"Before doing something, you didn't think everything through. As a mother, you don't know how to check for her. You let a teenage girl make her own decision. You are not using our decades of hard work to fool around." Kong Li Ji said coldly.

Kong Liji had long been dissatisfied with what the two of them had done.

Ruan Fengru felt chilled when she heard what she said, but it was what she expected.

During these few interactions, she could clearly feel Kong Liji's dissatisfaction with her.

She did not argue with him on this matter, and said in an unhurried voice: "I asked the master a few days ago, and the master told me that there are two reasons. The first one is that Ren Ran's luck is too strong. Let her turn disaster into good luck every time. Second, the talisman that was placed in the amulet did not work. They should not be wearing it. "

The two reasons just mentioned are complementary to each other and cannot exist without the other.

People with strong luck are destined to be favored by God and are the favorites of the Emperor of Heaven. They can always turn disaster into good fortune in any situation they encounter.

For those of them who are not as lucky as her, if they want to frame them, it will be difficult to succeed. Even if they succeed for a while, they will soon be resolved by them.

The talisman had no effect and did not affect her luck. It disrupted her luck and it was difficult for them to succeed.

So the most important thing is the talisman.

Only if the talisman works, and they add fuel to the flames, can they gradually disintegrate her destiny, and then they can steal the sky and change the day.

When she thought about the good luck of that little bitch Ren Ran, she became more and more determined to exchange her fate for her daughter. Only in this way could their family prosper, transcend social classes, and become superiors.

Kong Liji's expression softened, and he probably understood her intention, "What are you going to do?"

Ruan Fengru stepped forward, took out a box from the drawer, opened the wooden box, and found four talismans inside.

When Kong Liji saw the four talismans, his pupils shrank slightly, and he guessed what she was going to do.

"You want me to deliver these charms to them?"

Ruan Fengru shook her head.

She knew his character too well for him to take this risk. Replacing him last time was already his biggest concession. It would be absolutely impossible for him to take action again this time. So how could she ask for trouble this time?

"Tell me your plan."

Ruan Fengru lay next to his ear and whispered: "It's Mr. Ren's birthday soon. As a son-in-law, should you pray for the old couple with your wife and children? This time you don't have to do anything, just take them to the temple, and the rest I will arrange it. This time there is absolutely no need for you to do anything."

Kong Liji did not respond and was silent for a long time. He raised his head and looked at her, "Since you know her, you can definitely find an opportunity to take Ren Suya there. She is a simple person and will believe whatever others say. What's more, back then, she I have such a good relationship with you, I must trust you.”

Sure enough, he didn't want to get involved at all.

Ruan Fengru sighed quietly, "She and I just met, so I brought someone over there. I was afraid that she wouldn't believe it. You are her pillow, so you have an advantage over me."

He held her hand and patted it gently, "I believe in your ability. If you have any other difficulties, you can ask them."

That's what I've been waiting for.

"Last time I wiped my daughter's butt, I spent all the money I had. Now I have to plan for her, this money..."

"I'll transfer five million to you."

five million? !

So little!

Ruan Fengru was disappointed, but with a smile on her face, she naturally put her hands around his neck and said affectionately: "Thank you, husband."

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