Kong Lian's hands were shaking slightly uncontrollably, and she tried hard to keep a smile.

Ren Ran is very calm. He lost the election last time. Even if he loses the election this time, he will not be criticized.

Teacher Zhao did not announce it directly, but said something.

"I know that students are very concerned about the results of this exam, but the teacher would like to say that no matter what the results of this Mathematical Olympiad are, I hope students will not jump to conclusions and criticize other students just because of one result."

"This time, the provincial Mathematical Olympiad champion is still there."

Zhao Yi immediately asked: "Teacher, what about Kong Lian? Where is she ranked?"

"Yes, yes, did she advance?" Guo Tongwen asked.

Teacher Zhao sighed, "Kong Lian, you won't be able to advance to the national finals this time."

He only said that he didn't advance, but he didn't say the specific rank, and there was no need to say.

In fact, to announce results, you can just call the students who participated in the competition privately and say it in front of the parties concerned. However, the vice principal last time told us to announce it in front of all the students, in order to increase the cohesion of the class and the sense of belonging to the school. , let the students feel proud and other reasons.

In his opinion, these reasons were nothing but bullshit, but he had no choice but to obey the vice-principal's orders.

At this moment, someone had announced the rankings of this Mathematical Olympiad competition on the campus network.

"Wow wow wow wow!" Ding Chong whistled, "I saw the promotion list."

As soon as these words came out, others understood it instantly, and many people secretly checked their phones.

After everyone read it, everyone was shocked and looked at Kong Lian.

"Damn it, only seventh place."

"Isn't the previous championship a little too watery? I fell directly from first to seventh."

"It's too exaggerated to drop from first place to seventh place!"

"Do you think this is an exaggeration? Ren Ran went from eliminating members to becoming the champion. This is more interesting."

"Do you still remember that I heard that recording in the auditorium before? There was silence in it. It was said to be the names of two people."

"Let me go, maybe one of them is Ren Ran."

"Looking at these results, there is a high probability that it is her."

"I heard that the mastermind behind the scenes has not been found yet."

"Who do you think is behind this?"

"Whoever benefited last time must be it." Guo Tongwen said loudly, loud enough for everyone in the classroom to hear clearly.

Everyone looked at Kong Lian with blank eyes, making her feel on pins and needles.

Hu Xiyue said: "Retaking the exam is an opportunity for those who have failed, and they have a relaxed mentality. If you are happy, if you are not, it is no fault. But for those who have been selected, it is not that easy. They must bear the double burden. The pressure and mental imbalance will inevitably affect the performance.”

Following Hu Xiyue's words, Kong Lian's face looked a little better.

Ji Qing followed up and said, "Kong Lian is not the only person who failed to advance this time. Don't just slap the shit on someone's head."

Zhao Yi chuckled softly, "Why don't we see the other three promotion candidates having an unbalanced mentality? What does this mean? It means that they have real materials and can still secure their position after several more attempts. However, they are some people's champions. This is a big deal. to the Pacific Ocean.”

"That's right, the other person you mentioned who didn't advance is ranked sixth, just one place behind."

Teacher Zhao looked at the classroom that looked like a vegetable market with a sullen face, "Quiet, quiet!"

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