"He just supports me. Fortunately, she treats Lianlian well. You also know that his wife is very powerful, so he didn't dare to let her know about the child Lianlian, which can be regarded as a kind of protection for Lianlian."

"I didn't dare to contact you all these years because I was afraid that you would look down on me and feel ashamed to have a friend like me. I was too timid and didn't dare to face the people and things in the past, so I kept hiding abroad."

"If he hadn't wanted Lianlian and asked her to come back in the past two years, I'm afraid I wouldn't have returned to China." Ruan Fengru said this sincerely. Although she was obviously talking nonsense, the emotions she brought in were easy to convince people.

"Suya, I hope you can keep it a secret for me and don't let others know about this."

Before Ren Suya spoke, Ren Ran said first: "Aunt Ruan, but your daughter is very high-profile in school. I don't know when the news spread. Everyone in our school knows that she is the daughter of Kong Mingcheng."

Ruan Fengru was stunned and turned her head to look at Kong Lian, "Is what Ranran said true?"

"Mom, I..."


Ruan Fengru slapped her in the face.

Ren Suya and Ren Ran were enjoying the show. She didn't want to stop them, but in order to continue the show, she had to stop them, "Feng Ru, what are you doing?"

"She is so disappointing."

Ren Ran quickly joined the persuasion army, "Aunt Ruan, Kong Lian is very good, and her academic performance is always among the best. If she is still disappointing, how can she live if other classmates know about it. If my father is Kong Mingcheng, I can't help showing off. Aunt Ruan, don't blame Kong Lian."

There is no difference between persuading and not persuading.

Ren Suya followed up, "Yes. It's normal for children to like their fathers. No child doesn't like their father, unless the father is not a good thing. Kong Mingcheng is a good father, and Lianlian said it outside, which is human nature."

After repeated persuasion by the two of them, Ruan Fengru's expression finally softened.

She looked at Ren Ran, "Ran Ran, Auntie can see that you are a capable child. Lian Lian just transferred to a new school and doesn't understand many things. Auntie hopes you can take good care of her in school."

Ren Ran smiled and responded, "Auntie Ruan, don't worry. Since you and my mother are friends, then Kong Lian and I are naturally friends too. I will definitely take good care of her in school."

In her previous life, Kong Lian took a lot of effort to make herself accept her as a friend, and finally let her have the opportunity to give herself a fatal blow.

In this life, she didn't have any misfortune. She changed her path, but unfortunately every path was blocked by her, and finally the two became opposites.

Now they are planning to take the path of a lifetime again, preparing to build a good relationship first, let themselves relax their vigilance, and then kill them with one blow.

They know that even if Kong Lian starts to please her deliberately now, she will not accept it, so they want to let each other intersect through the line of their mother.

Unfortunately, their wishful thinking was wrong.

No, that's not right!

Ruan Fengru couldn't just jump out so easily.

In her previous life, she did not move from behind the scenes to the public until her grandparents passed away.

In this life, she jumped to the front so quickly, just to hook up with Ren Suya and pave the way for Kong Lian?

Would she do something with such a low return rate?

The answer is obviously not.

She must have a deeper plan, but she can't think of what she will do for the time being.

After all, the current development is completely different from the previous life.

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