In the eyes of outsiders, they met for the first time. Only she knew how long she had known her, long enough for her to hate her and want to eat her flesh, drink her blood, pull out her tendons, and grind her bones to ashes.

If Kong Liji is a jackal, she is a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, who will jump out and bite you at any time, making you feel miserable.

Back then, she knew about her mother's existence from other people, deliberately approached her, and then persuaded her boyfriend Kong Liji to set up a big chess game.

She once approached her and wanted to ask her why she did this, whether there was a blood feud between them, so she was so deliberate to destroy their family.

At that time, Ruan Fengru looked down at her from a high position, and said a few words lightly in the tone of a winner.

"I just want to see what it feels like to step on the high and mighty and play with them."

"You young people often say, how can your ten years of hard study be worth the efforts of three generations of others? Look, I did it."

"Your Ren family, I will accept it with pleasure."

Ruan Fengru squatted down and gently patted her face, "Little girl, if there is a next life, remember to grow your brain. You are useless even if you are given a good family background. You and your love-brained mother are useless, so you should give up your position and let capable people take control. Do you think I am right?"

Ren Ran retracted his thoughts, walked forward, and smiled at this long-lost opponent, no, more accurately, the enemy.

In her eyes, she and her mother were both flower buds in the greenhouse, who knew nothing and were very easy to fool.

Her mother was played in the palm of her hand by her and her father, and she was deceived and bewitched by her father who thought he loved her deeply since she was a child.

When they completely controlled everything, they showed their fangs and revealed their ugly true face.

Ren Ran regained his composure, with a polite smile on his face, "Auntie Ruan, hello."

"Is this your child with your senior? I didn't expect it to grow up so big in the blink of an eye." Ruan Fengru looked at her lovingly.

As she spoke, she took out a box from her bag and handed it to Ren Ran.

"Your mother and I are good friends. I am not prepared for the first time to meet a child. Don't be disgusted by it."

Ren Ran glanced at Ren Suya, and after getting her affirmation, he took the gift, "Thank you."

"They are all our children. Don't be polite to Auntie. You can tell Auntie what you want." Ruan Fengru's enthusiasm was as if she loved her as her own daughter.

Ren Suya looked at Kong Lian, "Lianlian, you can choose whatever you like."

She called the salesperson and asked her to take the booklet and let her choose at will.

After seeing the many jewels in the booklet, Kong Lian's eyes lit up. She tried her best to restrain her impulse and chose the cheapest bracelet worth 50,000 yuan very conservatively and low-key.

"Choose more." Ren Suya said generously.

"Auntie, no need." Kong Lian spoke softly, looking like a girl who is easy to get along with.

"How old are you this year?" Ren Suya asked.

"18 years old."

Ren Suya was surprised, "Oh, the same age as our Ranran. What month were you born?"

"Born in March."

"That means she is two months older than our Ranran." As soon as Ren Suya finished speaking, she seemed to think of something and looked at Ruan Fengru with a slightly surprised look.

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