Although it is hard to guess what Ruan Fengru's next move will be, as long as you understand one thing, the other party has bad intentions.

Now we should remain unchanged in the face of all changes.

Ruan Fengru was very happy to hear her agree, "Lianlian, you should get to know Ranran more in the future."

She turned her head and looked at Ren Suya again, "Suya, it's really great that our friendship can continue to the next generation. I hope we can be together forever in the future."

"Yes." Ren Suya endured the nausea in her heart and agreed with a smile on her face.

The two talked about the things in the past college. Kong Lian and Ren Ran listened obediently and watched them talk happily.

An hour later, the two sides reluctantly separated.

On the way back, the smiles on their faces disappeared tacitly.

"Mom, is that woman stupid? Can she speak?" Kong Lian wanted to say something to her several times.

"Every time she speaks, she speaks so badly."

Kong Lian chattered there, not noticing that Ruan Fengru's face had become extremely bad.

What she couldn't stand the most was Ren Suya's innocent look, always thinking she was superior to others.

Since Kong Liji married Ren Suya, she hadn't felt that gap for a long time. When she suddenly saw Ren Suya today, the inferiority and jealousy in her heart surged up again.

"Mom, when will Dad bring us to the public?"

She was really tired of hiding behind.

"If you can't speak, shut up."

The mother's cold voice scared Kong Lian so much that she didn't dare to speak again and shut up timidly.

On the other side, Ren Suya and her daughter were also talking about them.

"Ranran, what do you think she means by this?"

"I don't know, but it's very likely that she wants to go down the old path of a lifetime, make friends with me, and then give me a fatal blow after I trust her, so as to ruin my mood. This is one of them."

"They must have another purpose, but I can't think of what it is for the time being."

Ren Suya is not good at these intrigues, but she knows one thing, this mother and daughter definitely have bad intentions.

"Mom, when she comes to see you next time, you must be careful and don't fall into her trap."


"It's best to meet her in a place you are familiar with and where there are many people." Ren Ran reminded again.

"Mom will protect herself."

Kong Liji, who was far away in Beicheng, was so scared that he secretly returned to Haishi as soon as he learned that Ruan Fengru had met Ren Suya.

"What do you want to do?" Kong Liji's face was gloomy and terrifying, "Didn't I tell you that you must not appear in front of her before you get the Yaxing Group."

Ruan Fengru was wronged and silently endured his anger.

After Kong Liji yelled for a long time, he questioned, "If you can't give me a reasonable reason today, I will arrange for you to go abroad."

"Dad, Mom did this for a reason." Kong Lian couldn't bear to see his father blaming his mother, so he spoke up.

"You get out." Kong Liji looked at her coldly.

Kong Lian wanted to say something, but noticed that his mother winked at him, so he had to leave obediently.

The two went to the study and closed the door.

"Tell me, what's the reason?"

He sat on the leather sofa and looked at the woman in front of him coldly.

In front of Yaxing Group, anyone who stood in his way had to stand aside, including his childhood sweetheart Ruan Fengru.

"Li Ji, have you ever thought about why Lianlian always set up traps for Ren Ran, but she always managed to turn danger into safety?"

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