If it weren't for Gao Ying's reminder, she wouldn't have known that Mingshan Island was owned by her grandmother's best friend's family. Grandma still has shares in it, and now that share is in her hands, which means she is one of the shareholders of Mingshan Island.

Without affecting the reputation of Mingshan Island, I had to trick Kong Lian, but I took great pains.

"You have to be prepared for this, lest they bite you back." Ren Ran reminded.

"Don't worry, young lady, the group's legal department is not a vegetarian."

Not everyone can take a bite, let alone that they are fully prepared for this matter.

After Ren Ran got what he wanted, he quietly left the office.

The next day, during the morning meal, every waiter told them responsibly that it was their fault that the ingredients were not adequately prepared yesterday. Today's ingredients are brought in from other places overnight and can be eaten openly.

The hotel has put all the responsibilities on them. As for whether students will believe this reason, it can only be said to be a matter of opinion.

At noon, all the students ordered the ingredients they had prepared, and everyone was very happy to eat.

Kong Lian came to the restaurant specially and explained yesterday's situation to everyone in a gentle voice.

Some people listened carefully and kept nodding.

Someone comforted her and told her not to worry about it, saying that they didn't take it to heart.

Most of them lowered their heads, ate silently, did not express their opinions, and pretended not to notice when Kong Lian looked at them.

Kong Lian observed everyone's expressions and tried hard to keep a smile, but the smile looked a little forced.

"Kong Lian, aren't you going to eat?"

Hu Xiyue saw her walking out and asked.

She turned around and said, "You guys eat, I'm very full, I'm going outside to get some air."


Tan Jia glanced at Hu Xiyue and said, "Just eat what you have."


Kong Lian pushed open the door of the general manager's office again, with an angry face and a slightly colder tone when he spoke.

"How did you do public relations? Why didn't you satisfy them?"

Manager Wang was not angry and said patiently: "Miss Kong, don't worry, we have asked the people below to do the questionnaire survey, and I believe we will be able to give the answer soon. If it is our hotel's fault that causes customer dissatisfaction, we will definitely I will give you a satisfactory answer.”

"What do you mean? Are you saying that they are dissatisfied with me, not your hotel?"

"Ms. Kong, calm down first. Anger cannot solve the problem."

Kong Lian didn't even look at the tea he handed him, "I'm telling you, if you don't satisfy me this time, don't expect me to pay any subsequent payments."

The smile on Manager Wang's face faded a bit, "Ms. Kong, if you say that, then there is no need for us to talk anymore. I will let the group's legal department talk to you."

"You threaten me?"

Manager Wang smiled and said, "No, no, no, you misunderstood. The follow-up questions you just mentioned are beyond the scope of my responsibilities. The legal department is responsible for this business."

Kong Lian is a teenage girl after all, so she is no match for these old foxes in the workplace.

After being suffocated by Manager Wang, instead of venting her mood, she became even more depressed.

She returned to the room and called Ruan Fengru.

"Mom." Her voice was choked with sobs as soon as she opened her mouth, and she was about to cry.

"Things aren't going well?"

"Yeah." Kong Lian told what happened. At the end, he said angrily: "It's all because of that bitch Ren Ran. If it weren't for the menu she gave, things wouldn't have developed to that point. Mom, I’m at odds with her.”

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