
Kong Lian's face turned blue and white, showing that he was very angry.

Zhao Yi followed up and said, "Are you afraid that your father will come, or are you guilty because you know that your father will definitely not come?"

Before Kong Lian could answer, Guo Tongwen gave the perfect answer, "There's no need to ask. You can tell by looking at her face that her father will definitely not come. If he really values ​​her, how could he not come."

Lin Xiaoyi then added, "Hey, can illegitimate daughters be treated the same as legitimate daughters? After all, illegitimate daughters cannot be seen in the light."

The four people crowded around like a dragon, making her face twisted with anger, and her eyes looking at them seemed to be quenched with poison.

Lin Xiaoyi's last words were like a knife stabbing her heart.

This was what she hated and cared about the most in her life.

Hu Xiyue stood up and said, "Don't go too far."

"Be a good person and have some moral integrity." Ji Qing followed suit.

Look at the words of these people's words of support. First, they did not refute the illegitimate daughter, and second, they did not dare to confront their 'slander'. This is enough to explain everything.

In fact, everyone knows who she is, but no one has revealed it.

Kong Lian also realized this, ignored them, and left directly.

Hu Xiyue and others immediately followed.

Lin Xiaoyi and others dared to look down on her, but they didn't. This is not because she doesn't dare to give them gifts on weekdays. The real reason is that several of their parents were promoted by the company at work, and even some of their parents had Kong Lian helping them out.

The lifeblood of their parents' work and the family's financial resources depended on Kong Lian. They had unknowingly transformed from their former little followers into unconditional helpers.

In the school auditorium, the leaders of the school and outstanding graduating students sit in the front row, and teachers of various subjects sit in the back. The students are divided into positions according to their exclusion.

Ren Ran's class happened to be sitting in the middle and front.

Zhao Yi and others followed Ren Ran and sat in the middle, which was the best place to watch the movie.

The opening remarks were the same as before, and the students in the audience were drowsy.

"When will it end? I can't wait to watch the show." Guo Tongwen muttered dissatisfiedly.

"It's still early! That little green tea lady Kong Lian hasn't even come on stage yet. After she comes on stage and finishes her speech, it's almost time to start."

"Mom, we have to wait at least half an hour."

"I don't think I can stand it for half an hour. Just wait."

Zhao Yi turned his head and saw that she was listening with great interest, "Ranran, why do you feel so interested in the speech?"

"Actually, the speech was very interesting."

What she wanted more to say was that the speech would be interesting later.

When the host invited the student representative Kong Lian to come on stage, the students in the audience suddenly became energetic, because after this, the performance would begin immediately.

"I hope senior sister won't push Lai Lai for too long."

"I believe senior sister understands us."

The lower grade students in the audience looked at Kong Lian expectantly.

Kong Lian stood on the stage, watching countless pairs of eyes in the audience focusing on him, straightening his chest, walking to the podium, adjusting the microphone, with a confident smile on his face, "Dear leaders and teachers, Dear classmates, hello everyone! I am Kong Lian from Class 1, Grade 3. I am honored to be standing there today, not only on behalf of myself, but also on behalf of our entire class..."

Suddenly, the microphone went silent and her voice disappeared from the stereo.

Kong Lian was slightly startled, what's going on? !

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