This is to transfer him back to the head office.

He didn't want to stay in that shabby place of the North City branch for a moment.

Ren Hongru noticed the expectation in his eyes, and there was a kind smile in his wise eyes, "The branch's affairs made several directors very dissatisfied."

Before he opened his mouth to defend himself, Ren Hongru didn't give him a chance.

"There is something, take a look first."

He took out a document from the drawer and handed it to him.

Kong Liji was puzzled, opened the file bag, and flipped through it. The more he looked, the worse his face became. The blood color gradually faded, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Ren Hongru drank tea slowly, but what he thought about in his mind was Ranran repeating everything in his previous life word by word.

He occupied everything in the Ren family, threw Ranran out to fend for herself, and made her suffer so much and suffer so much.

He admired his fear, but this little fear was far less than one ten-thousandth of what Ranran suffered.

Today's fear will be the beginning of his retribution.

Kong Liji put down the documents, "Dad, I was wrong. I wanted to buy jewelry for Suya, and I was obsessed at the time, so I accepted the money. I don't know how the bag I gave to the customer became fake. That family..."

Ren Hongru raised his hand to stop him from continuing, "I called you here today, not to ask you to explain the right and wrong of these things to me. Since this matter has been brought to me, I, as the person in charge of the group, must deal with it."

"Dad, no matter what you do, I accept it unconditionally."

"From today on, you put down all the work at hand and go to other provinces to do research work. I will reappoint you when the storm is over."

Hearing this arrangement, Kong Liji gritted his teeth in hatred.

This is completely kicking him out of the company, which is more disgusting than being exiled to the frontier.

He used to be the general manager of a dignified group, but now he has become an insignificant researcher in another province.

Ren Hongru gently patted him on the shoulder, "Li Ji, this time when you go out, don't let anyone catch you. Although I am a director of the group, I am still under the control of the board of directors. You have to understand my difficulties."

"Dad, I understand."

"It's good that you understand. Go."

Kong Li Ji stood up and left respectfully.

As soon as he stepped out of the office, everyone in the group saw the email notification of Kong Li Ji's dismissal.

Kong Li Ji was holding his personal belongings and waiting for the elevator.

The employee passing by opened his mouth and wanted to call Mr. Kong, but when the words came to his lips, he felt that it was inappropriate, and finally shut up, glanced at him with strange eyes, and left in a hurry.

From upstairs to downstairs, Kong Li Ji received countless strange looks from employees along the way.

These eyes were like sharp knives, stabbing him one by one, making him feel painful and humiliated.

He endured humiliation for so many years, and in the end, he was kicked out of the company because of such a small thing. He was not convinced.

At the same time, as soon as the bell rang, Ren Ran took out her cell phone and walked out of the classroom.

She called Gao Ying back.

"Miss, Mr. Ren has already taken action. He has been kicked out of the company."

Kong Liji was kicked out, which was the first step.

The second step was to start a large-scale cleanup of his people.

In order to find these people, and to avoid causing turmoil in the company after removing them, Ren Hongru made preparations for a long time.

Otherwise, how could they be allowed to jump around for so long.

"Miss, when will we take action here?"

Gao Ying couldn't wait to expose the true face of the little green tea.

"Is Kong Mingcheng back?"

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