At the SPA club, Ren Suya hurriedly put on her clothes.

"Something happened at home, I'll go back first. All the consumption today will be charged to my bill." The latter sentence was said to the technician.

"Feng Ru, let's make an appointment another day."


When the car drove to the door of her house, Ren Suya did not get out of the car immediately, but took two deep breaths, adjusted her mentality, and then opened the car door and entered the house with her bag.

As soon as she stepped into the house, she smelled a strong smell of alcohol. She couldn't help but frowned, endured the nausea and walked in, and saw her husband lying drunk on the ground.

"Li Ji, what are you doing?"

She quickly stepped forward and snatched the bottle of wine from his hand.

"Wine, give me wine."

When he opened his mouth, the smell of alcohol sprayed out, almost suffocating Ren Suya. She restrained and endured, avoiding facing him head-on, the smell was really suffocating.

"What happened?" Kong Liji narrowed his drunken eyes, stuck out his big tongue and cried, "Suya, my father kicked me out of the company. Am I useless?" "Kicked out?!" Ren Suya was surprised, "I'll ask my father." "Don't go." He stretched out his hands to stop her, but his hands were empty and had no strength at all. Ren Suya naturally felt the hypocritical blocking force and disdained it in her heart. If it were in the past, she would only think that he had no strength after drinking and would not think too much. But when the filter of love was removed and the real side was exposed, everything seemed particularly hypocritical and disgusting. Ren Suya dialed Ren Hongru's number under his hope. "Dad, did you remove Li Ji from all his positions?"

"Why did you do that?"

"What did he do wrong? He shouldn't be removed from his position?"

Kong Li Ji listened with his ears erect. He could vaguely hear Ren Hongru's explanation from the phone. He couldn't hear it clearly because of the distance. He only vaguely heard words like "stopgap measures", "explanation", and "training".

"You really didn't lie to me?"

"Okay, I know." When Ren Suya said this, she subconsciously glanced at Kong Li Ji.

Before her voice became smaller and she turned her head, he immediately pretended to be dead, pretending to know nothing, and drank in a daze.

Ren Suya hung up the phone, looking like she wanted to say something but stopped.

Kong Li Ji narrowed his eyes and raised his glass to her, "Wife, have a drink with me."

He clearly saw the reluctance on her face and the awkward look of wanting to say something but not being able to say it, and realized that the word "training" he heard before was correct.

"Don't drink, husband. Dad has his reasons for doing that. It will be fine after a while." Ren Suya explained in a 'clumsy' way.

"Haha, I know my father-in-law doesn't like me, and he has never liked me. Suya, I have been enduring it for you. But now... I have been working diligently in the company for so many years, and I dare not slack off, but the result is..."

"Forget it, forget it, it's better this way, no need to be on guard anymore."

Ren Suya endured the nausea and listened to his instigation. After he had said enough, she said with a distressed face: "Li Ji, actually, actually..."

Seeing that she resisted telling her father-in-law's plan, he knew that it would be useless to continue making trouble.

He simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Ren Suya looked down at this disgusting man, and wanted to kick him in the face.

"Aunt Li, call a few people to take the gentleman upstairs."

The next day, when Kong Liji woke up, there was no one around him. When he went downstairs, he didn't see Ren Suya.

"Where is Madam?"

"Sir, Madam is sending Miss to the airport."


Seeing his confusion, Aunt Li reminded him, "Miss is going to participate in the National Mathematical Olympiad."

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