In the study on the second floor, Ren Hongru looked at Kong Liji, "You didn't handle the matter just now."

Such straightforwardness made Kong Liji's heart tremble slightly.

He was dissatisfied with himself.

"Dad, she is Suya's sister, I dare not..."

"What are you afraid of? If you are like this, how can I trust you to hand over the group to you?"

"Dad, I was wrong, and I won't make the same mistake again in the future."

"I will announce your taking over the Yaxing Group later."

Kong Liji was ecstatic, and his face could no longer hold back his joy, "Thank you, Dad."

"Do a good job, don't let me down."

"Dad, I will."

After coming out of the study, Kong Liji was radiant, walked with the wind, and smiled when he met people. It was not the kind of polite smile, but a smile from the heart.

Many people noticed his abnormality, and some began to tease him.

"Boss Kong, what good thing happened to you?"

"Nothing, it's my dad's birthday today, I'm happy."

Someone who heard the news came over with a glass of wine to congratulate, "Boss Kong, congratulations in advance."

"No, it's not happening yet."

"Don't hide it."

"Of course! Asia Star Group will be handed over to you later."

When everyone said this, Kong Liji felt relieved, but he didn't dare to relax at all, and he was still humble on the surface, "My father-in-law is still young, I want to learn more under him for a few more years."

"Boss Kong is so humble."

Everyone smiled.

Ren Ran stood on the balcony on the second floor, looking at her father below, who was very proud and like a fish in water, with the corners of her lips raised, and a disdainful chuckle came out of her mouth.

She looked at Kong Lian and her daughter again. They both had excitement on their faces, especially Kong Lian, whose excited expression was about to overflow, but her mother was much more reserved.

She went downstairs and walked towards them.

"Kong Lian, are you very happy today? How did you see your father?"

Kong Lian sneered in her heart.

Ren Ran, laugh now, you won't be able to laugh soon.

"No, but my father will be back soon."

"Oh~~~" Ren Ran responded meaningfully, and then turned to look at Ruan Fengru, "Auntie Ruan, please forgive me for any inadequacy in the hospitality today."

"The banquet was well held! Ran Ran, you are so modest."

After a few hypocritical polite words with them, she stood up and said goodbye.

As soon as she left, Kong Lian made a disdainful "tsk" without any scruples.

Ruan Fengru was in a rare good mood, and did not blame her. She smiled and reminded, "Pay attention to your image."

"I know." She coquettishly circled her mother's hand.

At the end of the banquet, Kong Liji's assistant hurried over with an anxious look on his face.

"Mr. Kong." The assistant hurriedly interrupted Kong Liji's conversation with several CEOs.

Kong Liji was dissatisfied and said to several CEOs, "Sorry, excuse me."

The two walked to the guest rooms upstairs, opened one of the guest rooms and closed the door.

"What happened?"

The assistant ignored his displeasure, "Boss Kong, please read the latest news from Daying."

He handed the phone to him, and the page stayed in the full English interface, with the latest financial news from Daying.

After reading the news, Kong Liji's pupils suddenly contracted.

"Did you contact the other party?"

The assistant shook his head, "I contacted the person in charge of the other party as soon as I saw the news, but I couldn't get in touch. The number showed that it was an empty number. Boss Kong, we may have been deceived."

Kong Liji was like being struck by lightning, and his mind was blank for a moment.


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