Ren Ran resisted the urge to grab her hand and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

That night, Ren Ran did not go back to the mountainside villa, but went directly back to the Xishan Villa where they had stayed before.

She went directly upstairs to her mother's cloakroom, opened one of the drawers and rummaged around, but did not find the watch. She continued to look through other drawers, which contained various expensive watches and jewelry, but she couldn't find the one she was looking for.

She dialed Ren Suya's number and said, "Mom, what's the password to your safe?"

Although Ren Suya felt confused, she didn't hesitate and said the password directly.

She opened the safe, but there was still nothing inside.

"Mom, I remember your Patek Philippe diamond watch full of diamonds. I accidentally scratched a mark on it. Do you still remember that watch?"

Ren Suya hadn't thought of it at first, but after she reminded her, she immediately thought of it.

"I know. What's wrong?"

"Do you know where that watch is?"

"Just put it in the drawer, look for it carefully."

"I've searched them all, but I haven't seen them." Ren Ran looked around the cloakroom, but there was no such watch at all.

"How could it be?!" Ren Suya was confused. After a while, she suddenly thought of something, "Oh, I remembered it. Your dad gave that watch to a customer. I remember your dad said that the customer liked the watch very much. , he just does what he likes.”

As she spoke, Ren Suya's voice became lower and lower, and she slowly thought of something.

"Of course, is that watch in the hands of the mother and daughter?"


After receiving her daughter's answer, Ren Suya's hand holding the phone tightened unconsciously.

"She wore it to school and I saw the scratch and wanted to make sure."

"Okay, so good!"

He could hear her mother's anger, and Ren Ran hurriedly comforted her, "Mom, don't be angry, it's just a watch, it's not worth it. We'll let them eat it and spit it out how they want. No, I'll let them spit it out twice as much."

When she returned to the mountainside villa, Aunt Li saw her coming back and hurriedly stepped forward to remind her, "Little miss, the miss is in a very bad mood."

"I see."

Ren Ran took out the fruit from the refrigerator, squeezed a glass of juice for his mother, and went upstairs with the freshly squeezed juice.


Ren Suya turned around.

He noticed that the circles under his mother's eyes were red, and knew that she was sad and sad about Kong Liji's betrayal.

"Mom, everything will be fine."

Ren Suya hugged her daughter, "Of course, it's not worth it for my mother, not for him, but for myself. It's not worth my twenty years of hard work."

"I see."

She naturally knew that this feeling could not be let go overnight. She was not like this in her previous life. She could not accept the fact that her father betrayed the family and did not love them.

The mother's relationship of more than 20 years, and the father-daughter relationship of more than ten years cannot be abandoned. If it is so free and easy, it can only be said that that person has no emotions.

If disappointment accumulates too much, love and past affection will be wiped out bit by bit. Once it is completely wiped out one day, it will no longer be able to hurt it in the slightest.

The experiences she had experienced in her previous life were enough to completely wipe out the relationship between father and daughter for more than ten years. The various unbearable things she experienced had long since turned the family relationship into hatred.

She only had hatred for him, without any affection.

After comforting his mother, Renran pushed open his grandfather's study.

"Ran Ran."

Ren Hongru invited her to sit down and poured her a cup of tea.

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