As soon as Ren Hongru appeared, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Kong Liji subconsciously looked at his clothes, and after confirming that they were correct, he began to wait for the most important moment in his life.

Ren Hongru stood on the stage, smiled and said polite words to everyone, and when the topic was about to end, he changed the topic.

"I will announce something here today."

Kong Liji held his breath, and there was a gleam in the depths of his eyes.

Among the guests present, in addition to Kong Liji, Ruan Fengru and her daughter were also extremely excited.

All the guests smiled and waited for the announcement of the handover ceremony of Yaxing Group.

Ren Ran and Ren Suya stood together, and the corner of their eyes kept paying attention to Kong Liji, looking forward to the wonderful moment later.

"Yaxing Group will cooperate with Taiou Group to develop the Lidao Bay project."

The whole audience was in an uproar!

They were not shocked by why Kong Liji did not take charge of Yaxing Group, but that Yaxing Group actually cooperated with Taiou Group to develop the Lidao Bay project. There were rumors about this project before, but it has never been implemented. They are all some groundless news.

Now that the two big companies in Haishi have quietly joined forces to take over, many entrepreneurs present will be stunned.

The stocks of the two companies will surely rise steadily when the market opens tomorrow.

After Ren Hongru announced, he walked off the stage without taking Kong Liji with him, but held Ren Ran's hand and talked with the bigwigs from all sides.


"Mr. Ren, if there are any good projects in the future, you must bring your brother."

"Mr. Ren has done a big thing quietly."

Ren Hongru talked to the bosses around him implicitly, and did not feel complacent about this matter.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten that Kong Liji was in charge of Yaxing Group. The guests present were all smart people, and they probably guessed that something had changed, not to mention that at this time, they did not let Kong Liji follow them, but held Ren Ran's hand instead.

The smile on Kong Liji's face became stiff, and he took several deep breaths before suppressing his unwillingness and anger and putting on a smile on his face again.

Ruan Fengru and her daughter standing in the back were also extremely disappointed and could not accept it.

"Mom, what's going on? Didn't you say that Dad would take over? Why did he suddenly..."

The rest of the words were shut up under the cold gaze of his mother.

"Have you forgotten what I told you?"

You can't talk where you shouldn't talk.

Kong Lian remembered this sentence and her heart trembled.

The banquet was over, and the Ren family sent the guests away one by one.

Ren Hongru and his wife returned to the villa in the middle of the mountain, and Ren Ran's family of three returned to the villa area where they lived.

As soon as he got home, Ren Ran couldn't help but hold his mother's hand. Ren Suya shook her head slightly, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

"Ran Ran, it's late today, you should go to bed early." Kong Liji said in a gentle voice.


Ren Ran pretended to know nothing and went back to his room directly.

As soon as she left, Kong Liji took Ren Suya's hand and went back to the room. As soon as the door was closed, he stopped talking.

Ren Suya pretended not to see it and took off her jewelry.

Kong Liji was very tired when he saw that she ignored him.

She was always like this, only caring about herself, never like Feng Ru, all her thoughts and attention were on him, and she would find out and comfort him as soon as there was anything wrong.

If it wasn't for Yaxing Group, he really didn't want to stay with such a woman.

"Wife, didn't Dad say that he would hand over Yaxing Group to me? Why didn't he say it today?"

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