The salesperson responded and informed the colleague in charge of Suya.

After learning the situation, the salesperson walked up to Ren Suya, bent down, and asked in a low voice, "Mrs. Ren, a friend wants to see you."


"Ms. Ruan Fengru."

Suddenly hearing this name, the mother and daughter looked at each other.

"You go out first."


The salesperson left the room.

"Ranran, why did she suddenly want to see me?" Ren Suya asked her daughter subconsciously.

"Mom, no matter what she wants to do, just treat it as your first meeting. Ruan Fengru is not a simple person. Women's minds are more delicate than men, so just treat it as the first reunion of good friends."

"Yeah." Ren Suya kept nodding, but she was afraid of being exposed, "Or, let's forget it?"

Ren Ran shook her head, "Mom, if you refuse now, she will be suspicious. You had a good relationship in college, and you haven't been in touch for many years. If you don't meet her suddenly, it will be suspicious."

She didn't say one thing, she felt that Ruan Fengru was more difficult to deal with than her father.

"Meet once, don't stay too long, I will pull you away at the right time."


At the same time, Ruan Fengru and her daughter also sent the salesperson away, leaving them alone.

"Mom, why do you suddenly want to meet them?"

Seeing that her daughter didn't understand her intentions, Ruan Fengru was a little worried about her IQ, and said patiently: "You took the wrong road before."

"Hmm?" Kong Lian was puzzled.

"Become good friends with Ren Ran, and then you will have more chances to kill her. Do you understand?"

Kong Lian nodded.

"This time you must find the right opportunity and try to kill her in one go."

Send your daughter to her first, and then make a move.

After they discussed it, they got the news from the salesperson. The salesperson took the mother and daughter directly into the VVIP room.

As soon as they stepped into the VVIP room, the mother and daughter felt the luxury here, which was much simpler than their VIP room.

Ruan Fengru looked normal, but the jealousy that flashed across Kong Lian's face was so clear. Although it was only for a moment, it was still noticed by Ren Ran and her daughter.

Kong Lian is a young person after all, and she is not as experienced as her mother.

"Fengru, it's really you! I just heard the salesperson say that, and I thought I heard it wrong." Ren Suya came forward in surprise and hugged Ruan Fengru.

Ren Ran was angry and amused when she saw her mother like this.

She was worried that her mother couldn't handle it before, but she didn't know that she would bring her such a big surprise.

Worrying in vain!

Ruan Fengru responded enthusiastically, "I just heard that you are here, isn't it a coincidence? We haven't seen each other for many years, right?"

"Yes, since you graduated from college and went abroad, I haven't seen you. When did you return to China?" Ren Suya naturally pulled her aside to sit.

"I just returned to China some time ago and dealt with some things in China. I'm done with my work recently, so I came to accompany my daughter." At this point, Ruan Fengru called Kong Lian forward.

"Suya, this is my daughter, Lianlian. Lianlian, call me Aunt Ren."

"Aunt Ren." Kong Lian called obediently.

Ren Suya smiled and looked up and down at Kong Lian. This was the first time she looked at her husband's illegitimate daughter so closely.

She held back the nausea in her heart and said with a smile, "She is so beautiful. Fengru, I didn't expect your daughter to be so big. Ranran, come here."

Ren Ran smiled and stepped forward, her eyes fell on Ruan Fengru, the hatred hidden in her body was constantly surging, but she tried her best to restrain it.

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