every day, which was not accustomed to him. The air in the city was polluted and not suitable for cultivation. But for the sake of his promise, he had been holding back.

He prayed every day to receive news from his master, and today he got the news from a friend.

Ren Ran was happy, "Where is he?"

As long as the fate was not resolved, her heart would be uneasy.

Luck is invisible and invisible. Once it starts to affect you, even if you have done 100%, it will make you fail.

"My friend met my master in the southeastern Guizhou region. He is practicing in a Taoist temple in the countryside. I am going to go there and invite him to come."

"Okay." Ren Ran thought for a while, "I'll let Xu Zhaoyin go with you. You two can take care of each other."

Xu Zhaoyin is a smart man. With his care, the young Taoist Qingxuan who is not experienced in the world will not suffer any loss.


Good things happened one after another, and Ren Ran's mood became better and better. He took out a piece of cake from the refrigerator to reward himself.

Everyone thought that Kong Lian would not come to school the next day, but she came, still dressed beautifully, as if nothing around her could affect her.

"She really can bear it." Zhao Yi admired twice.

"If she doesn't come, she will appear guilty." Guo Tongwen pointed directly to the center of gravity.

"Haha, this is true." Lin Xiaoyi followed.

Kong Lian listened to the people around her talking about her, clenched her fists, and didn't feel any pain even when her nails were embedded in the flesh.

She couldn't let people laugh at her, especially that bitch Ren Ran.

Can't hear, can't hear...

She muttered to herself, self-sufficient brainwashing.

On Saturday morning, Ren Ran arrived at the gathering place early. She thought she came early, but she didn't expect that several buses were already full.

"Ren Ran, this way."

Zhao Yi called to Ren Ran.

After getting on the bus, the classmates' faces were full of smiles, and they were excited to discuss what activities to play on Mingshan Island.

As the investor, Kong Lian dressed up beautifully and came on stage last.

Kong Lian followed her mother's advice and prepared to win people's hearts.

Although she suffered a loss, the money was destined to be spent, and naturally it had to be spent with value.

With tens of millions of dollars, everyone should remember her kindness to offset the trouble Ren Ran brought her this time.

When everyone arrived, several buses took them to the dock.

After boarding the luxury cruise ship, Kong Lian walked onto the stage, holding the microphone and smiling gently, "I'm new to our school, and I don't understand a lot of things. If I've done anything wrong or not done well in this process, please tell me. I'm a straight-minded person and can't think straight."

This made many people in the audience curl their lips and despise it in their hearts.

But no one would show it at this time.

"Today I am honored and happy to have the opportunity to travel and learn with you all. The island's activities are all included in the two days, and you can enjoy yourself. If you need anything, tell the private butler on the island. Everyone must eat well, drink well, and have fun!"

Kong Lian observed the expressions of the students in the audience, and did not see the gratitude in their eyes, but the kind of indifference and self-righteousness.

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