Teacher Zhao looked at the culprit Ding Chong, "Ding Chong, hand over your cell phone."

"Teacher, I don't have a mobile phone."

Teacher Zhao didn't tolerate him, so he walked directly to his seat and found his mobile phone from the middle of the book.

"And you guys, take out your cell phones."

Anyone who is targeted by Teacher Zhao will obediently hand over their mobile phones regardless of their unwillingness.

After Lao Zhao interrupted, the matter about Kong Lian was put on hold for the time being. No one discussed it anymore. What should be studied and what should be done.

It was quiet in class, but everything went as usual after class. Rumors were spread not only among Class 1, Grade 3, but also among the entire grade, and even among teachers and students throughout the school.

Kong Lian once again became famous in this dishonorable form.

She didn't dare to go home. Even if she didn't want to go home, she would eventually have to face her mother's accusations.

"Mom." Kong Lian called out timidly as soon as he entered the house.

Ruan Fengru didn't look up, "There is bird's nest stew in the kitchen, let's go drink it."


She drank the bird's nest uneasily, glancing at her mother from time to time, feeling uneasy.

Five minutes later, Ruan Fengru said, "Have you finished drinking?"


Before Ruan Fengru spoke, she admitted her mistake first, "Mom, I was wrong. It was my unstable mentality that led to this failure. Mom, I will never do it again next time."

Seeing her daughter's fear, Ruan Fengru said in a soft voice, "It's not your fault, it's because I didn't arrange it well."

If she is immature, it is normal for her to fail, but her mother's intelligence seems to her to be more powerful than her father's, but her mother still failed to succeed.

Kong Lian thought of a possibility.

"Mom, she's so lucky. I feel like no matter what we do, we can't succeed."

Not only was it unsuccessful, it actually made her reputation become so bad.

Not only Kong Lian thought of this, Ruan Fengru also thought of this.

If her daughter's fate were completely different from hers, then mother and daughter would no longer have to rely on others to live their lives.

Instead of being afraid, Ruan Fengru became more determined to take away Ren Ran's fate.

"What you said makes sense. I will ask the expert tomorrow how to solve this matter."

If her luck does not decline sharply, their actions will be hampered at every turn.

"You have a good rest and try to beat her in the next monthly exam."


Seeing that his mother did not punish him, Kong Lian breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, Ruan Fengru called Gao Ren, but no one answered the call.

From morning to afternoon, calls will be made every other time period.

Finally in the evening, there was a response from the other end of the phone.


Before Ruan Fengru could speak, a deep voice came from the other end of the phone, and three words directly stated that they were facing an embarrassing situation.

"Master, the opponent's luck is too strong. No matter what we do here, we can always turn the opponent's misfortune into good fortune."

"Has the spell been put on?"

"Already released."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Ruan Fengru did not dare to make a sound.

After a few minutes, the call finally came back.

"In a few days, I will ask someone to send a few more talisman papers. You can find a way to put these talisman papers in a private place such as the bedroom where they live every day. If you can let them carry the talisman papers with them, the effect will be will be better."

"Thank you, Master." Ruan Fengru thanked her repeatedly, "I will call you the fee later."

"Yes." The person on the other end responded coldly and hung up the phone directly.

Instead of being angry, Ruan Fengru immediately transferred five million to the other party's account.

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