Ren Suya turned around with disdain in her heart, and looked at him, "Did Dad say that he would hand over the Asia Star Group to you today? How come I didn't know? When did it happen?"

Is this the point? !

Kong Liji concealed his impatience, patiently said, "I said it in the study on the second floor today."

Fearing that she would continue to miss the point, Kong Liji continued: "You said Dad suddenly changed his mind. Did I do something wrong to make him change his mind? Or did someone say something to Dad?"

"Husband, haven't you always felt that work pressure is high and wanted to travel around the world with me? Why are you suddenly so positive about work? If you take over the burden on Dad's shoulders, our world travel will be a long way off." Ren Suya was a little disappointed.

He hurriedly coaxed her, "When Ranran finds a capable husband, we can travel around the world after retirement like our parents. Now my parents are old, especially my father. I have seen him several times... Hey, I want to share more of their burdens so that they can enjoy their old age."

"Husband, you are so nice."

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is what I should do." Kong Liji gently massaged her shoulders, "Dad suddenly changed his mind today, and I am a little worried."

Ren Suya frowned, "Husband, don't worry. I will ask Dad about this matter. Dad only has me as his daughter. I am not good at business, and I still have to rely on you in the end, so you are destined to suffer."

"It doesn't matter if I suffer, as long as you and Ranran are safe and happy little princesses."

When Kong Liji wanted to take further action, Ren Suya directly slapped his hand away.


These three words made Kong Liji breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

On the second day, Kong Liji went to the head office of Yaxing Group. When the employees on the road saw him, they walked hurriedly, and even the greetings were not as intimate as before, with a sense of alienation.

He didn't know whether it was his illusion or he had really changed.

He didn't want to believe that not long after he went to the branch, the people in the head office became like this.

Such changes made him feel uneasy.

"The chairman is in a meeting, Mr. Kong, please stay for a while." Qin Quan's assistant put him in the rest area on the side.

This wait lasted for two hours. During this time period, many people came and went, and everyone would glance at Kong Liji vaguely.

Kong Liji felt an inexplicable irritation in his heart, and couldn't help but pull open his collar a little to make himself more comfortable.

The door of the chairman's office opened, and several company bosses came out one after another. When they saw Kong Liji, they nodded slightly.

After they left, Qin Quan personally led him into the office.

"Sit down!"

Kong Liji understood that this old guy already knew about that matter.

"Dad, I disappoint you." He took the initiative.

Ren Hongru was not surprised at his performance.

"When did you know?"

This question is not easy to answer.

If the answer is that he knew it at the banquet last night, it will definitely disgust him. But... the only person who knows his situation is his trusted assistant, so he is not afraid of him to check.

"I found out after the banquet. It was your birthday yesterday, and I don't want to ruin your mood because of this."

"Yeah." Ren Hongru did not expose his lie, but nodded.

"You don't have to stay at the North City Branch."

Kong Liji's heart tightened, and he had a faint expectation.

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