A bunch of people who eat and drink for free, and they don't know how to be grateful.

She was angry, but she told herself in her heart not to bother with these poor guys.

Hu Xiyue was the supporting actor. Seeing that the atmosphere was not enthusiastic, she stood up and applauded first. Others followed suit, but the applause was sparse.

This made Kong Lian very angry.

This was not applause, it was clearly a slap in her face.

Kong Lian glanced at Hu Xiyue with dissatisfaction.

This kind of applause is unnecessary.

Kong Lian took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

"Oh, by the way, I have prepared a gift for everyone here."

Everyone was in high spirits, and 90% of their eyes were focused on her.

Seeing the effect, Kong Lian continued without keeping anyone in suspense: "I have prepared a lottery game for everyone. Everyone scans the code to enter the lottery applet. The screen will display the avatars of the participants. When I press the switch, whoever the system stops at will win the prize. The prize this time is a free VIP experience card for Mingshan Island for one year. In the next year, you can come to Mingshan Island for free without spending a penny."

"Wow! That's so cool." Someone in the audience exclaimed.

"Ahhh, this prize must be mine."

"Ms. Kong is so arrogant!"

"Ms. Kong, you are the best!"

Someone in the audience shouted at her.

Kong Lian finally showed a comfortable smile on her face. The atmosphere became heated, and the embarrassment just now seemed to have never happened.

"Ten lucky winners will be drawn this time. Now everyone can scan the code to participate."

The QR code was projected on the big screen, and everyone took out their mobile phones to scan the code.

Seeing Ren Ran didn't move, Zhao Yi said, "Ran Ran, you don't scan?"

"I'm afraid of being poisoned."

As soon as he said this, Zhao Yi immediately put down his phone.

Guo Tongwen followed suit and put down her phone.

The students sitting next to them paused in their movements to scan the code. It was not right to scan or not to scan.

Mao Zhen sat behind them and naturally heard their conversation.

He quietly approached and asked in a low voice, "Ren Ran, did you hear any rumors?"

The people around him pricked up their ears.

"There are no rumors, but it's better to be careful. After all..." Ren Ran paused.

Several people understood immediately.

Zhao Yi and others silently put away their phones.

Mao Zhen looked at the QR code on the stage, then at Ren Ran, and was reluctant to give up such a generous prize, but in the end he put away his phone silently.

Hundreds of people, ten places are drawn, and it is not certain that you can draw.

Forget it, forget it, for safety reasons, I still don't scan.

Kong Lian glanced at the screen on the stage from time to time, but never saw Ren Ran's account.

She didn't participate.

Kong Lian secretly said it was a pity.

"Has everyone scanned? I'll give you the last five minutes. In five minutes, we'll start the lottery."

Five minutes later, the number of people was still not full, and there were still a dozen less.

After the people below urged, Kong Lian started the lottery.

When all ten lucky winners were drawn, the cruise ship also arrived at the Mingshan Island Visitor Center Pier smoothly.

A group of people happily got off the ship, and the island's butler handled the check-in and check-in procedures for everyone, and introduced the island's projects in detail, and sent maps, travel guides, etc. attentively.

The service was in place, which made everyone very satisfied.

After arriving on the island, Ren Ran followed Zhao Yi and others to play several water projects.

When it was time for dinner, Ren Ran went directly to the private butler, "I remember that there is a water food service on the island, right?"


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