"Mom, what do you think I should do? Now only a few people are grateful to me, but most people don't buy it, and many people even think it's Ren Ran's credit."

After she finished speaking, she found that her mother had not responded, and she couldn't help but urge her.

"Mom, why don't you say anything?"

"What do you want me to say, say you are stupid, or say you are petty? What did I tell you before? I said I would spend money, so I spent it. But what did you do? In order to save that little money, you left a handle for manipulation."

Ruan Fengru suddenly realized that her daughter had not experienced enough.

"You should have asked the hotel to seal up all the reserved top ingredients. If you can't do it, you should tell everyone in advance, or prepare enough to deal with emergencies. Or use other means, such as lottery, to put those top ingredients in the open."

"Look at yourself, what did you do? A good hand of cards, let you play like this." Ruan Fengru's voice was full of anger.

Kong Lian hasn't felt her mother's anger for many years.

"Mom, I was wrong. I shouldn't put myself in a passive position just to save money."

"Stupid!" Ruan Fengru was very angry.

Losing the big for the small!

In order to fill the hole of her gambling, she put all her savings of many years into it. I thought that after contacting people and things were settled, I would let her handle some small things to exercise her ability, but I didn't expect that she was not worthy of being reused.

If she didn't look like me, I couldn't help but wonder if I had taken the wrong child.

Not only did they waste this money, but they also got into trouble.

They became the scapegoat and didn't get any benefits.

"Mom, what should we do now? How can we turn the situation around?"

"Don't do anything now, and talk about it after you come back."


When it was afternoon, everyone happily took the cruise ship back to the city, only one person had a smile on his face, but his mouth was like he had eaten Huanglian, and he had a lot of pain.

At the exit of the pier, a Cullinan was parked by the pier, and an old butler stood in front of the car, looking at the exit.

Kong Lian and her group walked at the front. Hu Xiyue saw the Cullinan and tugged at her sleeve.

"Kong Lian, is your housekeeper here to pick you up?"

"Hey, they changed the car this time." Tan Jia's eyesight was better than Hu Xiyue's and she saw the difference.

Kong Lian was about to say no when she heard Zhao Yi's voice from behind.

"That Cullinan is great. I wonder how it feels to sit in it."

"I'll take you for a ride."

The four walked past them and headed for the Cullinan.

Hu Xiyue realized that she had made a mistake and timidly glanced at Kong Lian. Seeing that she was not angry, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It just so happened that the nanny car that Ruan Fengru arranged for her was parked next to the Cullinan.

"Miss Kong." The driver shouted enthusiastically when he saw Kong Lian.

Kong Lian looked at the Lexus nanny car. Although it cost more than two million yuan, it was not at the same level as the Cullinan.

"The driver is here to pick me up. I'll go back first."

"Okay, bye."

Several people waved goodbye to her.

Kong Lianyi got into the car, and her face instantly darkened, especially when she saw the people next to her happily getting into the Cullinan. She yelled to the driver in frustration: "Drive."

The driver was stunned, not knowing how he had offended her, but adhering to the principle that the customer is God, he drove away without saying a word.

A few minutes later, the Cullinan drove past their car. Under the half-dropped window, she didn't know if it was her illusion, but she saw Ren Ran smiling at her. There was a hint of provocation in that smile, no, it was more like a mockery.

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