"Kong Mingcheng's acquisition in Europe is coming to an end, and he should return to China in the next few days."

Gao Ying has been paying attention to Kong Mingcheng's schedule. There is no way that the young lady must use him in the future. Without him, the play will not be perfect.

"Gao Ying, contact him and invite him to give a speech at Haishi No. 1 Middle School."

Gao Ying knew that the young lady was going to take action.

"Okay, I'll contact him right away. I will confirm the schedule as soon as possible."

"As long as I finish participating in the Mathematical Olympiad in the capital."

Entrepreneurs like Kong Mingcheng will come immediately without their invitation. Their schedules are fully arranged, and they are very respectful to you if they let you jump the queue.


On the other side, Kong Liji returned home as soon as he came out of the company. The villa was empty and his wife was not seen.

"Aunt Li, where is the wife?"

"The wife went to do SPA with her friends."

Kong Liji took out his mobile phone and was about to call her, but his hand suddenly stopped and he opened her circle of friends to check.

Today, I just updated my latest circle of friends. The background is in a high-end SPA. There are two people in the camera, one is Ren Suya and the other is Ruan Fengru.

They seem to be in a good mood.

Kong Liji irritably pulled off his tie, walked to the study, closed the door, and called the confidant in the headquarters.

"Pan Song, is there anything abnormal in the company recently?"

Pan Song stood up, closed the office door, and then spoke, "Mr. Kong, there is nothing abnormal in the company recently. The top is busy with the cooperation with Taiou Group."

"Didn't you hear any news about the cooperation with Taiou Group?"

Pan Song complained, "Mr. Kong, the project was negotiated by the chairman himself, and no more than one person knew about it. We only knew about it after the chairman announced it."

"Apart from this matter, has the company had any personnel transfers?"

Pan Song is the deepest chess piece he arranged in the head office.

On the surface, he is completely incompatible with himself, and everyone regards them as mortal enemies.

No one would have thought that Pan Song is his person.

"No." Pan Song thought for a while, "Boss Kong, your case this time... I heard that it was Director Zhao who was behind it. He joined forces with several directors to put pressure on the chairman."

"Director Zhao?"

It was this old guy again. Since he entered the company, he has always disliked him and opposed him everywhere.

Kong Liji was not worried if he was just against him.

What he was most afraid of was that this matter was led by the old guy Ren Hongru. If it had nothing to do with Ren Hongru, he would not care too much.

"Tell me the first time if there is anything in the company in the future."


After ending the call with Pan Song, Kong Liji contacted several of his people and carefully asked about the company's internal affairs. The conclusion was that everything was calm and there was nothing wrong.

Was it really just his illusion? !

He pondered for a moment, made up his mind, left the study, walked to the wine cellar in the basement, took several bottles of strong liquor, and started drinking.

When Aunt Li came out of the kitchen, she smelled a strong smell of alcohol. Following the smell, she saw Mr. Kong drinking to relieve his sorrow.

What happened?

Aunt Li quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Ren Suya's number.

"Madam, Mr. Kong just came back. He was drinking after he came back, and now he is drunk."

From the moment Aunt Li appeared to the moment she called, Kong Liji was paying attention to the whole process.

She thought he was drunk, but in fact he was very clear-headed.

Confirming that everything was going as he expected, Kong Liji was relieved.

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