He clearly sent people to investigate why this happened.

"How are these companies in Donglin doing?"

It was only when he saw Donglin cooperating with that company that he believed in the company's qualifications.

The assistant was also panicked. After learning about this situation, he immediately checked the situation of several companies in Donglin, and the results he got shocked him.

"Donglin Company had already put down all the money a few days before the accident. They planned to breach the contract and file a lawsuit with the other party. The other two companies were also trapped. Like us, the situation was not optimistic."

At this point, something like this suddenly happened, which was a fatal blow to him.

Once the old guy knows about this, he will definitely not be able to hand over the baton smoothly today.

As long as he hides this matter from today, when everything is settled, even if they find out afterwards, with his understanding of that old thing, he will definitely be able to protect himself.

"Does Director Ren know?"

The assistant shook his head.

"That's good."

The assistant was stunned. He shook his head to mean that he didn't know, not that Director Ren didn't know.

Just as he opened his mouth to explain, he heard Mr. Kong's order, "You must do one thing now to prevent reporters from coming to the door. No matter what, no reporters are allowed to come to the door today. The company has also ordered a seal."

In short, it can be delayed for a while.

After coming out of the guest room on the second floor, the smile on Kong Liji's face was no longer as complacent as before.

He was still chatting happily with the guests, as if nothing had happened.

Everyone was waiting for Ren Hongru to hand over the responsibility of Yaxing Group to Kong Liji. However, no one was waiting. Instead, someone saw Ren Hongru going up to the second floor and did not come down for a long time.

Kong Liji was worried and glanced in the direction of the second floor from time to time.

"This banquet is about to end, why hasn't Director Ren announced it yet?"


"Did something happen?" someone speculated.

"It's impossible! This matter has been arranged a long time ago, not to mention that Director Ren is very satisfied with Mr. Kong."

"That's true! Mr. Kong has performed well in Yaxing Group in recent years."

"I heard that Mr. Kong negotiated a big deal as soon as he was assigned to the Beicheng branch. This method and ability are enough for Director Ren to trust Yaxing Group in his hands."

Kong Liji naturally heard the comments from the guests, and he was also anxious.

He couldn't ask himself, so he couldn't help but look at his wife, walked to her side, and gently reminded, "Suya, do you want to go upstairs and see dad?"

Ren Suya didn't seem to hear his subtext, and said with a smile: "Dad must be busy up there. He will come downstairs when he is done, don't worry."

Don't worry, I don't know whether it's telling him not to worry about things changing, or not to worry about Ren Hongru being fine.

"The guests are waiting."

What you are waiting for is self-evident.

Ren Suya could clearly sense his eagerness. Even if she understood what he meant, she still pretended to be silly and sweet, "Don't worry, dad is measured. You still don't know what kind of character dad is."

Before Kong Liji could speak, he heard her say: "Hurry up and greet the guests, don't stick around me and make people laugh."

Kong Liji felt a suffocation in his chest and couldn't vomit it out.

Kong Liji, who was suffering in his heart, wanted to go upstairs several times, but he resisted.

When he could hardly bear it anymore, Ren Hongru finally appeared.

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