What should I do if someone takes away my fate? I will just kill her.

Chapter 74: Every sentence hits the nail on the head

"Feng Ru, you suddenly went abroad that year and didn't have time to attend our wedding. Was it because you were pregnant?" Ren Suya poked her lungs in front of her like an idiot who had never experienced the world.

Ruan Fengru's face was not angry, but she had an awkward smile.

"Who is the father of the child? Is it the boyfriend you had before?" Ren Suya asked anxiously, with a look of concern, "Are you married now? Is he good to you? If he is not good to you, I will help you."

Ren Ran wanted to laugh when he heard his mother poking other people's lungs, but he could only hold it in.

Kong Lian was very angry when she saw her mother being insulted, but she didn't dare to move.

"Suya, this is not a place to talk. Let's go to the club next door and have a good gathering." Ruan Fengru didn't want to talk about her private affairs in front of outsiders, so she changed the subject directly.

"Okay." Ren Suya nodded repeatedly.

Both parties took their daughter to the club next door. As soon as they entered the club, the manager immediately came forward to greet them.

"Mrs. Ren, you're here. Are you still going to your private room?"


The manager led the group into the private room.

After the group sat down, Ren Suya handed the menu to Ruan Fengru and her daughter, "What do you want to eat? Order it yourself."

Ruan Fengru directly ordered a pot of tea, and Kong Lian ordered a portion of milk.

Seeing that the mother and daughter ordered those two things, she smiled and said, "Fengru, you are still the same, you like to save money for me. Manager Wang, serve one portion as usual, and give the two little ones a bowl of bird's nest."

When the waiter delivered everything, there were only two pairs of mothers and daughters in the private room, each with their own thoughts.

"Fengru, is your husband Qin Xiao?" Ren Suya continued to ask the previous question.

Without waiting for Ruan Fengru to speak, Ren Ran nudged her with his elbow, "Mom."

Ren Suya looked at her daughter with a puzzled look, "What's wrong?"

Ren Ran almost applauded her mother's acting skills, "Mom, that's my classmate, Kong Lian."

She pointed at the person sitting next to Ruan Fengru and said.

Ren Suya looked at the mother and daughter in surprise, "Fengru, you, you..."

The word "mistress" almost came out of her mouth, but she finally held it back. However, the expression of hesitation and shock was more hurtful than saying those two words directly.

Ruan Fengru looked embarrassed, but fortunately she could hold it back, but Kong Lian couldn't stand it. Her face was gloomy, and her eyes turned cold when she looked at Ren Suya.

Ren Suya seemed to have not noticed the abnormality between the mother and daughter. She stepped forward enthusiastically and held Ruan Fengru's hand, feeling distressed and sad. "Fengru, what happened before? How did you stay with Kong Mingcheng? Kong Mingcheng is a generation older than us, and his wife is not someone who can be easily messed with. You have suffered these years... Hey, you have suffered."

"I know you are not that kind of person. What happened back then?"

Seeing that she was determined to get to the bottom of it, Ruan Fengru lowered her head in depression, her voice sad, "I was working part-time outside and once I met him when he was drunk, and then he, he... Afterwards he sobered up, apologized to me, and gave me some money."

"Two months later, I found out that I was pregnant. At that time, my mind was blank, and the only idea was to find him to find a way. He asked me to give birth... My relationship with him is not what you think. At best, I am just a woman who gave birth to his child."

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