"Grandpa, I just remembered something, something we overlooked."

When you look at a person with malice or a calm enough mind, many details that were ignored and not cared about in the previous life will become clues.

Ren Hongru did not speak, motioning her to continue.

"I remember that after he first entered the company, he often gave gifts to people in order to gain a foothold in the company. I suspect that he was transferring property under the guise of giving gifts."

Maybe it was really giving gifts at the beginning, but it is hard to say whether it was true later.

Ren Hongru smiled, seeing that she was very satisfied in her eyes, he took out a document from the drawer, handed it to her, and motioned her to take a look.

Ren Ran took it and flipped through it. His pupils widened instantly, and he raised his head to look at his grandfather.

"This document was delivered to me half an hour ago."

After Ren Ran read it carefully, his blood pressure rose in anger, but it was quickly suppressed.

"He is really greedy."

Just as she thought before, Kong Liji did things honestly at the beginning and did not dare to make any moves at all. After all, at that time, grandpa was always watching him. Even if he had hundreds of courage, he would not dare to disobey.

It was not until grandpa began to trust him and accept him that he dared to transfer assets in a small range, from hundreds of thousands of things at the beginning, gradually to millions, and even tens of millions of company resources.

Put the jewelry in the auction house, and then bid for it himself, and pour the money of the Ren family into his pocket naturally. The things went through the open road and were delivered to the customers who flattered him.

Just for this one, it was enough for him to eat several years of jail food.

"The body of the venomous snake has been fully exposed, but you must be careful of its final counterattack. Don't act rashly before the venom in its mouth is completely removed. His death is not a pity, but you are precious. I would rather spend more time than give him a chance to resist." Ren Hongru said earnestly.

"Yes." Ren Ran wrote down her grandfather's words.

"Remember, no matter how much you hate or how uncomfortable you feel, you have to endure. A little impatience will ruin a big plan."

"Yes. Grandpa, you should take a rest and don't work too late."

"Grandpa knows."

After coming out of the study, Ren Ran breathed a sigh of relief, knowing clearly that her grandfather had penetrated deeper than she did, and she felt relieved.

The anniversary celebration of Haishi No. 1 Middle School arrived as expected in the expectation of the students. A row of spirited young pioneers stood at the school gate to welcome the guests, and vehicles came and went in an endless stream.

Ren Ran happened to meet Zhao Yi at the school gate, and the two returned to school together.

As soon as she walked to the entrance of the teaching building, she saw Kong Lian, who was wearing a dress and surrounded by stars.

Kong Lian stood on the steps, looking down at her, with a smile on her face, a proud smile that pressed her under his feet.

Ren Ran stepped forward, "Kong Lian, your father is so important, he will definitely come on such an important day, right?"

"My father is busy with work and has no time. Besides, it's just a speech on behalf of all the students. I have often been on stage since I was a child, so my father is no longer a surprise."

Show off, naked show off.

Ren Ran looked at her in surprise, "Your father came to Haishi, don't you know?"

Instantly, Kong Lian's face turned pale, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, Ren Ran chuckled, "Haha, I was kidding you, you are really not easy to tease."

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